This will be a listing of the ACCEPTED - genealogical abbreviations and Acronyms - found from various sites - Rootsweb/Ancestry.com, Genealogy.com (which I think is now owned by Ancestry.com) - if you find another list - send me the link and i will check, verify, combine and add any additional items to the list.
Also abbreviations used on census records - since they are generally and most generally used or copied over itnto a genealogy database. As they seem to become accepted usage in genealogy.
The programs of PAF (by the LDS), ancestors (Evertons), Family tree, Legacy 7.5 are the standard's of Genealogical data entry - their abbreviations are the "accepted standard" so to speak.
I was taught IF IN DOUBT - DO NOT abbreviate - or if you feel that the abbreviation may be taken out of context or misconstrued - - in using/coping sourcing - do not change abbreviations to suite yourself. copy it VERBATIM and changing no spellings and it you fell you just must change the information any changes you make should be placed within [...] it indicate the changes made to the original entry.
Abbreviations for countries - RootsWeb, up-to-date country code standard. ISO 3166 is the commonly accepted International Standard this shows both the OLD two letter code ad the new ISO 3166 which is 3 letters.
Abbreviations: Country and Regional Locations - RootsWeb
At the end I will list the books also that were referenced -
Genealogists were using symbols long before they were using computers. Handwritten documents could use any symbol the author cared to draw, including ♂, the male sign, and ♀, the female sign.
Early typewritten documents were limited by the repertoire of the typewriter
Early computer typically offered some 8-bit extension of the 7-bit ASCII character set. All the characters in the table below occur in both Windows ANSI (code page 1252) and MacRoman (code page 1000).
meaning symbol Windows ANSI name
code point(s)
birth * 2A Asterisk
baptisation, christening ~ 7E Tilde
death † 86 Dagger
burial [ ] 5B 5D Square Brackets
stillborn †* 86 2A Dagger, Asterisk
born illegitimately (*) 28 2A 29 Left Parenthesis, Asterisk, Right Parenthesis
killed in action x58 Latin Small Letter X
this line extinct ++ 2B 2B Plus Sign, Plus Sign
this line extinct ‡ 87 Double Dagger
approximate(ly) ± B1 Plus-Minus Sign
before < 3C Less-Than Sign
after >3E Greater-Than Sign
engaged o 6F Latin Small Letter O
married oo 6F 6F Latin Small Letter O, Latin Small Letter O
divorced o|o 6F 7C 6F Latin Small Letter O, Vertical Line, Latin Small Letter O
divorced o/o6 F 2F 6F Latin Small Letter O, Solidus, Latin Small Letter O
divorced % 25 Percent Sign
divorced ÷ F7 Division Sign
unmarried o-o 6F 96 6 FLatin Small Letter O, Hyphen-Minus, Latin Small Letter O
Handwritten documents could use any symbol the author cared to draw, including ♂, the male sign, and ♀, the female sign.
- 1C - first cousin (2c, second cousin, etc.)
- 1R - once removed (2r, twice removed, etc.)
A good reference site for relationaships
- [-?-] any unknown data or best left BLANK
- a / A about, age, acre, ante, aunt
- A.A. Associate of Art AAONMS - Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
- AAGRA Australasian Association of Genealogists and Record Agents
- AAONMS - Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
- a.a.r. - against all risks
- AAS American Antiquarian Society
- AASP - American Antiquarian Society Proceedings
- AASR - Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (of Freemasons)
- AASRFM - Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
- ab. - about; abbey
- abbr. - abbreviation
- abd. - abdicated
- Abp. - Archbishop
- abr. - abridged; abridgment
- abs. or abstr. - abstract
- abt. - about
- AC - Ante Christum; ancestor chart
- a.c. - attested copy; account current
- acad. - academy
- acc. - according to; account; accompanied
- acco. - account
- accu. - accurate
- ackd. - acknowledged
- actg. - acting
- ACW - American Civil War
- Ad Adopted
- Ad.Cl Adopted Child
- Ad.D Adopted Daughter
- Ad.Gcl Adopted Grandchild
- Ad.M Adopted Mother
- Ad.S Adopted Son
- AD - anno domini [Latin], in the year of the Lord
- adj. - adjoining; adjutant; adjourned
- adm. - admission; admitted
- admin. - administration; administrator
- Admon. - letters of administration
- admr. - administration
- A/Dip. LAH Associate Diploma of Local and Applied History
- AEOS - Ancient Egyptian Order of Sciots (Masons)
- af. or afft. - affidavit
- AF - Ancestral File, database maintained by the LDS FHL
- AF&AM - Ancient, Free, & Accepted Masons
- AFAM - Ancient Free and Accepted Mason
- aft., > - after
- AG - Accredited Genealogist (FHL credential)
- AG:ABC American Genealogy: A Basic Course
- AGBU - Armenian General Benevolent Union
- AFRA - American Family Records Association
- AGLL- American Genealogical Lending Library
- AGRA - Association of Genealogists and Record Agents (Professional)
- AGRA Association of Genealoc, ca. - circa, about
- AHOJB - Ancient and Honorable Order of the Jersey Blues
- AIS - Accelerated Indexing System
- AISB - Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria
- a.k.a. also known as; alias.
- Al Aunt-In-Law
- AL - American Legion
- ald. - alderman
- alleg. - allegiance
- alh. (dutch) alhier here, in this place
- a.l.s. - autographed letter signed
- als. - alias
- altm - at liberty to marry (Quaker)
- AMORC - Ancient Mystic Order Rosae Crucis
- Am. Rev. - American Revolution, American War for Independence
- AMVETS - American Veterans
- AMOS - Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans (Odd Fellows)
- anc. - ancestry; ancestor; ancient
- annot. - annotated
- ano. - another
- anon. - anonymous
- ant. - antiquary; antonym
- antiq. - antiquary; antiquities; antiquity; antiquarian
- a.o. - account of
- AOB - Air Order of Battle
- AODC - Ancient Order of Degree Coopermen
- AOD - Ancient Order of Druids
- AOF - Ancient Order of Foresters
- AOH - Ancient Order of Hibernians
- AOP - American Order of Pioneers
- AOUW - Ancient Order of United Workmen
- Ap (occupation/relationship) Apprentice
- APCWS - Association for the Preservation of Civil War Sites
- apd - attending places of diversion; appointed; appealed (Quaker)
- APGQ Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly
- APG - Association of Professional Genealogists
- APJG Association of Professional Jewish Genealogists
- APJI - Association for Protection of Jewish Immigrants
- app. - apprentice; aprpoximately; appendix; appointed
- App. Div. - Appelate division
- appr. - appraisment
- apprd. - apprised; appeared
- approx. - approximately
- apptd. - appointed
- appx. - appendix
- apt - appointed
- AQM - Assistant Quartermaster (US Civil War)
- AQRS - Assistant Quartermaster Remount Service (US Civil War)
- ar. co. - artillery company
- ARC - American Red Cross
- arr. - arrived
- ARSS - Antiquariorum Regiae Societatis Socius (Fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries)
- ascert. - ascertain(ed)
- ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange - type of file on a computer that is usually readable / writable by most word processors
- ASFD - American Society of Freedmen's Descendants
- ASG - American Society of Genealogists
- asgd. - assigned
- ASGRA Association of Scottish Genealogists and Researchers in Archives
- A.S. Associate of Science
- ASN - Army Serial Number
- assn - association
- asr. - assessor
- Asst Assistant.
- assn. or assoc. - association
- asso. - associated; associate
- At (occupation/relationship) Attendant
- att - attached to; attended (Quaker)
- atty. - attorney
- au. - gold
- aud. - auditor
- a.w.c. - admon. (letters of administration) with will and codicil annexed
- AWOL - Absent Without Leave (military)
- b. - born
- B - Brother black, Negro
- B (dutch) begraven burial
- ba. - bachelor baptized
- bach. or batch. - bachelor
- B.A. Bachelor of Arts
- B.A.Sc. Bachelor of Applied Science
- bap / bapt - baptized
- bapt. / bap - baptized
- BAR - Brigade of the American Revolution
- BARE - Benefit Association of Railway Employees
- B.B.A. Bachelor of Business Administration
- BBoy (relationship)Bound Boy
- BBS - Bulletin Board System Phone dial up connection for PC's.
- B.D. Bachelor of Divinity
- BC - (of a date) before Christ
- BCE - (of a date) before the Common Era (same as BC, but more inclusive)
- bcer - birth certificate
- BCG - Board for Certification of Genealogists
- BCR - Battle Casualty Report
- b.d. or bdt. - birth date
- bd. - bound; buried
- bec. - because; became
- begr. (dutch)begraven buried
- bef., < - before
- bet. between
- B.F.A. Bachelor of Fine Arts
- BG - burial grounds
- BGirl (relationship) Bound Girl
- B.H.L. Bachelor of Hebrew Literature
- BFHS British Family History Society
- BK - Brother's Keeper (software , a genealogy program)
- Bl Brother-In-Law
- BIA - Bureau of Indian Affair
- b-i-l - brother in law
- biog. - biography
- bish. - bishop
- BK - Brother's Keeper (software)
- bk. - book
- bks. - books; barracks
- bl. - bibliography
- B.L.S. Bachelor of Library Science
- BLM - Bureau of Land Management
- BMD - Births, Marriages and Deaths
- BMP - Bit Mapped Picture - file format of a computer disk file
- BLW - Bount Land Warrant
- B.M. - Bench Mark; British Museum
- bndsmn. - bondsman
- BNL - Brotherhood of the New Life
- Bo (relationship) Boarder
- bona—goods, chattels, moveable property
- bo or bot. - bought; bottom
- botp / b.o.t.p —both of this parish
- Boy (relationship) Boy
- bp. baptized birthplace Bishop
- bpl. - birthplace
- BPOE - Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
- bpt. baptized ;
- Br. - British
- br. / bro. - brother
- bro / br. - brother
- bro-i-l - brother-in-law
- B.S. - in court records, Bill of Sale
- B.S.L.S. Bachelor of Science in Library Science
- B.Sc. Bachelor of Science
- B.S.C.E. Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
- B.S.N.E. Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering
- B.T. - Bishop's Transcripts
- B.U.S. Bachelor of University Studies
- Bu (occupation/relationship) Butler
- bu. / bur - buried.
- bur. / bu - buried
- BYU Brigham Young University
- c. / ca - cousin; chapter; circa; codicil
- C18 - Eighteenth century (etc.)
- ca / c - circa, about,about or around, from the Latin word circa. (as in ca. 1840.)
- CA (military) Survivor of the Confederate Army
- CAILS - Certified American Indian Lineage Specialist (BCG credential)
- CALS - Certified American Lineage Specialist (BCG credential)
- CANINDEX - Index of emigrants from British Isles to Canada and Newfoundland
- Cap / capt. Captain (military rank); captured; captivity
- CAR - National Society, Children of the American Revolution
- catal. - catalogue
- cath. - cathedral
- Cause of Death - DthCau, DCs
- CC - County Court (USA) County Clerk; county court, county commissioner; company commander
- cc. - chapters
- CCP - Court of Common Pleas
- CD - Compact Disk - An optical disk used with some PC's to store lots of data.
- CDA - Colonial Dames of America
- CDIB - Certified Degree of Indian Blood
- CE - (of a date) Common Era (same as AD, but more inclusive)
- CFI - Computer File Index (precursor of IGI)
- cem. - cemetery
- cert. - certificate
- cen. or cens. - census
- cent. - century
- cer. or cert. - certificate
- cf. - confer
- cd - contrary to the Discipline (Quaker)
- CDA - Catholic Daughters of America
- CG - Certified Genealogist (BCG credential)
- CG(C) Certified Genealogist (Canada)
- CGI - Certified Genealogical Instructor (BCG credential)
- CGL - Certified Genealogical Lecturer (BCG credential)
- CGRS - Certified Genealogical Record Searcher (BCG credential)
- CIG Computer Interest Group
- CH - Court House
- Ch (race) Chineses
- ch - child, children; church chief, chaplain
- Cha (occupation/relationship) Chamber Maid
- chm - condemned his/her misconduct (Quaker)
- chan. - chancery
- chldn. or chn. - children
- chlw - Cotton Loom Hand Worker
- ch/o - child of
- chr - charter Christened.
- chris.- christened
- CIGO Council of Irish Genealogical Organizations
- Cil Cousin-In-Law
- cir. - circa
- civ. - civil
- CJ - County Judge
- clk. - clerk
- Cl Child
- CMU - Concrete Masonry Unit
- CN (military) Survivor of the Confederate Navy
- c/o - child of
- CO - commanding officer; Colonial Office
- co. - county; company chosen overseer (Quaker)
- Coa (occupation/relationship) Coachman
- cod. - codicil
- col. - colored (Negro, mulatto, fpc)
- Col. - Colonel (military rank)
- C of A - Coat of Arms
- col. - colony; colonel
- coll. - college; collections
- Com (relationship/relationship)Companioncom. - commissioner; commander; commentary; committee; common; commoner; communicate, companion
- com/comp - complained (Quaker)
- comm - committee communion, communicant commissioners
- con - condemned (Quaker) complained (Quaker)
- comp. - company
- conf. confirmed
- confer. - conferred
- conject. - conjecture
- cont. - continued
- Cook Cook
- contr. - contract
- corp. - corporal
- cos. - Consul
- couns. - counsellor
- cous. - cousin
- coven. - covenant
- Cpl. = Corporal (military rank)
- c.r. - church report
- c.s. - copy signed
- CRA - Church Records Archives
- Cremated - crem
- crspd. - correspond; correspondence
- CSA - Confederate States of America
- csn. - cousin; cousins
- ct - certificate court; citation; county
- CVA - Confederate Veterans of America
- CW church warden Civil War, War of the Rebellion, War beteen the States, 1861-1865.
- CWSS - Civil War Soldiers and Sailors gists and Record Agents
- d. - died death; daughter
- D (dutch) dopen baptism
- DA - District Attorney
- da. - daughter; day
- DAB - Dictionary of American Biography
- DAC - National Society of the Daughters of the American Colonists
- DalS—daughter-in-law’s son
- DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution
- dau./ daugr - daughter
- daugr / daugr - daughter
- dau-i-l - daughter-in-law
- daus. - daughters
- DAV - Disabled American Veterans
- DB - Domesday Book
- DC - District of Columbia; Deputy Clerk; Deputy County Clerk
- DBE - Daughters of the British Empire
- DCG - Descendants of Colonial Governors
- DCLI - Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
- D.D. Doctor of Divinity
- d. & coh. - daughter and coheiress
- d'd. - deceased dead
- dea / deac. - deacon
- deac / dea. - deacon
- dec. / dec'd - deceased dead
- dec'd / dec - deceased dead
- decis. - decision
- DED - Declared Dead (military)
- degr. - degree
- dep. - deputy; depot
- dept. - department
- desc. - descendant
- devis. - devised
- DFPA - Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America
- dft = defendant (legal term for person accused of and on trial for a crime)
- d. & h. - daughter and heiress
- dil / d-i-l daughter in law
- d-i-l / dil daughter in law
- dio. - diocese
- Dip FHS Diploma in Family Historical Studies
- dis. - discharge disowned, disowned for (Quaker)
- discip. - discipline
- dist. - district
- div. - division; divided; divorce/divorced; divinity
- div. - * Dl. - daughter-in-law
- Dla (occupation/relationship) Day Laborer
- DLI - Durham Light Infantry
- D.Min. Doctor of Ministry
- DMWVI - Descendants of Mexican War Veterans
- d/o - daughter of
- do. - ditto, the same as the previous entry
- DOB - Date of birth
- doc or docum. - document
- DOCS - Documents / Documentations
- DOD - Date of death
- DOK - Daughters Of the King
- Dom (occupation/relationship) Domestic
- do/" ditto (which means "same as line above")
- DOW - Died of Wounds (military)
- dp - dropped plain dress (Quaker)
- dpl. - death place
- DR - Daughter of the Revolution; Diocesan Registry
- dr - doctor; dram drinking to excess (Quaker)
- dr. (dutch) (v.) dochter (van) daughter (of)
- drpd - dropped (Quaker)
- DRT - Daughters of the Republic of Texas
- DSDI Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence
- d.s. - document signed; died single
- ds. - deaths; daughters
- dsct. - descendant
- d.s.p. - decessit sine prole [Latin], died without issue, childless
- d.s.p.m. - [Latin] descessit sine prole mascula; died without male issue
- dt - date daughter daughters
- dtd - dated
- dto. - ditto
- dtr. - daughter
- dt's. - delirium tremens
- DUE --- Daughter of UEL (1 st gen. only)
- dum. or d. um. - died unmarried
- dup - duplicate
- DUP - Daughters of Utah Pioneers
- DUVCW Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War
- dv - divorce
- DVA - Department of Veterans Affairs
- DVF - Society of the Descendants of Washington's Army at Valley Forge
- D.V.M. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
- d.s.p. - died without issue (from Latin: decessit sine prole)
- d.v.p. - decessit vitae patre [Latin], died in father's lifetime
- Dw (occupation/relationship) Dish Washer
- d.w. = Died widow?
- d.y. - died young
- E. - East or eastern
- EAD—Encoded Archival Description
- easi. - easily
- EBB—Electronic Bulletin Board
- ecux. - executrix; a female executor
- E.D. - Enumeration District
- ed. - edited; edition; editor
- Ed.D. Doctor of Education
- educ. - education; educated
- EM - Enlisted member (military)
- Emp (occupation/relationship) Employee
- En (occupation/relationship) Engineer
- Eng. - England
- ENHA - East Anglia National Heritage Area
- end - endorsed (Quaker)
- eno. - enough
- ens. - ensign (military rank)
- ensu. - ensuing
- est. - estate;established
- establ. - establishment
- estd. - estimated
- et al "and others."
- etc. - [Latin] etcetera; and so forth
- ETO = European Theater of Operations (the area in Europe, stretching from the Netherlands to the Mediterranean Sea, in which the Allied Forces fought against the Axis powers during World War II)
- et. vir. - and husband
- exc. - except; excellency; excepted; exchange
- et ux"and wife."
- ETO - European Theater of Operations (military)
- EUS - Evacuated to the U.S. (military)
- ev. luth. (dutch) evangelisch luthers Evangelical Lutheran
- exec. executor.
- exor. executor.
- exox. executrix
- exs. - executors
- exx. - executrix
F '* f. / F. - father; female; folio; feast; feet; farm; following
- fa. - father
- F.A. - Field Artillery
- Fa.H (occupation/relationship) Farm Hand
- Fa.L (occupation/relationship) Farm Laborer
- Fa.W (occupation/relationship) Farm Worker
- F&AM - Free and Accepted Masons
- FAAO - Fellow of the American Academy of Osteopathy
- FACC - Fellow of the American College of Cardiology
- FACCE - Fellow, American College of Childbirth Educators
- FACD - Fellow of the American College of Dentists
- FACE - Fellow, American College of Endocrinology
- FACEP - Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians
- FACFAS - Fellowship of American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
- FACP - Fellow of the American College of Physicians
- FACS - Fellow American College of Surgeons
- FAM - Free and Accepted Masons
- fam. - family families
- FARC - Federal Archives and Records Centers (branches of the National Archives
- FAS - Fellow of the Antiquarian Society
- FASG - Fellow of the American Society of Genealogists
- father-in-l - father-in-law
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- F.B. - Family Bible
- FBG - Friends burial ground
- FC&AGR—French Canadian and Acadian Genealogical Review
- f.e. - for example
- FEEFS Federation of East European Family Societies
- ff. - following (pages), foster father
- FF's - First Families
- FFHS—Federation of Family History Societies
- FFV - First Families of Virginia
- FG—French Grants
- FGRA - Family Group Record Archives
- FGS - Family Group Sheet
- FGBS Fellow, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society
- FGSP Fellow, Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania
- FHC - Family History Center, branch of the FHL
- FHL - Family History Library, genealogy library in Salt Lake City, Utah, maintained by LDS church
- FHLC - Family History Library Catalog
- FHS Family History Society
- Fi Fireman
- FIGRS - Fellow of the Irish Genealogical Research Society
- fidel. - fidelity
- f-i-l/ fil./ f.inl / FL - father in law
- fil./ f-i-l/ f.inl / FL - father in law
- f.inl/ f-i-l/ fil./ FL - father in law
- filius - son of (remember this as: ends in "us" = male)
- filia - daughter of (remember this as: ends in "a" = female)
- First C First Cousin
- Fl Father-In-Law
- f.m. - free mulatto
- FM - foster mother
- fmc - free man of color
- f.n. - free negro
- FNGS - Fellow of the National Genealogical Society
- FNHC - Founders of the New Haven Colony
- fo / f - folio
- Fo.B Foster Brother
- Fo.S Foster Son
- Fo.Si Foster Sister
- FOE - Fraternal Order of Eagles
- FOIA - Freedom of Information Act
- FOP - Fraternal Order of Police (USA)
- form - formerly
- fpc - free person of color, neither Caucasian nor enslaved
- fr - from
- FR family register
- FRACP - Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians
- FRAM - Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music
- FRCP - Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
- FRCPE - Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
- FRCSI - Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
- Frds - Friends (Quaker)
- freem. - freeman; freemen
- FSA Fellow, Society of Antiquaries (in England)
- FSA Scot Fellow, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
- FSAG Fellow, Society of Australian Genealogists
- FSG - Fellow of the Society of Genealogists
- Fstw—farm steward
- ft. - foot; fort
- FTB - Family Tree Builder(Online Sync Software by MyHertiage.com)
- FTM - Family Tree maker (softwarea genealogy program from Banner Blue Software ) FTM - Family Tree Maker,
- FTP - File Transfer Protocol (networking, technical)
- FTW - Family Tree Maker for Windows (software)
- FUGA - Fellow of the Utah Genealogical Association
- fwc - free woman of color
- fwf - free white female
- fwm - free white male
- g. - grand; great
- GA - great aunt
- GAR - Grand Army of the Republic
- GAOTU - Great Architect of the Universe (Freemason Word)
- G.B. - Great Britain
- GB - Genealogy Bank
- GC - Gregorian Calendar
- gc - granted certificate (Quaker)
- gch/ Gcl Grand Child grandchildren
- gct - granted certificate to (Quaker)
- GCVO - Grand Cross of the (Royal) Victorian Order (knight)
- GD - granddaughter
- gdn. guardian
- .geb.(dutch) geboren born
- ged. (dutch) gedoopt baptized
- Gedcom - GEnealogical Data COMmunication, method of transferring genealogy files from one program to another
- gem. (dutch) gemeente municipality
- gemelli - gemini twins
- Gen. = General (military rank)
- GENTECH An organization dedicated to bridging GENealogy and TECHnology
- GENUKI - Online Genealogical Information Service for the UK & Ireland.
- Gf Grand Father
- Ggf Great Grandfather
- Ggm Great Grandmother
- Gggf Great-Great-Grandfather
- Gggm Great-Great-Grandmother
- GH - Genelaogical Helper (Everton's)
- GIF - A format to hold images on a computer disk file
- GIM - Genealogical Information Manager
- GIMA Genealogical Institute of Mid-America (University of Illinois-Springfield)
- GIT Genealogical Institute of Texas
- gl - granted letter
- glt - granted letter to
- GM Grand Mother
- Gml Grand Mother-In-Law
- Gni Grand Niece (or Great Niece)
- Gn Grand Nephew (or Great Nephew)
- Go (occupation/relationship) Governess
- God Cl God Child
- godf. - godfather
- godm. - godmother
- GOONS - Guild Of One Name Studies ‘The world's leading organization for one-name studies’.
- gov . - governor government
- govt. - government
- gp. - grandparents
- GPAI - Genealogical Periodical Annual Index
- gr. - grand; great; grant; graduate
- gr dau. - granddaughter
- grdn. guardian
- grd/o or gr/d/o—granddaughter of
- grf. - grandfather
- grmo. - grandmother
- gr s. or GS - grandson
- g.r. - grave record
- Gr.Yd. - grave yard
- GRINZ Dip.FH (Prof) Genealogical Research Institute of New Zealand-Diploma in Family History (Professional)
- Gs Grand Son
- GSG Genealogical Speakers Guild
- Gsl Grand Son-In-Law
- GSMD General Society of Mayflower Descendants
- g.s. - grave stone
- GSSR - General Society, Sons of the Revolution
- g.s.w. - gun shot wound
- GSW 1812 - General Society of the War of 1812
- Gt. Br. - Great Britain
- gt. gr. - great grand
- GTT - Gone to Texas
- GU - great uncle
- Gua (relationship) Guardian
- Guest Guest
- h. - husband; heir; heiress
- Hb Half Brother
- Hbl Half Brother-In-Law
- hdgrs. - headquarters
- Help Help
- He (relationship.occupation) Herder
- HEIC - Honourable East India Comapny
- her. - heraldry
- hers. - herself
- H.Gi (relationship/occupation) Hired Girl
- H.H (relationship/occupation) Hired Hand
- Hlg (relationship/occupation) Hireling
- Hk (occupation/relationship) Housekeeper
- HLI - Highland Light Infantry, Herefordshire Light Infantry
- H.Maid (relationship) Housemaid
- HM - His or Her Majesty, or hired man
- HMS - Her (or His) Majesty's Service or Ship
- hims. - himself
- Hist. - History
- hist. - historian
- h/o - husband of
- hon. honorable
- hon. dis. - honorably discharged
- honor. - honorary
- honora. - honorably
- HOSJG - Hospitaller Order of St. John of God
- HRIP—Hic Requiescit Pace (here rests in peace)
- HSA - Huguenot Society of America
- H.Si Half Sister
- H.Sil Half Sister-In-Law* Hs Uli—Hans Ulrich
- hund. - hundred
- hus. - husband
- husb. husband
- Husband (relationship) Husband
- Hw (occupation/relationship) House Worker
- I - inmate
- i.a. = in absentia (Latin term meaning in the absence of the person(s) concerned)
- ibid. - ibidem [Latin], in the same place
- ICAPGen International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists
- IGI - International Genealogical Index
- IGHR Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research (Samford University)
- ign. - ignorant
- IIGS - International Internet Genealogical Society
- illus. - illustrated
- imp. - imported; importation; imperator (emperor)
- IN (Race) Indian
- inc. - incorporated; incomplete
- incl. - included; inclusive
- Ind. - Indians
- IND.S.C. - Indian Survivors' Certificates
- Ind. T. or Ind. Ter.- Indian Territory
- Ind. W.C. - Indian Widow's Certificate
- inf. - infant; infantry; informed
- info. - information
- infra dig—Infra dignitatem; undignified
- inh. - inherited
- inhab. - inhabitant
- int. - intentions, public notice of an upcoming marriage
- IGI - International Genealogical Index, created and maintained by the LDS FHL
- Inmate (relationship) Inmate
- inq. - inquiry
- ins. - insert
- inst. - instant [Latin], of the current month institute; institution
- int. - intentions; interested; interred
- inv. orinvt. - inventory
- IOF - Independent Order of Foresters
- IOGT - Independent Order of Good Templars
- IOJD - International Order of Job's Daughters (freemason)
- IOOF - Independent Order of Odd Fellows (fraternal organization)
- IOR - Independent Order of Rechabites
- IORG - International Order of the Rainbow for Girls (freemasonry)
- IORM - Improved Order of Red Men
- IOUAM - Improved Order of United American Mechanics
- IRC—Internet Relay Chat
- ISBGFH International Society for British Genealogy and Family History
- ISFHWE International Society of Family History Writers and Editors
- ISO - In Search Of
- j. - joined (Quaker)
- JA - Judge Advocate
- jas - joined another society (Quaker)
- jd / j.d. - dutch) jongedochter single woman / young daughter
- j.d. / jd (dutch) jongedochter single woman / young daughter
- JGS Jewish Genealogical Society
- jm / j.m. (dutch) jongeman single man / young man
- j.m. / jm (dutch) jongeman single man / young man
- jMeth a Quaker abbreviation indicating that a member joined the Methodist Church
- Jocu—joint occupant
- JNH - Journal of Negro History
- jno John or Johanne
- Jr. /junr - Junior
- Jp (race) Japanese
- JP - Justice of the Peace
- jud./ judic judicial.
- junr. / Jr / junior
- j.u.—Jure uxoris (right of wife)
- jur. - [Latin] jurat; certification that a document was written by the person who signed it
- k. - killed; king
- KC - Knights of Columbus
- KC - Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath
- KCSG - Knight Commander of the Order of St Gregory
- Kew - Informal name for The National Archives, Kew, London.
- KG - Knight Companion of the Order of the Garter
- KGE - Knights of the Golden Eagle
- KHS - Kentucky Historical Society
- KIA - Killed in Action (military)
- KIPC - Killed in Plane Crash (military)
- KLH - Knight of the Legion of Honour; Knights and Ladies of Honor
- kn. - known
- KNB - Killed non-battle (military)
- knd. (dutch) kind child
- kndn. (dutch) kinderen children
- knt. knight
- KOSB - The King's Own Scottish Borderers
- KOTM - Knights of the Maccabees
- KOYLI - The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
- KP - Order of Knights of Pythias
- KSLI - The King's Shropshire Light Infantry
- KT - Knight of the Order of the Thistle
- KUV - Kranken Unterstuetzungs Verein
- l. - license; law, or lodger launderer
- L (dutch) lidmaten members (of a church)
- L (relationship) Lodger
- La /labr (occupation/relationship) Laborer
- Lat. - Latin
- Lau (occupation) Laundry
- lb. - pound
- LBC - Letter Book Copy
- LC - Library of Congress
- ld. - land
- ldr. - leader
- LDS - Latter Day Saints (Mormons)
- l.e. - local elder in a church
- LGAR - Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic
- Lgt.Art.—Light Artillery (military regiment)
- ll. - lines
- lib. - library
- liber - book of public records.
- lic. license. lieut. - lieutenant
- li. / liv. - lived
- liv. living. lived
- liv. abt. - lived about
- Lieut. = Lieutenant (military rank)
- LL.B. Bachelor of Laws
- lnd. - land
- LNU - Last Name unknown
- l.p. - local preacher
- LOCIS - Library of Congress Information System
- ltd. limited
- Lt.Col. = Lieutenant-Colonel (military rank)
- Lt.Gen. = Lieutenant-General (military rank)
- lvg / liv - living
- LWA - Lightly Wounded in Action (military)
- m. - month; male; mother; married; marriage
- m/1, m/2 - married first, married second, etc.
- mag. - magistrate
- Maid (occupation) Maid
- Maj. = Major (military rank)
- Maj.Gen. = Major General (military rank)
- mak. - making
- Man (occupation) Manager
- Marr, - marriage
- Mat Matron maternal
- M Mother
- m.bn. - marriage banns
- mbr - member
- mbrp - membership
- MCA - Microfilm Corporation of America
- MCC - Microfilm Card Catalog
- mcd - married contrary to Discipline (Quaker)
- MCD - Municipal Civil District minor civil division (Census Soundex)
- MD - Doctor of Medicine; Middle Dutch
- M.Div. Master of Divinity
- md. - married
- meerderj. (dutch) meerderjarig of age
- mem. - member; membership; memorials; memoir
- ment. - mentioned
- messrs. - plural of mister
- Mex. S.C. - Mexican Survivors' Certificates
- Mex. S.O. - Mexcian Survivorr's Originals
- Mex. W.C. - Mexican Widows' Certificate
- MG - Minister of the Gospel
- m.h. / MH - meeting house
- MH / m.h. - meeting house
- M.H.L. Master of Hebrew Literature
- MGH - Middle High German
- m.i. - monument inscription
- mi. - mile; miles
- MIA - Missing in Action
- mil or milit. - military
- m-i-l / m-in-l / ml - mother in law
- m-in-l / m-i-l / ml Mother-In-Law
- minderj. (dutch) minderjarig minor
- min. - minister
- ml / m-in-l / m-i-l / ml Mother-In-Law
- MLG—Middle Low German
- M.L.I.S. Master of Library and Information Science
- MlkC—milk carrier
- Mlo—Midlothian, Scotland
- M.L.S. Master of Library Science
- MLW - Military Land Warrant
- MM - Monthly Meeting of Society of Friends (Quakers)
- mnth / mo - month
- N.M.I - no middle initial with or without periods
- N.M.N. - no middle name with or without periods
- m.o. - mustered out
- mo. - mother; month
- MOLLUS - Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
- MOPH - Military Order of the Purple Heart
- mors. - death; corpse
- mos. - months; married out of society (Quaker)
- mou - married out of unity (Quaker)
- mov. - moved
- MOWW - Military Order of World Wars
- M.P.A. Master of Public Administration
- MQ - Mayflower Quarterly
- Mr. - Mister
- Mrs. - Mistress
- ms. - manuscript
- M.S.L.I.S. Master of Science in Library and Information Science
- M.S.L.S. Master of Science in Library Science
- mss. - manuscripts
- mt - married to
- mtg. - meeting; mortgage
- Mu Mulatto (race)
- mvd. - moved
- MWA - Modern Woodmen of America
- my/d - my daughter
- N Nephew Negro; North
- n nephew; name
- na. naturalized; not applicable. not attending meeting (Quaker)
- NA - National Archives in Washington, D.C.; Native American
- NARA - National Archives and Records Administration
- NARS - National Archives and Record Service
- NATF - National Archives Trust Fund
- nam. - named
- nata - born (female)
- nat. - [Latin] natus;;; birth; son; offspring
- NAT - North African Theater (military)
- NATO - North African Theater of Operations (military, WW2)
- natus born.
- NCWA - National Civil War Association (USA)
- n.d. no date; not dated.
- nee, née - born, used to denote a woman's maiden name, ie., Anne Gibson nee West. the usual term for a woman's maiden or unmarried or birth name. (Means "born" in French)
- N.E. - New England; North Eeast
- NEH - National Endowment for the Humanities
- NEHGR - New England Historic Genealogical Register [publication of NEHGS]
- NEHGS - New England Historical Genealogy Society
- neph. nephew.
- neph-i-l - nephew-in-law
- nfi - no further information
- nfk - nothing further known
- nfr - no further record
- NFMP - National Fraternity of Military Pilots
- NGC - National Genealogical Conference
- NGS - National Geographical Society
- NGSQ National Genealogical Society Quarterly
- NHPRC - National Historical Publications and Records Commission
- n.h. (dutch) nederlands hervormd Dutch Reformed
- Nl Nephew-In-Law
- Ni Niece
- NIGR National Institute on Genealogical Research (National Archives)
- NIGRAA National Institute on Genealogical Research Alumni Association
- NIGS National Institute for Genealogical Studies (Toronto)
- Nil Niece-In-Law
- NLD the international genealogy standard for the Netherlands is NLD. Tis is a USA but the inernational English name is the Neterlands, Every country should be mentioned in the own language, thus it is NEDERLAND
- nm. - name never married
- nmed. - named
- nmn - no middle name
- N.N. - nomen nescio [Latin], name unknown
- N.N. - non nominatus / non nominata' [Latin], not named
- NOB - Naval Order of Battle
- NOK - Next of Kin (military)
- not. - noted
- NP - Notary Public
- n.p. no place listed; no publisher listed. not reported (Census Soundex)
- n.pub. / n.p. - no publisher given
- nr. - none recorded; not recorded; naturalized
- NS - New Style calendar; Nova Scotia
- NSCDA - National Society of the Colonial Dames of America
- NSDAR - National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution
- NSSAR National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
- NSSDP - National Society Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims
- Nu (occupation)Nurse
- NUCMC - National Union Catalog of Manuscript Colletions
- nunc. nuncupative will,oral will.
- nupsit - married
- N.W. - North West
- NWC - Navy Widow's Certificate
- NW. Terr. - North West Territory
- n.x.n. - no christian name
- NYGBR New York Genealogical and Biographical Record
- NYGBS New York Genealogical and Biographical Society
- NZSG New Zealand Society of Genealogists
- o. - oath, officer
- O (occupation) Officer
- OA - Order of the Arrow (Boy Scouts)
- ob obit, deceased, inf—obit infantia (died in infancy) obiit
- OB (order book, as in court order book.
- OBE - Order of the British Empire
- obiit. he or she died.
- obit. obituary.
- OBLI - Ox and Bucks Light Infantry
- OC - Order of Canada
- o.c. - only child
- O.E. - Old England; Old English
- OES - Order of the Eastern Star
- offor offic. - official
- OFPA The Order of the Founders and Patriots of America
- oft. - often
- OHC - Order of the Holy Cross
- OISE Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (University of Toronto)
- OM - Organized Militia Ordained Minister; Order of Merit
- OMM - Order of Military Merit
- OP - Order of Preachers (Roman Catholicism; Dominican)
- o.p. - out of print
- ord. - ordained; ordinance; order; ordinary
- org. - organization
- orig. - origin; original
- OS old style calendar
- OSA - Order of St. Anne; Ordinis Sancti Augustini (of the order of St. Augustine)
- OSB - Order of St. Benedict
- OSIA - Order of the Sons of Italy in America
- OSL - Order of St. Luke the Physician
- OSM - Order of Servants of Mary
- OSSB - Order of the Star Spangled Banner
- Ot (race) All others
- o.t.p. - of this parish
- ou - out of unity (Quaker)
- OUAM - Order of United American Mechanics
- overl. (dutch) overleden died
- P / p. - page; per; populus; parentage; parents; pence, patient
- Pa Partner
- p.a. - power of attorney
- PAF - Personal Ancestry File, genealogy program of the Mormon Church (LDS) No Longer Supported or distributed
- Pal-Am/PALAM—Palatines to America,
- pam. - pamphlet
- par. - parish; parent; parents
- pat. - patent; patented; paternal
- PBA - Patrolman's Benevolent Association
- PCC - Prerogative Court of Canterbury (UK)
- pchd. - purchased
- PE - Presiding Elder
- peo. - people
- perh. - perhaps
- petitn. or petn. - petition
- petr. - petitioner
- PH - The Order of Patrons Of Husbandry (Grange)
- ph. - parish, physician
- Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy
- PI - Preliminary Inventories
- PLAV - Polish Legion of American Veterans
- pion. - pioneer
- PJP - Probate Judge of the Peace
- PLB - Poor Law Board
- PLCGS Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies
- plt. - plantiff
- PM - preparative meeting (Quaker)
- P.M. - Post Meridiem; afternoon; Post Mortem; after death; Police magistrate
- PMP Project Management Professional
- P.O. - Post Office
- p.o.a. power of attorney
- POE - Port of Entry
- Por (occupation/relationship) Porter
- POSA - Patriotic Sons of America
- Prefix
- Pri (occupation) Principal
- pp. - pages
- PPA - per power of Attorney
- pr. - proved; probated, prisoner
- Pr (relationship) Prisoner
- pr. proved, probated.
- prc - produced a certificate (Quaker)
- prob. probably; probated.
- prot. (dutch) protestant Protestant
- Prv (occupation military) Privatepreced. - preceding
- PRO - Public Record Office
- pro. - probate; proved
- prob. - probable; probably
- PRONI - Public Record Office of Northern Ireland
- prop. - property
- PRP Professional Registered Parliamentarian
- propr. - proprietor(s)
- provis. - provision
- Psy.D. Doctor of Psychology
- pt. - point; port; petition; pint
- ptf. - plaintiff
- Pu - pupil
- pub. - public; published; publisher; publication
- Pu (occupation/relationship) Pupil
- p.v. - prorare vexilla, patriotically
- Pvt., Pte. = Private (military rank)
- pymt. - payment
- q. - [Latin] quarto; oversize book
- Qkr - Quaker
- QM - quarter master (military); quarterly meeting (Quaker)
- QOCH - Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
- q.v.quod vide (see above). directs the reader to look in another part of the book for further information
- q.y. - query
- r. - rector; rex; rejected; river; road
- R (relationship) Roomer
- R Range Rabbi; River; Road
- rat. - rated
- R.C. Roman Catholic.
- RCA - Railway Carmen of America
- rcd - recorded; received
- rcdr. - recorder
- RCJ - Rogationists Cordis Jesu (formal name for Rogationists, Roman Catholic Order of Men)
- rcpt. - receipt
- RD - release of dower rights
- re. - regarding received
- rec. - record
- rec'd received
- recrq - received by request (Quaker)
- reg. register.
- Reg. Gen. - Registrar General
- rel. - relative
- relfc - released from care of (Quaker)
- relrq - released by request (Quaker)
- rel/o = relict of (widow of)
- reld. - relieved
- rel-i-l - relative-in-law
- rem. - remove, removed
- ren. - renunciation
- rep. - report; representative; reprint; reprinted
- repl. - replaced; replacement
- repud. repudiate.
- res. residence; research. resides
- respectiv. - respectively
- ret. retired.
- ret mbrp - retained membership (Quaker)
- rev - reversed
- Rev. War Revolutionary War Reverend.
- RG - Registered Genealogist
- RGLI - Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
- rgstr. - registrar
- RHF - Royal Highland Fusiliers
- RIP - [Latin] requiescat in pace' (singular) or requiescant in pace (more than one person), rest in peace
- rinq. - relinquished
- r.k. (dutch) rooms katholiek Roman Catholic
- RJLI - Royal Jersey Light InfantryRMC - Returned to Military Control (Military)
- RMLI - Royal Marine Light Infantry
- rm(t) - reported married (to)
- RNA - Royal Neighbors of America
- roc - received on certificate (Quaker)
- rocf - received on certificate from (Quaker)
- rol - received on letter (Quaker)
- rolf - received on letter from (Quaker)
- Rom. - Roman
- ROOTS-L - a mailing list of subscribers who are interested in genealogy The original internet genealogy mailing list established in 1987.
- rpd - reported
- RQM - Regimental Quartermaster (US Civil War)
- RR - railroad
- rrq - request, requests, requested
- rqc - requested certificate (Quaker)
- rqct - requested certificate to (Quaker)
- rqcuc - requested to come under care (Quaker)
- RSF - The Royal Scots Fusiliers
- RSOF - Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers)
- rst - reinstate, reinstated (Quaker)
- RTD - Returned to Duty (military)
- RTT - Royal Templars of Temperance
- RW - Revolutionary War
- /s/ = signed by
- s. son(s)/ soldier; survivor; spinster; successor; shilling
- s. & h. son and heir.
- s'd - said [found in legal documents]
- Sa (occupation) Sailor
- Sal (occupation) Saleslady
- SAR - Sons of the American Revolution
- SASE - Self Addressed, Stamped Envelope
- Sb Step Brother
- Sbl Step Brother-In-Law
- Scl Step Childscatt. - scattering; scattered
- SCV - Sons of Confederate Veterans
- Sd Step Daughter
- SDA - Seventh Day Adventists
- SDWA - Society of the Descendants of Washington's Army at Valley Forge
- Sdl Step Daughter-In-Law
- Se (relationship) Servant
- S.E. - southeast
- sec. - second; secretary; section; sector; security * serv. servant
- Se.Cl (relationship)Servant's Child
- sep. - separated
- serg. Sgt . - sergeant (military rank)
- serv. - service; servant
- sett. - settlers; settler
- sev. - several
- SEYM - South Eastern Yearly Meeting (Quaker)
- Sf Step Father
- Sfl Step Father-In-Law
- Sgd Step Granddaughter
- Sgs Step Grandson
- Sgt, Serg. = Sergeant (military rank)
- sh. - share; ship
- Si Sister
- sic - As written latin term signifying a copy reads exactly as the original; indicates a possible mistake in the original. Often used when the original word or phrase is, or appears to be, different from that which would normally be expected.
- Si / sis - sister
- SIG Special Interest Group
- s-i-l / sil / Sl - son-in-law sister in law
- sil / s-i-l / Sl - son-in-law sister in law
- sin. - [Latin] sine; without
- sis. / si - sister
- Sl / sil / s-i-l - son-in-law sister in law
- SLI Salt Lake Institute (of Genealogy)
- Sm Step Mother
- Sm - stepmother
- sn. - [Latin] sine; without
- s/o - son of
- SO - Survivors' Originals
- soc. - society; societies
- SoG Society of Genealogists (United Kingdom)
- soc.roots - a Usenet newsgroup for people interested in genealogy
- SOUNDEX - A method of translating a name to a one letter code followed by three numerical digits. The aim of the translation is to render all names which sound alike (or sufficiently similar) to the same code.
- SOWD - Special Order War Department (US Civil War)
- s.p. - [Latin] sine prole; without offspring died without issue (from Latin: decessit sine prole)
- s.p.l. - [Latin] sine prole legitima; without legitimate offspring
- s.p.m. - [Latin] sine prole mascula; without male offspring
- spell. - spelling; spelled
- spr. - sponsor
- sr. - senior
- srnms. - surnames
- Ss - stepson
- SSDI social security death index
- srnm. surname, last name.
- St. saint; street.
- Step Mother-In-Law Sml
- Step Sister Ssi
- Step Sister-In-Law Ssil
- Step Son Ss
- Ssl Step Son-In-Law
- Su (occupation/relationship) Superintendent
- SUE --- Son of UEL, 1st gen. only)
- Suf - Suffix
- Sun—(1) step-uncle (2) Sunday
- sup. - supply; superior
- supt. or Su - superintendant
- surg. - surgeon
- SUV - Sons of Union Veterans
- SUVCW Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
- Sv—Sohn von (son of)
- sw. - swear; sworn
- SWA - Seriously Wounded in Action (military)
- syl.- syllable
- T. town township
- T (dutch) trouwen marriage
- TAG The American Genealogist (quarterly journal published since 1922)
- tak. - taken
- temp. - temporarily
- Ten (relationship) Tenant
- tent = tenant or tenement
- terr. territory.
- test. testament.
- tho. - though
- thot. - thought
- thro. - through
- TIB - Temple (Records) Index Bureau
- TMG - The Master Genealogist (software)
- TMS - Tiny Tafels Software genealogy program also Tafel Matching System
- tn. - town; township
- TNG - The Next Generation Sitebuilding (http://lythgoes.net/genealogy/software.php)
- top. - topographical
- Tot/Parals—Total Paralysis
- Tp — (1) this parish (2) title page Township
- t.p. - title page
- t.p.m. - title page mutilated
- t.p.w. - title page wanting
- tr. - troop; translated; translation
- tr. (dutch) trouwde marrietranscr. - transcribed
- transfrd - transferred
- transl. - translation
- treas. - treasurer
- TRIB - Temple Records Index Bureau
- trigemini - triplets
- TSSF - Third Order of St. Francis
- TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority
- TVC - Texas Veterans Commission
- twn. - town
- twp. - township, division of land
- ty. - territory
- UA (military) Survivor of the Union Army
- U Uncle
- UBCJA - United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America
- uc - under care of (Quaker)
- UCV - United Confederate Veterans
- UDA - United Daughters of America
- UDC - United Daughters of the Confederacy
- UDC - United Daughters of the Confederacy
- UE --- Unity of the Empire (for all proven descendants of UELs)
- UEL --- United Empire Loyalist (Only for the original Loyalists)
- UELAC United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada
- UFT - Ultimate Family Tree (software)
- U.K. - United Kingdom
- Ul Uncle-In-Law
- ult. - ultimo (Latin), of the preceding month
- ultimo - the preceeding month
- UN (military) Survivor of the Union Navy
- unasgd. - unassigned
- unc. - uncle
- unit. - uniting; united
- unk. - unknown
- unm. unmarried.
- unk. unknown.
- UNKNOWN - Unkown data
- unorg. - unorganized
- upl - using profane language (Quaker)
- USCG - United States Coast Guard
- USCT - United States Colored Troops
- USGenWeb (online collective providing genealogical resources via linked webpages)
- USIGS - United States Internet Genealogical Society
- USMC - United States Marine Corps USGW -
- USN - United States Navy
- USV - United States Volunteers (US Civil War)
- USWPA - United States Works Progress Administration
- uxor. wife, spouse, consort
- v.a. - [Latin] vixit annos; (s)he lived (a certain number) years
- var. - various; variation; variant
- VC - Victoria Cross - highest award in the British Commonwealth for bravery in the face of the enemy
- VE—Vagrancy Examination
- VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars
- Vi (relationship) Visitor
- vidua widow.
- viduus widower.
- VIP - Very Important Person
- virgo used to describe an unmarried woman in English and European marriage * records.
- Vis. or Visc. - Viscount; Viscountess
- vit. - vital
- viz. - [Latin] videlicet; namely
- V.L. - Vulgar Latin
- vols. - volunteers; volumes
- v.p. vita patris (in the lifetime of the father)
- v.r. - vital records
- VRC - Veteran Reserve Corps (US Civil War)
- vs. - versus
- v.s. - vital statistics
- VVI - Vermont Volunteer Infantry (US Civil War)
- w. - wife; will; west; widow White Caucasian
- W (race) White Caucasian
- w. (dutch) wonend living
- WAC - Women's Army Corp
- w/c - with consent of
- Wa (occupation) Warden
- wag. - wagoner
- Wai (occupation) Waitress
- Ward (relationship) Ward
- W.B. - Will Book
- W.D. - War Department
- w.d. - will dated
- wd. - widow; ward
- wdr = widower
- wed. (dutch) weduwe widow
- wedn.(dutch) weduwnaar widower
- wf/o - wife of
- wh. - who; which
- wid. / wd - widow
- wit. - witness
- wk(s). - week(s)
- Wkm - workman
- wnt. - wants
- w/o - wife of
- W.O. - Warrant Officer Widow's Originals
- WOTW - Woodmen Of The World
- WOW - Woodmen Of The World
- w.p. - will probated; will proved
- WPA - Works Progress Administration
- w/pwr - with power (Quaker)
- WRC - Women's Relief Corps
- WRHS - Western Reserve Historical Society
- wrkd - worked
- W.S. - Writer to the Signet
- Wt (occupation) Waiterwf/o - wife of
- wh. - who; which
- wit. - witness
- wk(s). - week(s)
- Wkm - workman
- wnt. - wants
- w/o - wife of
- W.O. - Warrant Officer Widow's Originals
- w.p. - will probated; will proved
- WPA - Works Progress Administration
- WRHS - Western Reserve Historical Society
- W.S. - Writer to the Signet
- ww. - widow
- ww/o - widow of
- wwr. - widower
- WW1 - World War One
- WW2 - World War Two
- X - a mark made by a person instead of a signature; Christ; Christian
- x ch. - exchange
- Xn. - Christian
- Xnty. - Christianity
- Xped. - Christened
- Xr. - Christian
- Xt. - Christ
- Xtian. - Christian
- Xty. - Christianity
- y. - year
- yd. - graveyard
- YM - yearly meeting (Quaker)
- yr. - year; younger; your
- zn. (dutch) (v.) zoon (van) son (of)
Sources for further reading and reference.
Concise Genealogical Dictionary, by Maurine & Glen Harris
1900 Federal Population Census, by the National Archives Trust Fund Board.
Abbreviations and Acronyms: A Guide for Family Historians A book by by Kip Sperry.
Colonial American English: A Glossary by Richard M. Lederer.
The Dictionary of Genealogy by Terrick H. Fitzhugh. An outstanding reference explaining terms and concepts used in UK genealogy.
Bouvier Law Dictionary A Law Dictionary Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union, by John Bouvier, Revised Sixth Edition, 1856.
- Project Photo Credit: alleyrose18 flickr.com