Ambundu people in Angola
*Queen Nzinga 'Anna' Montsingaux, Queen of the Ndongo and Matamba
Slave Trade:
Slaves to the Cape:
- Catharina/ Catarina van Angola Catarina van Angola
- Cecilia [van Angola?]: Cecilia Van Angola, SM/PROG / Cecilia van Angola
- Christina / Christijn van Angola
- Marselij / Pollecij /Vlossijk aka Maaij [Mae] Claesje / Claasje(n) / KLasje: 'Maaij' Claesje van Angola
- Jansz: van Angola [dies 1732]
- Dorothea /Dorothe van Angola: Dorothe Van Angola, SM/Prog
- Elisabeth /Lijsbeth van Angola, aka Sabba van Angola (dies 1694)
- Francina / Francyn / Francijn / Fransika van Angola
- Isabel / Isabella / Isabelle van Angola
- Maaij (Mae) Isabella / Ijsabelle van Angola (born c 1642)
- Margaretha / Griet [van Angola?]
- Maria van Angola
- Maria Pekenijn van Angola
- Anthonij van Angola: Anthonij van Angola
- Domingo van Angola (executed 1675): Domingo van Angola
- Manuel van Angola: Manuel van Angola, SV/PROG
- Jacqje Joij van Angola later Gracia Maialas van Angola (born c 1647): Jacqie Joij Gratias van Angola, SV/PROG
- Ouwe Jan van Angola
- Jan Meeuw van Angola
- Matthijs van Angola
- Niclaes / Claes Kelder van Angola (born c 1647)
- Claes / Klaas van Angola
- Simon van Angola (Sijmon een Angoolse caffer)
- Thomas/so van Angola
Slaves to New Netherland
(Dutch control period)
There are several GENi dot com projects that list slaves given the name <ANGOLA> and variations, among which are:
<ANGOLA> and <VAN ANGOLA> was one of the most prominent surnames among slaves in New Amsterdam. There is much to be studied about the descendants of these individuals as families spread out across North America after the cessation of Dutch rule. ~• See:
- New Amsterdam Origins ~ African Immigrants
- Ramapo Mountain People
- one New Amsterdam van Angola line that stretches to the present day
Sources & Resources:
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