Genealogy Projects tagged with martyrs on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Clergycide: Clergy Homicide Victims

    "Clergycide" is a made up word, used here to define homicide of members of the Clergy, sometimes called Martyrs in certain faiths. Aim and Scope This project is intended to record as many victims of "Clergycide" as possible, and link them to our Geni tree. This project may end up as a Master Project Index, but in the interim all countries can be added here. How to Participate Add the names of...

  • Soviet martyrs of 20th century

    Please add to this project profiles of people who were tortured and/or killed by Soviet Regime. It possible, please within profile description add brief biography, also please add information about the place, date (could be approximate) and what is known about given order to torture, execution, persecution of family members. New Martyrs under Communist rule should also be included to this proje...

  • New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church

    This project aims to identify New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church. If in your family tree you have individuals that are among New Martyrs of the Russian Church, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description there would be brief biography. Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "Add to project". Select this project...

  • Poznańska Piątka

    Poznańska (Błogosławiona) Piątka (błogosławieni oratorianie) ==Pięciu młodych wychowanków Salezjańskiego Oratorium świętego Jana Bosko w Poznaniu. Podejrzewani przez gestapo o przynależność do tajnej organizacji politycznej zostali aresztowani w dniach 21 i 23 września 1940 roku, a potem więzieni w Poznaniu, Wronkach, Berlinie, Zwickau i zamordowani w Dreźnie. W skład Poznańskiej Piątki wchodzą...

  • Lithuanian victims of Nazi regime

    Please add to this project profiles of people of Lithuania (all nationalities), who were tortured and/or killed by Nazi Regime. If possible, please within profile description add brief biography, also please add information about the place, date (could be approximate) and what is known about given order to torture, execution, persecution of family members.Persons who were born, or lived, or wor...

  • Christian Martyrs

    A Christian martyr is a person who is killed for following Christianity. # Donald 'the martyr' Cargill (1619 - 1681)# Saint Polycarp of Smyrna (80 - 167)# Saint Lawrence (210 - 258)# Anne Askew, Martyr (1521 - 1546)# Thomas Hobart, of Plumstead (1610 - 1681)# Saint Jacques Buteux, SJ (1599 - 1652)# Saint Emmeran de Ratisbonne  ( - c652)

  • Catholic Clergy of Québec

    Introduction===Préambule ~ Introduction ==Le projet « Clergé Catholique du Québec » réassemble les membres du clergé catholique de la province de Québec, depuis la découverte du Canada par Jacques Cartier jusqu'à nos jours.==Méthode ~ Methodology ==La méthode est très simple : Dans ce répertoire, les profiles des membres sont groupés selon les catégories suivantes:* Saints et Martyrs* Bienheure...

  • Chicago Haymarket Affair

    Chicago Haymarket Affair (aka Haymarket Massacre , Haymarket Riot , Haymarket Incident , Haymarket tragedy ) is the labour demonstration and the subsequent repressions of anarchists, communists, and other unionists that was sparked by the the bombing during the demonstration.==People involved==* Albert Richard Parsons * Samuel Fielden ==Timeline of the events=====Prior events===* 1884-Oct - Fed...