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Clergycide: Clergy Homicide Victims

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  • Bilal Amla (1985 - 2019)
    Bilal Amla (1985 - 2019) Brief overview: Bilal (34), a Muslim cleric was shot dead in an attempted hijacking outside King Edward VIII Hospital in Durban on Thursday night. KwaZulu-Natal police spokesma...
  • Phadamalingum Panther (1935 - 2008)
    Phadamalingum Pather (Pat) (1935 – 2008) Brief overview: Phadamalingum (73), known at Pat, a Hindu Priest from Phoenix KZN, was stabbed and beaten to death during November 2008. The main ringleader of...
  • Manuel Jansen (1960 - 2019)
    Manuel Jansen (1960 - 2019) Brief overview: Manuel (59), from Tugela Street in Portlands was ambushed by two men while waiting for a bus at 5.20am 08/01/2019. Manuel was a security official and also a...
  • Mina Ava-Markostre (b. - 2024)
    Mina Ava-Markostre (Father) (– 2024) Brief overview: Mina Ava-Markostre, Takla El-Samouili and Youstos Ava-Markos three Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Monks, were killed at the Saint Mark and Saint Samuel th...
  • Youstos Ava-Markos (b. - 2024)
    Youstos Ava-Markos (Father) ( – 2024) Brief overview: Youstos Ava-Markos, Takla El-Samouili and Mina Ava-Markostre , three Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Monks, were killed at the Saint Mark and Saint Samuel...

"Clergycide" is a made up word, used here to define homicide of members of the Clergy, sometimes called Martyrs in certain faiths.

Aim and Scope

This project is intended to record as many victims of "Clergycide" as possible, and link them to our Geni tree. This project may end up as a Master Project Index, but in the interim all countries can be added here.

How to Participate

Add the names of victims with their age and date of death (Or PM/email Donovan Penaluna: donno(at) If the person is on Geni please add the link to their profile, and make this a bold entry. If the person is not on Geni but has an external source, add a link to an external source but do not make the link bold. This will help us to see who still needs to be added/found on Geni.

South Africa