for curators: my profile is good enough to be a Master Profile!

Started by Erica Howton on Thursday, October 28, 2010
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Thanks Jenna, I think I found a project for him.

Thanks Eldon. It's always good to have a home!

I think I have asked before, but am not finding.... does a profile have to be public to be coded an MP?


Thanks Mike!

I think these two could be MPs:
James Irving the Elder
Elizabeth Motte Irving


Karen - Got both James and Elizabeth.

Here's another: Affra Coming

Thank you!

Karen done

Thanks, Myrna and Jenna!

Please "MP" the following members of my Tree.

I am satisfied that the data surrounding them is complete, and the maximum available based upon 40 years research, visits to UK as well as birth and census records which he obtained from various sources.

Thank you

Henry Crawley Farre, SV/PROG

Johanna Christina Arndt

Charles Montague White Robertson, SV/PROG

Stephen "The Elder" Sparkman


I was so looking forward to seeing the work - but alas, they seem to be set to private and I can only view the profile photos? Can you set to public and I'll try again?

Erica, this looks like what is being discussed here from the bottom third of the page all through to the last page.

Yes! That it's quite possible the MP ready mentioned here:

are just fine and set to "public", and its the new privacy settings preventing us from seeing.

What are the parameters for making a profile a Master Profile? Age? Amount of information? Sources and documentation? I guess I am asking what the minimum requirements are other than it has to be a public profile. Is there a list or project somewhere that I have missed? Thanks!

Is a general guideline. Generally speaking it's a profile that has multiple managers / descendants and is before 1800 or so.

For instance, I'm working on a profile right now from 1230 Scotland. It's been an MP for a while to serve as a "merge guide" while we merged together all the copies of it in the database. We've made a lot of progress with that and now I need to try and source it better.

Hi Erica ~ I think Moses Trader Shepherd is ready to be made a master profile. What do ya think?

Private User

Beautiful job. Thank you so much. Moses is now a Master Profile.

Thanks Erica Howton

Now let's see how long it takes me to do the rest of the family...

Please consider the following as an MP.
He was the original Pfohl settler in South Africa and his line has also extended into Australia as a result of the Anglo Boer War Australian military contingent to South Africa and in addition he is the forefather of the Pfohl tree in South Africa.

Robert August Charles Pfohl


Richard John Sparkman

Leslie and Erica, I sneaked in and made him a Mormon before the MP was done

I noticed that Eldon ;-) I didn't even think to check his personal basics.

Thank you Eldon! See why the more eyes the better?

Hello Richard.
Erica sent me an alert and I've MPed it. It's a great profile - well done!
Also go to the SA 'landing' site:

and see if he should be added to any of the other projects too.
Welcome to the family
Love Cousin Sharon

Sharon Doubell

Thanks Sharon and I will certainly explore how I can contribute to

Richard John Sparkman
Cape Town
South Africa

Hi Sharon Sharon Doubell

Please would you mind reviewing the following profiles with a view to granting them MP status.

Their credentials are all listed under “About” on each profile and they are all from the Farre Family who were forebears of the Farre bloodline in South Africa.

Dr. Arthur Farre, F.R.S.

While Arthur Farre had no issue, he was a significant presence as Physician to the British Royal Family and was brother to Henry William Richard Farre a Doctor, Farmer in the Bahamas, and in Canada and a settler in South Africa where he did Missionary work for Bishop Colenso in Natal. His bloodline is intertwined in many South African Families. (See Henry William Richard Farre below)

Henry William Richard Farre

See notes under Arthur Farre above

Susan Mary Pfohl

While it may not be practice to MP a female, she was a Farre settler in South Africa who married a Pfohl and thus was mother to the entire Pfohl bloodline in South Africa. (see Robert August Charles Pfohl - her husband)

John Richard Farre, M.D.

John Richard Farre was another eminent Physician who was active in Barbados and was the forebear of the Farre line which spread from England across the settler lands. (Caribbean, Canada, United States, South Africa)

Richard John Farre

Son of John Richard Farre (see above)

John Pinder Farre

John Pinder Farre was the original Farre Biographer and based upon his privately published research “The Farres of Barbadoes” my late mother Edna Clare Sparkman Edna Clare Sparkman expanded and researched the Family Tree as it now stands.

Please give consideration to this request and I shall be very interested to hear of your decision.

Kind Regards
Richard John Sparkman
Cape Town
South Africa

Hi Richard - They're great profiles. Well done!. I can't MP the private ones, but they're pretty safe from being 'messed' with as provate profiles, so not necessary to.
Keep up the good work
From cousin Sharon
Back in Johannesburg
South Africa

Hi, can you review this profile please (and consider it as a MP)
Victor Pierre Horta, Baron Horta

done. very nice.

Hi, I have another profile of a famous architect. Can a curator review this profile and consider it as a master profile?
Charles E Jeanneret Le Corbusier

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