The German Heinlein 7amily name is comprised of four living generations of firstborn sons .Charles is of The house of Charles of Charlemagne to the House of his father Heinlein > Henry> Heinrich and to the smaller House of his sons Joseph Christian non catholic. House of Heinlein is comprised of three surving sons of Charles. First son being also Charles, second Dennis with two daughters, third little Jon with four daughters of jamaica, son joel deceased and oldest child daughter Doris with a son Christopher and a daughter with a son Andrew. The House of Joseph Ephraim is comprised of sons and daughters of Charles the son of Charles Heinlein and Candace 7aye Murray of Joseph Murray being three children a daughter Queen Miranda Heinlein first son Aaron Heinlein and Charles Joseph Heinlein. Of these three are the great grandchildren of House of Charles Heinlein and House of Joseph Ephriam by birth. first son joseph of Charles joseph and adopted son Joseph to Aaron and seth birth son of Miranda also adopted. the daughters include kaidence to Aaron Heinlein Mercedes Aryana and Bruchlein to Charles Joseph Heinlein. These are fourth generation to Charles and Patricia Heinlein. Should any of these issue prove false by blood the mothers are denied and the children adopted to the fathers. Should any of these other daughters conspire against my sons or 7amily in likeness of UP jew Naomi Ruth or Rachel perl jam looney toons and I find out about it you will find me most unwelcome at your doorstep with God's vengeance in my heart. Miranda had seth before her marriage to her husband who adopted him to keep honor in the family. seth is of mixed heritage to serve some whim of an idiot without 7amily consultation or allthing or council. therefore mother and son are protected through the fathers from the political conivings of the black men. Legally his name monetary wellbeing and responsibility are being provided by her and her family not her son's father or his family. The daughter's name only not the existing family if or when she is married is submissive to her husbands name and family as long as she and child are not being mistreated or harmed in any way.That is the teaching of God and Christ and our conscience to the Holy Spirit.To His rule only we abide not the council of the jews..We thank Him for our children born healthy not deformed or infirmed.
We do not forget the linear branch of Heinlein is Charles' brother Donald with one first son also Donald and any male heir from his line. This does not include made up wikpedia entrys Hollywood actors or comic book science fiction of Anson Robert Peter or Conrad Neither does it give authority to McGregor or made up sub clans of Murray name as they are not Heinleins and we are not followers of the jacobites. We give our prayers of safety to the Christian monarchys blessed by God Himself.This is our bloodline. Donald also has a daughter of his first marriage to his wife also named Patricia who is now deceased. The maternal linear binder line he follows of Ray Junker is not recognized as we are not farmers and have never failed to produce sons. Our sons are entitled to the headship of their family name Heinlein not to be usurped or cut off by a subsequent religion, foreign marriage or to a non producing dry branch maternal line. CandACE7MHeinlein