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Lüftschitz Genealogy and Lüftschitz Family History Information

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About the Lüftschitz surname

My name is Horst Luftschitz, Germany, 77694 Kehl (located at the Rhine-River, across the river is Strasbourg/France located) Street: Im Mättel 33 / I started my family research1988, when I managed an incentive-tour to Budapest. I was an employee of EXXON/ESSO. First I found the tombstone of "Katharina Luftschitz, maiden name "Ehrenzweig"; my great-great-grandmother in Budapest on a Jewish cemetery.

A long, very, very emotional  story started... What I found out: all persons I found in  nearly each continent/country with the name "Luftschitz or Lüftschitz or "Lüftschütz" had their roots in the district of Tabor/Czech Republic, mainly round Jung Woschitz/ Mlada Vozice or later in the whole Austrian-Hungarian empire. I am 100 % sure there is no other family-tree in the world  with this name. I researched from 1988 to circa 2002 very strong. I was very often in Bohemia and Moravia and Hungary  in archives and looked at cemeteries and wrote some hundreds of letters all over the world. I found family members all over the world and met most of them from Israel via USA, Australia, many European countries, Canada and South America - GREATK!!!- a n d  found also between 60 and nearly hundred names of our families which where killed by the Nazis. I am sure that I will find more....a never ending terrible story. Those are found in the files  are given into YAD VASHEM. -  After 2002 I had to reduce my activities because I was retired and took over a herited business of my wife and my sister in law in Kehl. Now business is sold and I just restart to increase my  former activities and hope to have very soon contact with all those who are active in our family tree-research. In my files are many, many open ends.....