. . . a single, collaborative world family tree . . .

Started by Peter De Bie on Friday, August 12, 2011
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Private User I inherited these profiles from users who abandoned Geni and these profiles must be cleaned, deleted or merged, awaiting a direct familymember who wants transfer of management.
The ability to work fine on Geni doesn't depend of the fact you are a non pro, a pro or a curator. Quality of work and paying for use are total different ! There are a lot of non pro users who are working more carefully than a lot of pro users !

Which profiles do you mean Fred, just saying without pointing out them I inherreted these profiles? How can we know if we are related to "these profiles" if you don´t let us see them in one or another way? It is important when this geni probably is going to crash when more and more will leave it, I mean these people I invited before maybe stay but they are not going to enter again when they say they can´t do anything to change and add in their family group. I still hope i get a job so I can afford to become a member and pay that greedy GENI!

It is impossible to mention all, it are more than 50,000 !

@Job Waterreus -- you've done a nice summary of some of the criteria which could be used to determine an "automatic deceased" status.

There are a few other things when considering relationships which can also be brought to bear, even without birth/death data ... such as having descendants more than 120 years old. Perhaps also descendants who are public profiles and all deceased. (I know one can't just go by all descendants being deceased, but if all those descendants are also public, then that profile probably could at least be made public.

For those 'marginal' / 'possible' profiles --- perhaps they could be put on lists (similar to "merge" lists) for consideration by managers/curators -- and be eligible for being made public by appropriately trusted persons.

(Note "trusted persons" ... not paying members.)

re: "...impossible to mentions ... more than 50,000"

Just out of curiosity, I tried a Google search, and only two hits were returned for the criteria

Nijman "Fred Bergman" site:www.geni.com

Perhaps a better search withing Geni.com would be helpful, too (e.g.: being able to search by managers).

2x Nyman is right, but that is only 2 out of the total with different names !

Dan, if you go to "lists", change the "focus person" to be "Fred Bergman", and change the list type to "Managed by", you should get what you want.
Or rather, since Geni doesn't give lists with more than 5000 results: You get the first 5000 out of his 50.000.
(note - extended searching is a Pro function, so you may have to take my word for it).

Ik heb veel tijd gestoken in Geni. Dat deed ik omdat ik het leuk vond maar ook met een maatschappelijke bedoeling. Daarom werkte ik dan ook niet alleen in mijn eigen directe stamboom. Ik vind dat ik daarmee veel heb bijgedragen aan Geni en zie niet in waarom ik nu ook nog moet betalen.
Natuurlijk moet bij Geni de schoorsteen roken maar laat die inkomsten dan van elders komen, bijv. van advertenties evt. alleen op pagina's van niet betalenden.
Nu voel ik mij bestolen. Ik zal geen bijdrage meer leveren aan Geni tot ik dat weer gratis kan doen.

It is sad one can continue working on the relatives one are the manager for, is it someone who can help me move a branch of my managed relatives Crafoord? I can´t do anything with the most of my "investments" anymore, so please help someone, to get this persons on the right line Steve!

Steve, tell me what move you'd like to make? I'll do whatever I can!

George J. Homs

Ik heb Steve net uitgenodigd deel uit te maken van ons familieverband en hem in elk geval vast 'bartender' gemaakt in alle Skandinavische Coffee Corners. Misschien kan hij ons helpen met de 'Bridge to Bergen', waar ook veel Hollanders naar toe zijn gezeild op weg naar de Siberische visgronden.

Translation in english for Steve:
Steve, I just invited you to share our family corner of the tree in the Dutchies-play-station. Maybe you can help us finding relatives in Norway who sailed to Bergen and establised their descendants too. As soon I've found my lost key to my 'kluis' in Switserland I will offer you a free-pro-geni-trial, but I didn't get enough time to search. Maybe tomorrow I can ask my husband Hein to share his money with me to get an eternal geni-ous link. o.k.?

Thank both, jMu Jeanette, no you should help me that way allthoug it is very nice of you! Well what i Need help with as i wrote above is to move the person I will reply (I just have to write down his full data!!!) write down in next

Hi again:

Well James Patrick Balcarras Crafoord is now son of his brother Allan Crafoord (b. 1884) and sister in law Ruth Palmqvist (born 1882), instead he should be brother of Allan of course and son of: Jakob Göran Crafoord 1842-1921 and his wife Laurina Margareta Christina Clausen 1852-1910 could you or someone else move James to his proper place in my family tree? Thanks in advance! sincerely Steve

No I probably can´t get that help...

Steve, I checked yesterday, but it seemed it was solved already?

George, no it wasn´t one hour ago. One can move him (and his family,wife and descendents) over from being the son of his brother and put him on himself as a brother to merge it (I suppose...). It is strange when I am the manager but i can´t do anything...just because these americans want money, money, money...

OK, Steve, now I see... you created a duplicate. However, the one that needs to be move is marked as private, so nobody can touch it. If you can make it public, I can move it over and merge with the duplicate.

Hello George:

well as i said i can´t do anything with my own managed 8and the only manager as I am!!!) after the "new" circumstances Geni have put us in...I suppose there are many "historical" persons now left without any active manager. Geni do not want this to work or they think they can get poor people etc. like me pay, but I can´t pay because I am poor...

I'm sorry, Peter :-( It's really weird though that you can't set back that profile from private to public. Can you notify Geni's support and let me know? It must be a technical issue. Once that's solved, we should be able to move the profile to the right place.

They were both public when I checked so I just merged them. Hopefully the merge didn't cause any new duplicates.

Great Michelle, I think you solved Steve's problem! :-)

Thanks Michelle I suppose it was you who solved my problem with the Crafoords, so I thank you alot for that!!!

I'm afraid Geni will not change it policy for basic, PLUS and PRO users.
That is why I made a new feature request:

If they do that they may keep at least some of the users that otherwise would leave Geni (and may delete information before they go)

If they make different mixes of features like (searching the whole of Geni for day) available for a small price and without needing a credit card, basic users could save some actions and then buy certain features for a short duration to perform those actions.

What I really do not understand is why they made the PLUS more expensive than the PRO. Many small amounts will get you more money than a few big amounts. That is why applications in an app store are priced low enough for many people to buy the app.

It is the normal american way...Job you or nobody can win against the...We can just protest again and again!!!

At this point, not letting BASIC users see the public profiles in their search results only leads to the creation of additional profiles that will eventually have to be fixed by GENI's slave.. err volunteer... err subcriber user force. In effect they they are charging Pro users to perform additional work just so they can keep more functions away from Basic users to get them to pay for the privilege of paying to add to the tree and fix the duplicates added by the Basic users. It's a genius plan if people continue to pay.

You do know geni is classified in "media and entertainment"?

Jesus F Christ! This is just insulting! Right.. media is public profiles and entertainment is merging them.

More seriously, I can see it as "media" because of the platform; and the "entertainment" is the history I learn as I firm up my tree. Much less expensive than a college course or three.

Sorry? How was it? Learning history is entertainment? I don´t think so! Oh..never mind!

I'm a little nerdy. I admit it. :)

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