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1916 Easter Rising in Ireland

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  • Eugene Ring (1887 - d.)
    Irish Republican and member of Cumann na mBan Rosalie Rice was Eugene Ring's cousin. When the Easter Rising began in 1916, Rosalie sent a telegram to her cousins, who worked at Valentia Island Cable St...
  • Timothy Ring (1883 - 1944)
    Irish Republican and member of Cumann na mBan Rosalie Rice was Timothy Ring's cousin. When the Easter Rising began in 1916, Rosalie sent a telegram to her cousins, who worked at Valentia Island Cable S...
  • Rosalie Rice (1898 - c.1960)
    Rosalie Rice was a member of Cumann na mBan during the 1916 Easter Rising. She sent a telegram that was originally believed to have said "Mother operated on successfully today-Kathleen" which meant tha...
  • James Power (1889 - 1927)
    Paul Merton - Who Do You Think You Are? , The Genealogist
  • Thomas Stanislaus MacDonagh (1878 - 1916)
    Thomas Stanislaus MacDonagh | Tipperary born, he was a teacher and founder of St. Enda’s (Coláiste Éanna) School with Pádraig Pearse. A creative mind, his play ‘When the Dawn is Come’ was produced at t...

1916 Easter Rising

The events of Easter 1916 are of seminal importance in Irish history. What began as a small uprising in the centre of Dublin on Easter Monday set in motion a series of developments which ultimately led to Irish independence.
2016 will see the centenary of this very important event in Irish history.

The Easter Rising (Irish: Éirí Amach na Cásca), also known as the Easter Rebellion, was an armed insurrection staged in Ireland during Easter Week, 1916. The Rising was mounted by Irish republicans with the aims of ending British rule in Ireland, seceding from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and establishing an independent Irish Republic at a time when the United Kingdom was heavily engaged in World War I. It was the most significant uprising in Ireland since the rebellion of 1798.

Aim of this project

The aim of this project is to collect genealogical profiles of all participants of the 1916 Easter Rising . Also see the related project Easter Rising Civilian Deaths


The number of participants in the 1916 Rising is said to have been 1599 people it would be great if we can add as many participants as possible to this project.
Any help to build out the profiles already in the project would be very much appreciated too. Any questions or remarks please feel free to start a project discussion .

The leaders:

Arrests and executions

In a series of courts martial beginning on 2 May 90 people were sentenced to death. Fifteen of those (including all seven signatories of the Proclamation) had their sentences confirmed by Maxwell and were executed at Kilmainham Gaol by firing squad between 3 and 12 May the bodies of all executed participants were never returned to their families as part of their punishment , among them :

Notable Persons involved in the 1916 Rising

Cumann na mBan

Cumann na mBan (The Irishwomen's Council)
On 23 April 1916, when the Military Council of the Irish Republican Brotherhood finalised arrangements for the Easter Rising, it integrated Cumann na mBan, along with the Irish Volunteers and Irish Citizen Army, into the 'Army of the Irish Republic'. Patrick Pearse was appointed overall Commandant-General and James Connolly Commandant-General of the Dublin Division.

On the day of the Rising, Cumann na mBan members, including Winifred Carney, who arrived armed with both a Webley revolver and a typewriter, entered the General Post Office on O'Connell Street in Dublin with their male counterparts. By nightfall, women insurgents were established in all of the major rebel strongholds throughout the city – bar one. Éamon de Valera steadfastly refused, in defiance of the orders of Pearse and Connolly, to allow women fighters into the Boland's Mill garrison.

The majority of the women worked as Red Cross workers, were couriers, or procured rations for the men. Members also gathered intelligence on scouting expeditions, carried despatches and transferred arms from dumps across the city to insurgent strongholds.


Constance Markievicz

Constance Markievicz for example – armed with a pistol – during the opening phase of the hostilities shot a policeman in the head near St Stephen's Green. Later, Markievicz along with other female fighters[citation needed] – after a day of carrying out sniper attacks on British troops in the city centre – demanded that they be allowed to bomb the Shelbourne Hotel. Helena Molony was among the soldiers who attacked Dublin Castle, where she worked with the wounded.

A number of Cumann na mBan members died in the Rising, including volunteer Margaretta Keogh who was shot dead outside the South Dublin Union.

Women of the Easter Rising

Heroes of the Easter Rising:

All the above have an Irish Railway station named after them

Other volunteers in Easter Rising

Explore the many testimonies and accounts of the surviving leaders, the veterans and volunteers who took part in the historic events of the 1916 Rising, the War of Independence and Civil War, along with a plethora of supporting documentation gathered from the participants through the unique collection that is the Military Service (1916-1923) - See more at: Military archives

Volunteers who were captured

Easter Rising and Irish War of Independence: 1916-1922 - Members


  • Frank Aiken (1898–1983), a founding member of Fianna Fáil; commanded the Fourth Northern Division of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) during the War of Independence. Aiken was first elected to Dáil Éireann in 1923 and would remain in politics until 1973.
  • Todd Andrews (1901–1985), a member of the Irish Volunteers serving in the Irish War of Independence and participated in a 10-day hunger strike in 1920. He was later interned during the Irish Civil War after siding with Anti-Treaty forces before becoming a civil servant in his later years, most prominently as chairman of the Irish transport company, Córas Iompair Éireann.


  • Richard Barrett (1899–1922), Irish Republican officer who was executed by the Free State during the following Civil War.
  • Kevin Barry (1902–1920)
  • Tom Barry (1897–1980), a prominent figure on the Irish Republican Army during the Irish War of Independence and the Irish Civil War. Although fighting with Anti-Treaty forces, he was briefly expelled from the organisation until the 1930s and was later involved in politics and writing.
  • Piaras Béaslaí (1881–1965), a member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood who participated in the infiltration of the Gaelic League and fought in the Easter Rising and Irish War of Independence. He was later involved in the Sinn Féin political party and writing.
  • Dan Breen (1894–1969), an early member of the Irish Volunteers and served as leader of the Irish Republican Army during the Irish War of Independence. He would later become a prominent figure in Fianna Fáil.
  • George Brent (1899–1979), an American actor who acted as a courier during Irish War of Independence.
  • Eamon Broy (1887–1972), an officer in the Dublin Metropolitan Police acting as a double agent during Irish War of Independence. He later served as Garda Commissioner during the mid-1930s.


  • Charles Carrigan (1882–1916), a member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood and served as Chairman of Sinn Féin’s first cumann in Scotland before his death during the Easter Rising.
  • Robert Erskine Childers (1870–1922), British author involved in gunrunning and later member of Sinn Féin. Secretary-general of the Irish delegation during negotiation of the Anglo-Irish Treaty.
  • Joe Clarke (1882–1976), remained active in Sinn Féin until his death.
  • Michael Collins (1890–1922), Director of Intelligence for the IRA during the Irish War of Independence and served as Commander-In-Chief of the Irish National Army
  • Andy Cooney (d. 1968), a member of the Third Battalion of the Dublin Brigade and a suspected participant in the execution of the Cairo Gang
  • Timothy Coughlin (d. 1928), a member of the Dublin Brigade during the War of Independence who assassinated the Vice President of the Executive Council, *Kevin O'Higgins.


  • Paddy Daly
  • Liam Deasy
  • Archie Doyle
  • Patrick Doyle (1892–1921), convicted of treason and executed following his participation in a failed ambush at Drumcondra on January 21, 1921.
  • Edward Dorins Killed at Battle of Custom House, 25/05/1921. Shot outside the building in Beresford Place while attacking an approaching tender full of Auxiliaries.
  • Eamonn Duggan


  • Stephen Fuller (d. 1984), a member of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) during the Irish War of Independence and fought with Anti-Treaty forces during the Irish Civil War (1922–23). He would later serve as a member of Fianna Fáil during the 1930s.


  • Bill Gannon
  • George Gilmore
  • Joseph Guilfoyle Joined the Irish Volunteers in 1913 at The Rotunda. Fought during Easter Week 1916 at Boland's Mill under Commandant Éamonn de Valera's Third Battalion, "B" Company.


  • Sean Hales
  • Tom Hales
  • Sean Harling
  • Daniel Heade Killed in the Battle of the Custom House, 25/05/1921.
  • Seán Hogan
  • Charlie Hurley


  • Sean P. Keating (1903–1976) Irish Republican Army member who fought for Anti-Treaty forces during Irish Civil War, later became Deputy Mayor of New York City.


  • Seán Lemass
  • Liam Lynch
  • Dinny Lacey


  • Seán MacBride
  • Seán Mac Eoin
  • Seán MacEntee
  • Terence MacSwiney
  • Tom Maguire
  • Dick McKee
  • Joe McKelvey
  • Paddy McLogan
  • Liam Mellows
  • Seán Moylan
  • Patrick Moylett
  • Richard Mulcahy


  • Seamus O'Donovan
  • Diarmuid O'Hegarty
  • Frank O'Connor
  • Rory O'Connor
  • Peadar O'Donnell
  • Florence O'Donoghue
  • Dan O'Donovan
  • Eoin O'Duffy
  • Ernie O'Malley
  • Michael O'Sullivan, uncle of Dáithí Ó Conaill
  • Gearóid O'Sullivan
  • Ted O'Sullivan


  • Liam Pilkington


  • Sean F. Quinn



  • Martin Savage
  • Seamus Robinson
  • Austin Stack


  • Liam Tobin
  • Oscar Traynor
  • Thomas Traynor
  • Seán Treacy
  • Moss Twomey

Arrests after the Easter Rising


Sources that can be used


Photograph album