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Philipse Genealogy and Philipse Family History Information

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  • Catherina van Cortlandt (1652 - 1730)
    Catherine Van Cortland=Jacobus Van Cortlandt was a merchant and Mayor of New York from 1710 to 1711 and again from 1719 to 1720. He was born in 1658. Van Cortlandt purchased a parcel of land in what is...
  • Elizabeth Philipse (c.1720 - 1786)
  • Frederick Philipse, of Philipsburg (1720 - 1785)
    Frederick Philipse inherited the Philipsburg Manor which embraced some 156,000 acres in what is now Yonkers and extended twenty miles along the Hudson River to the Croton River. He remained loyal to th...
  • Colonel Frederick Philipse, (I) (1626 - 1702)
    brief biography==only child?richest resident of New Amsterdam during his lifetime1st Lord of Philipsburg Manor ==comments==Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be:* circa 1...
  • Frederick Phillipse, 2nd Lord of Philipsburg Manor (1698 - 1751)
    From Morris, F.O., "Philipse of Philipsburgh," The New England Historical and Genealogical Register , vol. 10 (1856), p. 26: "FREDERICK PHILIPSE, second lord of Philipsbourg, founder of St. John's chur...

About the Philipse surname


From Stirnet's "Philipps04" page (link below): "Commoners reports that 'The ancient Dutch family of Philipse is presumed to have originally been of Bohemian extraction, and to have fled thence, on the persecutions that arose in the times of John Huss, and Jerome, of Prague.'"

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other possible versions of this surname