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African Missionaries

South Africa, Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi) and beyond.

Missionaries were amongst the first people to explore the interior of Africa. This project is a place to assemble them and to explore their family history. Please link the profiles of people who were missionaries in Africa to this project. Their names can also me added to the lists under denominations below.

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The primary mission of all denominations was to spread the Gospel. In addition to establishing Mission Stations and building Churches they ran schools and Hospitals.

The names listed are some that worked as missionaries in the area - in particular Southern Rhodesia, and need further investigation. Reference to Paul S King's "Missions in Southern Rhodesia".

The London Missionary Society.


  • Bethelsdorp
  • Makololo
  • Inyati
  • Kuruman
  • Hope Fountain
  • Theopolis

The Missionary Society was founded in 1795, and later was re-named The London Missionary Society. It was ... "declared to be a fundamental principle of The Missionary Society that its Design is not to send Presbyterianism, Independency, Episcopacy, or any other form of Church Order and Government (about which there may be difference of opinion among serious persons), but the Glorious Gospel of the blessed God to the heathen; and that it shall be left (as it ought to be left) to the minds of the persons whom God may call into the fellowship of His Son from among them to assume for the,selves such form of Church Government as to them shall appear most agreeable to the word of God."

Rev. Robert Moffat was born the same year the Society was founded, and arrived in South Africa in 1817. His wife to be, Emily Unwin joned him 2 years later and they established a mission station at Kuruman, today in the Northern Cape. Rev. Robert Moffat's daughter was the wife of David Livingstone who married her in 1841. These two men were largely responsible for the spread of the missionaries North.

Robert Moffat had established a good relationship with Mzilikazi - the African King who founded the Matabele Kingdom. Mzilikazi was the son of Matshobana, originally a lieutenant of Shaka. He rebelled in 1823 and left Shaka, fleeing North with his tribe, the Khumalo, from Zululand. By 1837 Mzilikazi had been forced further north by the Boers and Zulus, and settled in the area that became Southern Rhodesia.

In 1857 Mzilikazi finally consented to a mission station to be established in his country on condition that either Moffat or his son was to run it. Moffat could not leave Kuruman and sent his son, Rev. William Sykes (1827-1897) - all young married men.

The missionaries and their wives left England in 1858. They had to travel up to Matabeleland from the Cape by ox-wagon - about 1500/1600 miles. Mrs. Mary Livingstone also accompanied them, and all 4 women were expectant mothers.

When they reached Beaufort West Emily Moffat gave birth to a son, and a little further on the route at Griquatown Evan Morgan Thomas was born in Feb 1859.

When they reached Kuruman missionary it was under threat from Boers. The Missionaries were joined by 2 more families – Mr and Mrs Price who were headed for the proposed mission to the Makololo tribe near the Zambezi. At Kuruman an epidemic struck and the 4 month old Moffat baby died, as did Mrs. Sykes and her newborn child.

Robert Moffat joined the party for the trip to Mzilikizi – a hazardous journey followed with sand, mud, bush and tsetse flies. When they reached the outskirts of Mzilikazi’s territory they were joined by a party of Matabele warriors who were sent to guide and protect them. As the oxen had been smitten with lung-sickness (apparently pneumonia)they were sent back in order not to introduce the disease amongst Mzilikazi’s cattle. Mzilikazi sent hundreds of warriors to fetch the wagons – the men pulled the wagons in place of the oxen.

There was some distrust of the white missionaries amongst the Matabele as a result of previous encounters with the Boers. After the missionaries had depleted their supplies of gifts for the king there was dissatisfaction about their presence and Mzilikazi departed taking his whole village with him. Any attempt to speak to the king was denied, and messengers were sent accusing the missionaries of being sent to spy out the land in advance of other white people to follow. They were told not to hunt or fish or move from their location. They decided to stay in spite of the shortage of food and the conditions they lived in – rats being a particular problem.

Five weeks later Mzilikazi sent a sheep and an ox, followed by warriors to take their wagons to Inyati where they were received as if nothing had happened, saying that he had missed them in their absence. On 26th Dec 1859 the wagons were out-spanned for the last time and Inyati became the first white settlement in Matabeleland. (Inyati means means "the place of the buffaloes)

The first stone dwelling was built much to the fascination and consternation of the natives. Snakes, rats and ants plagued the missionaries. A well was sunk in an effort to get a supply of clean drinking water (the natives bathed in the nearby river) but the Matabele received this as a bathing place with much gratitude!

Rev John Smith Moffat (1835-1918)

Rev. Thomas Morgan Thomas (1830-1884)

Rev. William Sykes (1827-1897)

Mrs. Sykes and her newborn child died at Kuruman (John S Moffatt - Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat 1885)

Rev. Sykes went to Inyati in 1859 and his 2nd wife Margaret Charlotte Kolbe arrived at Inyati in 1861.

Their daughter, Rev. David Carnegie in 1885. David Carnegie persuaded Hoti (a recalcitrant induna who controlled about 800-1000 men during the 1896 Matabele uprisings.

John Boden Thomson (1841-1878) joined Sykes with his wife Elizabeth nee Edwards. The couple were from Scotland. They first went to Inyati, but Lobengula granted them a place for a new mission station which was besides a water fall/fountain - which was why it was called Hope Fountain.

Today there is a Christian-based organisation working with orphaned and abandoned children in Zimbabwe called Hope Fountain International

The Thomsons were on their own at Hope Fountain until 1875 when The Rev Charles Daniel Helm and his wife Elizabeth Eduardine ne Von Puttkamer joined them. Lobengula thought highly of Helm who was required to be present as interpreter and adviser throughout the deliberations which led up to the signing of the Rudd-Rhodes Concession.

The Assemblies of God


The Republic of South Africa

  • John G. Lake
  • Tom Hezmalhalch
  • Henry M Turney

The Azusa Street Revival, in California, was certainly significant in reminding North American Pentecostals of their non-racial and ecumenical origins and their ethos. A choice between Parham and Seymour is an important theological decision to make in defining the essence of Pentecostalism. The Azusa Street revival has given inspiration to black South African Pentecostals, for many decades denied basic human dignities by their white counterparts, often in the same Pentecostal denomination. Emissaries from Azusa Street and Zion City, Tom Hezmalhalch and John G Lake, who reported back to Seymour, founded the first Pentecostal church in South Africa, the Apostolic Faith Mission, in 1908. Henry M Turney, who went to South Africa in 1909 and was associated with the formation of the Assemblies of God there, was an Azusa Street product.

Early in the formation of the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa, founded by John G Lake and others in 1908, African pastors were given only nominal and local leadership opportunities, the races were almost immediately separated in baptisms and church gatherings, and apartheid had become the accepted practice of the church."

"The Assemblies of God is the largest Pentecostal denomination in the world. In 1908, missionaries arrived in South Africa from William Seymour's Azusa Street mission. Some of these missionaries organized a group that would eventually grow to becoming a part of the Assemblies of God. By 1936 this branch of the Assemblies of God was a mostly black denomination. The Assemblies of God preach of Healing, miracles, as well as the Holy Spirit baptism, like many other Pentecostal denominations. One major difference from other Pentecostal denominations is that the Assemblies of God believe in the Trinity, that people should be baptized "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit", rather than being Oneness, where you are baptized in the name of Jesus.


The first missionaries to Lesotho were the Paris Evangelical Mission Society in 1833. The Swiss Pentecostal Missions sent their first missionaries to a place called Mount Tabor in 1914. The first Assemblies of God (AG) missionary personnel went to Mt. Tabor in 1924. Edgar Pettenger, an early AG missionary to South Africa, visited Mt. Tabor in 1922. Other names that come up in the history are August Kast and John Lessing. Other names that figure in the history of this small country are the C. Stanley Cookes who arrived in 1953.

In October 1950, Margaret Anderson and Hilda Olsen arrived to begin the official work of the Assemblies of God World Missions and continued until 1975.

They started at Mt. Tabor (a place under the Swiss Pentecostal Church), but moved on to Rothe where the Assembly Bible School was started. Ervin Shaffer helped build Salem Assembly in Rothe in 1954. AGWM’s efforts in Lesotho really have their roots in Rothe. The school moved to Maseru the capital in 1969. For many years the two ladies had a Bookmobile and a bookstore in Maseru. The ladies started work with Shadrack & Elizabeth Letuka, Daniel Nakeng, and Reverend Timothy Domela who planted the first church (Grace Chapel) in Maseru in 1959. He also served as Chairman of the AG there for many years. Others to serve in this position over the years were, Gugushe, Ishmael Maqathazane, Calvin Motebang, and Gift Ntsonyane. Missionaries to follow Peggy and Hilda were, Harris Heidenreich, Ed & Barbara Louton, Rodney White, Denis & Martha Preston (1996-8), Alan & Pat Pettenger (1991-2012), Joe Berry (1993-4), and Rich and Debra Ried (2010 to present).

The first missionaries to Lesotho were the Paris Evangelical Mission Society in 1833. The Swiss Pentecostal Missions sent their first missionaries to a place called Mount Tabor in 1914. The first AG missionary personnel went to Mt. Tabor in 1924. Edgar Pettenger, an early AG missionary to South Africa, visited Mt. Tabor in 1922. Other names that come up in the history are August Kast and John Lessing. Other names that figure in the history of this small country are the C. Stanley Cookes who arrived in 1953.

In October 1950, Margaret Anderson and Hilda Olsen arrived to begin the official work of AGWM and continued until 1975.

They started at Mt. Tabor (a place under the Swiss Pentecostal Church), but moved on to Rothe where the Assembly Bible School was started. Ervin Shaffer helped build Salem Assembly in Rothe in 1954. AGWM’s efforts in Lesotho really have their roots in Rothe. The school moved to Maseru the capital in 1969. For many years the two ladies had a Bookmobile and a bookstore in Maseru. The ladies started work with Shadrack & Elizabeth Letuka, Daniel Nakeng, and Reverend Timothy Domela who planted the first church (Grace Chapel) in Maseru in 1959. He also served as Chairman of the AG there for many years. Others to serve in this position over the years were, Gugushe, Ishmael Maqathazane, Calvin Motebang, and Gift Ntsonyane. Missionaries to follow Peggy and Hilda were, Harris Heidenreich, Ed & Barbara Louton, Rodney White, Denis & Martha Preston (1996-8), Alan & Pat Pettenger (1991-2012), Joe Berry (1993-4), and Rich and Debra Ried (2010 to present).

Rich and Deb Ried are currently serving Lesotho, a small mountain kingdom in the south of Africa.

Rich and Deb both teach courses at the Bible school in Maseru, training pastors and lay leaders for ministry. Rich has also been certified to teach and facilitates for Global University in Lesotho. Deb teaches on health related issues, specifically related to HIV and AIDS and Rich teaches Bible courses and a class on ministering to children. He takes his students into villages throughout Lesotho in outreach ministry to give them opportunity to put into practice what he has taught them in the classroom.

In their first years of ministry in Lesotho they had the privilege of contributing to the building and establishment of three new churches. There are currently about 80 Assemblies of God churches and/or preaching points actively discipling believers nationwide.

Deb has been licensed with the Lesotho Nursing Council and invests much of her time educating and facilitating the care of children living with and/or affected by HIV and AIDS


The Dutch Reformed Church.

  • Stephanus Hofmeyer
  • Gabriel Buys
  • Francois Coilard
  • Rev. Sam Helm and Dr. John Helm (brothers)
  • Andrew Louw


  • Goedgedagcht Mission in the Soutpansberg
  • Morgenster

The Roman Catholic Church.


  • Empandeni
  • Mariannhill Natal
  • Chishawasha

The Anglican Church.

Bishop Knight Bruce

Canon Balfour

Bishop William Gaul

The Methodist Church (United Kingdom).

  • William Shaw (1820 Settler)
  • Rev. Owen Watkins
  • Rev. Isaac Shimmin

Waldensian Evangelical Church

Waldensians, Waldenses, Vallenses or Vaudois are names for a Christian movement which started in Lyon, France, in the late 1170s. After the Protestant Reformation it adhered to Calvinist theology and became the Italian branch of the Reformed churches.

  • Jalla Brothers who were missionaries in Zambia

The Salvation Army.

  • Staff Captain Pascoe

Pioneer Party of Salvationists 5th May 1891

  • Major and Mrs. Pascoe
  • Captain Cass
  • Captain Crook
  • Captain Mahon
  • Captain Scott

The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.

Formed in 1806 by a group of students from Williams College Williamstown, Massachusetts.

  • Rev. Myron Pinkerton
  • Rev. Mr. Wilcox
  • Dr. Thompson
  • E D Alvord


  • Zulu Mission - Natal
  • McCord Zulu Hoispital
  • Adams College
  • Inanda Seminary

The Seventh Day Adventist Missions.

  • Solusi Mission (Bulawayo)
  • Kolo in Basutoland
  • Lower Gwelo Mission
  • W H Anderson

The South African General Mission (Rusitu).

  • Rusitu
  • Biriiri
  • Mr. Spencer Walton
  • Dr. Andrew Murray
  • Mr. Raney
  • John Coupland
  • Dudley Kidd
  • Rev. Douglas Wood
  • Mr. and Mrs. G E Barnes
  • Mr. and Mrs.Hatch
  • Mr. and Mrs Rees Howells

The Methodist Church (U.S.A.)

  • Old Umtali
  • Mount Makomwe
  • Mutambara
  • Nyadiri Mission
  • Dr. Joseph Hartzell
  • Rev. and Mrs. M W Ehnes
  • Rev M H Reid
  • Rev. E H Greeley
  • Rev. and Mrs. John M Springer
  • Rev. Samuel Gurney M.D.
  • Mother Hughes

The Brethren in Christ Church.

  • Matopa Mission
  • Mtshabezi Mission
  • Wanezi Mission
  • Mrs. H Frances Davidson
  • Rev. H J and Mrs. Emma Frey
  • Bishop H P Steigerwald

The Church of Christ.

(Foreign Missions Union of the Associated Churches of Christ in New Zealand).

  • Dadaya
  • John Sherriff
  • Mr. and Mrs. F L Hadfield
  • W W Mansill
  • Mr. and Mrs. R S Garfield Todd

The Presbyterian Church.

  • Ntabazinduna (David Livingstone Memorial Mission)
  • Rev. Henry T Jones
  • Rev. C E Greenfield
  • Rev. Allan Munn

The African Methodist Episcopal Church.

  • Rev. S J Mabote
  • Brother M C Ncube
  • Bros. J Molebatsi
  • Rev. D K Gabashane
  • Rev. M D Makgatho
  • Rev J J Khaile
  • Rev. Z C Mtshwelo

The Church of Sweden Mission.

  • Mnene mission station

The Church of Central Africa - Presbyterian.

The Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland.

  • Rev. J B Radasi

The Free Methodist Church.

  • Rev and Mrs. R J Jacobs

Paris Evangelical Missionary Society

Protestant Missionaries

  • George Schmidt (1709-1785). First Protestant Missionary to Africa - a Moravian who he arrived in Cape Town on July 9, 1737 and left in 1744.

From his letters and diary, one can conclude George Schmidt was a deeply honest and dedicated Christian. He lived a lonely life. With childlike faith he submitted himself to the task of evangelizing the despised Hottentots. He did not want to do anything of his own unless he was absolutely certain it was the will of God.

  • Allen Francis Gardiner (1794-1851) Wikipedia - a British Royal Navy officer and missionary to Patagonia who went to Africa in 1834, exploring the Zulu country and started the first missionary station at Port Natal. From 1834 to 1838 he tried to establish Christian churches in Zululand, but political events and native wars prevented any permanent success. Founder of Durban in 1835.

The missionary Captain Allen Francis Gardiner, set up a mission on the Berea, and chaired a meeting in which it was decided to set up a town to be named D’Urban after the British Governor of the Cape, Sir Benjamin D’Urban. History of Durban.

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