This project uses an ahnentafel of Teresa of Portugal compiled by Todd Farmerie in 1997 to identify and cut the fake lines in her ancestry.
When Todd Farmerie published this chart he said, "Following the discussion of the ancestry of Teresa Alfonso, daughter of Alfonso VI of Leon, I went back to my resources, and have compiled the following account of her ancestry. With one exception, it has been traced as far as it is thought reliable, so any pedigrees tracing farther back should be rejected. You will note several differences as compared to ES, but what I am presenting here is based in part on more recent work of the same authors who contributed to the charts in that work. Note in particular the ancestry of 2.Jimena Munoz, 19.Urraca Gomez, 72.Fernan Gonzalez, and 2560.Vermudo I."
How to participate
- Use the ahnentafel below to identify ancestors of Teresa of Portugal, then add those ancestors to the project.
- Cut any lines that do not appear in the ahnentafel.
- If you find a contemporary academic source that changes or adds to this information, start a project discussion.
- The best place to search for updates and corrections to this information is the archives of soc.genealogy.medieval.
Reading an ahnentafel
An ahnentafel is a numbered list of a person's ancestors. If you are looking at a person on the list, that person's father is their number times 2. That person's mother is that number times 2 plus 1. A child's number is one-half their father's number.
The ancestry of Teresa of Portugal
Generation I
- 1. Teresa Alfonso, Queen of Portugal, d. 1130, m. Henry of Burgundy, Count of Portugal, d. 1112, "filiorum filii" to Raymond of Burgundy
Generation II
- 2. Alfonso VI, King of Leon and Castile, d. 1109
- 3. Jimena Munoz (of Asturias), d.1128
Generation III
- 4. Fernando I, King of Castile and Leon, d.1065
- 5. Sancha de Leon, d. 1067
- 6. Munio Gonzalez, Count of Asturias, fl. 1052-1082
- 7. Mayor Rodriguez, fl. 1059
Generation IV
- 8. Sancho III Garces "el Mayor", King of Navarre, Emperor of Spain, d. 1035
- 9. Muniadona Sanchez of Castile, d. 1067
- 10. Alfonso V, King of Leon, d.1028
- 11. Elvira Menendez, fl.1012-1022
- 12. Gonzalo Munoz, Count of Asturias, fl. 1033-1053
- 13. Eylo Munoz of Asturias
- 14. Rodrigo
Generation V
- 16. Garcia Sanchez, "el Tembloroso", King of Navarre, d.1004
- 17. Jimena Fernandez
- 18. Sancho Garcia, Count of Castile, d. 1017
- 19. Urraca Gomez of Saldana
- 20. Vermudo II "el Gotoso", King of Leon, d.999
- 21. Elvira Garces of Castile
- 22. Menendo Gonzalez, Count, fl.961-1008
- 23. Toda (Tutadona), fl.1006-1022
- 24. Munio Gonzalez, fl. 1013-1047
- 25. Tigridia Ansurez
- 26. Munio Rodriguez "Canis", Count of Asturias, fl.992-1020
- 27. Enderquina Froilaz
Generation VI
- 32. Sancho II Garces "Abarca", King of Navarre
- 33. Urraca Fernandez of Casttile
- 34. Fernando Vermudez, fl.978
- 35. Elvira Diaz of Saldana
- 36. Garcia Fernandez, Count of Castile, d. 995
- 37. Ava of Ribagorza
- 38. Gomez Diaz, Count of Saldana, fl. 940-86
- 39. Muniadona Fernandez of Castile
- 40. Ordono III, King of Leon, d.959
- 41. Guntroda Pelaez
- 42. Garcia Fernandez (#36)
- 43. Ava of Ribagorza (#37)
- 44. Gonzalo Menedez, Count, fl.950-997
- 45. Ilduara Pelaez, fl.961-964
- 46.? son of Fruela (who was grandfather of Toda)
- 47.? dau. of Fruela (who was grandfather of Toda)
- 48. Gonzalo Garces of Castile, fl. 972-1011
- 49. _____ Munoz of Samiedo
- 50. Ansur Munoz of Pancorbo, fl.967-1003
- 51. Gontroda
- 52. Rodrigo
- 54. Fruela Velaz, Count, fl.950-978
- 55. Eylo
Generation VII
- 64. Garcia Sanchez, King of Navarre, d. 970
- 65. Andregota Galindez of Aragon
- 66. Fernan Gonzalez, (#72)
- 67. Sancha Sanchez of Navarre (#73)
- 68. Vermudo Nunez, Count of Cea, d.954
- 69. Argilo
- 70. Diego Munoz, (#76)
- 71. Tigridia Nunez of Castile (#77)
- 72. Fernan Gonzalez, Count of Castile, d.970
- 73. Sancha Sanchez of Navarre
- 74. Raymond II, Count of Ribagorza, d.970
- 75. Garsenda of Fezensac
- 76. Diego Munoz, Count of Saldana, fl. 936-961
- 77. Tigridia Nunez of Castile
- 78. Fernan Gonzalez, (#72)
- 79. Sancha Sanchez of Navarre (#73)
- 80. Ramiro II, King of Leon, d.950
- 81. Adosinda Gutierrez
- 82. Pelayo Gonzalez, Count, fl.936-956
- 83. Hermesinda Gutierrez, fl.929-934
- 88. Hermengildo Gonzalez, fl.926-943
- 89. Mumadona Diaz, fl.926
- 90. Pelayo Gonzalez, (#82)
- 91. Hermesinda Gutierrez, (#83)
- 92/94. Fruela Gutierrez, fl.933-943
- 93/95. Saracinna, fl.936-942
- 96. Garcia Fernandez, (#36)
- 97. Ava of Ribagorza (#37)
- 98. Munio Fernandez "of Samiedo"
- 99. Jimena
- 100 .Munio Ansurez
- 108. Vela Nunez, Count, fl.945
- 109. Todilde
Generation VIII
- 128. Sancho I Garces, King of Navarre, d. 925
- 129. Toda Aznar of Larron
- 130. Galindo II Aznar, Count of Aragon, d.922
- 131. Sancha Garces of Najerra
- 136. Nuno Velaz
- 144. Gonzalo Fernandez, Count in Burgos and of Castile, d. 932
- 145. Muniadona Ramirez of Asturias
- 146. Sancho I Garces, (#128)
- 147. Toda Aznar of Larron (#129)
- 148. Bernard I, Count of Ribagorza, d.950
- 149. Toda Galindez of Aragon
- 150. William, Count of Fezensac, fl.961
- 151. Garsenda of Toulouse
- 152. Muno Nunez "of Roa", Count of Castile, fl. 899-915
- 153. ____ (dau. of a Gutierrez)
- 154. Nuno Fernandez "of Amaya", Count of Castile, fl. 921-927
- 160. Ordono II, King of Leon, d.924
- 161. Elvira Menendez, fl.914-920
- 162. Gutierre Osorez, Count, fl.916-941
- 163. Aldonza Menendez, fl. 936-942
- 164. Gonzalo Betotez, Count of Deza, fl.915-929
- 165. Teresa Eriz, fl.929
- 166. Gutierre Menendez, Count, fl.910-933
- 167. Ilduara Eriz, fl.916-958
- 176. Gonzalo Betotez, (#164)
- 177. Teresa Eriz, (#165)
- 178. Diego Fernandez, fl.909-926
- 179. Onneca (? Lucides), fl.928
- 184/188. Gutierre Menendez (#166)
- 185/189. Ilduara Eriz, (#167)
- 196. Fernando
- 200. Ansur Fernandez, fl.943
- 201. Guntroda Nunez
- 216. Nuno Velaz (#136)
Generation IX
- 256. Garcia Jimenex Count in Najerra
- 257. Dadildis of Pallars
- 258. Aznar Sanchez of Larron
- 259. Onneca Fortun of Navarre
- 260. Aznar II Galindez, Count of Aragon
- 261. Onneca Garces of Navarre
- 262. Garcia Jimenez, Count in Najerra, (#256)
- 263. Onneca "Rebelde de Sanguesa"
- 272. Vela Jimenez, Count of Alava, fl.882
- 288. Fernan Gonzalez "of Castrosiero" the Black, fl. 866
- 289. Gutina Munoz of Branosera
- 290. Ramiro Alfonso pretender "King" of Asturias, d.929
- 291. Unknown (not Urraca bint Abd'allah ibn Qasi, who he married about 926, and thus could not have been grandmother of Fernan, who appears as count in 929)
- 296. Raymond I, Count of Ribagorza and Pallars, d.916
- 298. Galindo II Aznar (#130)
- 299. Acibella Garces of Gascony
- 300. Garcia Sanchez, Duke of Gascony, d.920
- 301. Aminiana ? of Angouleme, fl.904
- 302. Raymond II, Count of Toulouse, fl.919-924
- 303. Gudinilde
- 304. Nuno Munoz "of Castrogerizs", fl. 882-884
- 305. _____ Rodriguez of Castile
- 306. (Osorio Gutierez (#324) or Hermengildo Gutierez(#332)
- 307. (wife of Osorio, or Hermesinda Gatonez (#333))
- 308. Fernan Gonzalez "of Castrosiero" the Black, (#288)
- 309. Gutina Munoz of Branosera (#289)
- 320. Alfonso III, King of Asturias, d. 910
- 321. Jimena Garces of Navarre
- 322. Hermengildo Gutierrez, (#332)
- 323. Hermesinda Gatonez (#333)
- 324. Osorio Gutierrez, fl.899-920
- 326. Hermengildo Gurierrez, (#332)
- 327. Hermesinda Gatonez (#333)
- 328. Alfonso Betote, Count of Tuy
- 330. Ero Fernández (#334)
- 331. Adosinda (#335) or Elvira
- 332. Hermengildo Gutierrez, Count, fl.869-911
- 333. Hermesinda Gatonez
- 334. Ero Fernández, Count, fl.895-926
- 335. Adosinda
- 356. Fernando
- 358. (? Lucido Vimaranes, Count, fl. 887-922)
- 359. (? Gudilona Menendez)
- 400. Fernando Ansurez, Count of Castile, fl.916-929
- 401. Muniadonna Nunez of Castrogeriz
- 402. Nuno Velaz (#136)
Generation X
- 512. Jimeno (Garces?, Velasquez?)
- 514. Donat Llop, (#592)
- 515. _____ of Toulouse (#593)
- 516. Sancho Garces
- 518. Fortun Garces the Monk, King of Navarre, d.905
- 519. Oria
- 520. Galindo I Aznar, Count of Aragon, d.867
- 522. Garcia Iniguez, King of Navarre, (#1036)
- 523. Urraca (#1037)
- 544. (? Jimena (Garces ?,Velasquez?), (#512))
- 576. Gonzalo, fl. 863
- 578. Muno Nunez of Branosera, Judge of Castile
- 579. Argila
- 580. Alfonso III (#320)
- 581. Jimena Garces of Navarre (#321)
- 592. Donat Llop, Count of Bigorre, fl.870
- 593. _____ of Toulouse
- 598. Garcia Sanchez, (#300)
- 599. Aminiana of Angouleme (#301)
- 600. Sancho Sanchez "Mitarra" II, Duke of Gascony, d.875
- 601. _____ Galindez of Aragon
- 602. ? Wulgrim, Count of Angouleme, d.866
- 603. ? Sancha of Toulouse
- 604. Eudes, Count of Toulouse, fl.879-918
- 605. Garsinde of Albi
- 608. Muno Nunez "of Branosera" (#578)
- 609. Argila (#579)
- 610. Rodrigo, Count of Castile, fl.852-873
- 611. _____ of Asturias
- 640. Ordono I, King of Asturias, d.866
- 641. Nunia (sister of Gaton (#666))
- 642. Garcia Iniguez, (#1036)
- 643. Urraca (#1037)
- 648. Gutierre, fl.869-920
- 649. Elvira, fl.920
- 664. Gutierre (#648)
- 665. Elvira, (#649)
- 666. Gaton, Count, fl.853-876
- 667. Egilona, fl.854-876
- 668. Fernando (#356)
- 716. (Vimara Perez, Count, fl.868)
- 718. (? Hermengildo Gutierez, (#332))
- 719. (? Hermesinda Gatonez (#333))
- 800. Ansur
- 802. Nuno Munoz of Castrogeriz (#304)
- 803. _____ Rodriguez of Castile (#305)
Generation XI
- 1032. Garcia Iniguez, (#1036)
- 1033. Urraca (#1037)
- 1036. Garcia Iniguez, King of Navarre, d.882
- 1037. Urraca
- 1040. Aznar I Galindez, Count of Aragon
- 1041. _____ Centule
- 1156. Nuno Munoz "Rasura" Judge of Castile
- 1184. Loup Centule, Duke of the Gascons, fl.818
- 1186. Raymond I, (#1208)
- 1187. Berteiz (#1209)
- 1200. Sancho Sanchez "Mirarra" I, Duke of Gascony, d.864
- 1202. Galindo I Aznar, (#520)
- 1204. Ulrich, Count in the Argengau, fl.808
- 1206. ?Bernard of Septimania, Count of Toulouse, d.844
- 1207. ?Dhuoda of Gascony, d.844
- 1208. Raymond I, Count of Toulouse, fl.852-863
- 1209. Berteiz
- 1210. Ermengaud, Count of Albi
- 1222. Ramiro I (#1280)
- 1223. Paterna (#1281)
- 1280. Ramiro I, King of Asturias
- 1281. Paterna
- 1432. (Pedro)
Generation XII
- 2072. Inigo Iniguez "Arista", King of Navarre
- 2080. Galindo, Count
- 2082. Centule (? #2368)
- 2312. Muno "Belchitez"
- 2368. Centule
- 2400. Sancho Loup, Prince of the Gascons, d.816
- 2401. _____ Galindez
- 2412. William "of Gellone", Count of Toulouse, Duke of Narbonne, d.812
- 2413. Witburga
- 2414. Sancho Loup, (#2400)
- 2415. _____ Galindez (#2401)
- 2416. Foucoud, fl.837
- 2417. Senegunde
- 2418. Remigius
- 2419. Arsinde
- 2560. Vermudo I, "King" of Asturias, fl.842
Generation XIII
- 4144. Inigo (Jimenez?)
- 4800. Loup, Duke of the Gascons, fl.769-779
- 4802. Galindo, (#2080)
- 4824. Thierry, fl.771-791
- 4825. Aude
- 4826.?Lambert of Hornbach fl.760-783
- 4834. Fredelon
- 4834. Bertha
- 5120. Froila, missus, fl.798
Generation XIV
- 10240. Fruela I, King of Asturias, d.768
- 10241. Munnia Froilaz of Cantabria
Generation XV
- 20482. Alfonso I, King of Asturias, d.757
- 20483. Ermesinda Pelaez
- 20484. Fruela Perez, Duke of Cantabria, d.757
Generation XVI
- 40964. Pedro, Duke of Calabria
- 40966. Pelayo, Prince of Asturias, d.717
- 40967. Gaudiosa
- 40968. Pedro (#40964)
Generation XVII
- 81928. Diego
- 81929. Gulvira
- 81932. Fafila, Mayordomo of Spain
Generation XVIII
- 163856. Aquilo
- 163857. Divigria of Liebana
- 163859. Osicia of Liebana
- 163864. Aquilo (#163856)
- 163865. Divigria of Liebana (#163857)
Generation XIX
- 327914. Benedicto of Liebana
- 327915. Ellesinda
- 327918. Benedicto of Liebana (#327914)
- 327919. Ellesinda (#327915)