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Schwartzman Genealogy and Schwartzman Family History Information

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  • Diego Sebastián Schwartzman
    Sebastián Schwartzman (Spanish pronunciation: [%CB%88dje%C9%A3o seβasˈtjan ˈʃwaɾdzman],[3][4][a] German: [%CB%88%CA%83va%CA%81tsman]; born 16 August 1992) is an Argentine professional tennis player com...
  • Ingeborg (Inga) Schwartzman (1926 - 2016)
    13.12.1941 ab Bielefeld nach Skirotawa, Riga 15.12.1941 23 Uhr Ankunft Rangierbahnhof Skirotawa; über Nacht in kalten Waggons eingesperrt 16.12.1941 Fußmarsch ins Ghetto Riga November 1943 im Armeeb...
  • Jack Schwartzman (1932 - 1994)
    Jack Schwartzman was an American film producer. Wikipedia
  • Jason Francesco Schwartzman
    Jason Schwartzman is an American actor and musician. He is perhaps best known for his roles in the Hollywood films Rushmore, Spun, I ♥ Huckabees, Shopgirl, Marie Antoinette, The Darjeeling Limited and ...
  • John Schwartzman
    John Schwartzman is an American cinematographer, best known for his work on Jurassic World, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Rock and Seabiscuit, for which he received an Oscar nomination for Best Cinematog...

About the Schwartzman surname

The word Schwartz originates from the German language and is also apart of the Yiddush language. It was first used in the 11th century, however it is now primarily a Jewish-associated name stemming from Poland and Germany. It literally means Black Man.