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Complete ancestors trees - iSeeTrees

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  • •*¨*•♫♪ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ icn_heart.gif ¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ¸.•*¨*•♫♪
  • contact_icons/icq.gif iSeeTrees of green, red roses too contact_icons/icq.gif
  • contact_icons/icq.gif I see them bloom for me and you contact_icons/icq.gif
  • contact_icons/icq.gif And I think to myself what a wonderful world. contact_icons/icq.gif
  • •*¨*•♫♪ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ icn_heart.gif ¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ¸.•*¨*•♫♪

If we define a Complete Ancestors Tree (CAT) as the one where in a given generation ‘n’, all ancestors are accounted for. For 10 generations, this is 2046 ancestors (sum of 2^n). CAT’s are not common goal in genealogy, as most people follow their ancestry ‘vertically’ along specific lines, rather then ‘horizontally’, trying to account for every person in their ancestors’ tree. Here an attempt will be made to identify profiles where this has been achieved. This must be documented and sourced - real people, real records. If enough trees of this type are identified, the information might provide a basis for further research in population statistics and in particular collapsing trees.

Generations are counted as follows:parents-1, grandparents-2, greatgrandparents-3 ......

Apart from ‘completeness’ measure, we can also define Highest Different Ancestors (HDA) number as a separate measure to represent those trees which might not be complete but their ancestors count is very high.

Graph legend

Completeness of the tree is presented on a donut graph, with detailed description provided in Visualising common ancestor project. The little black circle on the graph indicates that the ancestor appears in multiple places in the tree. For this purpose option ‘Common ancestors for 1 person’ is used, where every group of ancestors which is repeated is marked in separate colour. For example if we know that two ancestors were related their common ancestors will be marked in a separate colour including all of his ancestors (referred to as Group ‘n’). Missing data for each generation will be listed in the following format gen n-> x (out of 2^n), ie x is the number of missing ancestors in each generation.
For each graph, additional information is provided, added as 2 separate comments on the image. One comment contains listing for each generation, for example: Generation: 8(256) Diff Ancestors: 178 Known Ancestors: 250 Missing Ancestor: 6 where Known ancestros represent number of different ancestors for that particular generation, Missing ancestors - number of those missing. Second comment lists all ancestors without parents to make it easier to find missing bits to complete the tree.

How to participate

The easiest way to test completeness of the tree using my program, so if you think a particular profile is close to this definition, add them to this project, and I can test it. Keep in mind, that regardless of the fact that we have 1024 ancestors in 10th generations, due to same ancestors appearing multiple times, this number can be as low as 400 and the tree could still be complete. If your tree contains private profiles, it will have to wait until my software is ready.

For a web-only variation of this visualization tool, check the Ancestor Graph found in the HistoryLink Geni Project.

How you can help

For each of the tested profiles CAT graph is provided with comments on missing ancestors. Please check the list and help if you can.


icn_favorite.gif11 generations

icn_favorite.gif10 generations

icn_favorite.gif9 generations

icn_favorite.gif8 generations

icn_favorite.gif7 generations

icn_favorite.gif up to 6 generations


Highest number of different ancestors in 10 generations out of maximum number is 2046 (number of missing ancestors in first 10 generations in brackets)

  1. 1187 (212) // Wilhelm Ludwig von Kirchberg zu Sayn-Hachenburg Wittgenstein Farnroda
  2. 1066 (139) // Agnes Princess Of Hesse-Kassel
  3. 1013 (260) // Eleonore Maria J.L. Leiningen-Westerburg-Rixingen-Oberbronn
  4. 1013 (584) // Willem-Alexander van Oranje Nassau
  5. 987 (826) // Alfred Alois, Prinz von Liechtenstein
  6. 981 (815) // Alajos György Rudolf, Prinz Esterházy von Galántha
  7. 977 (694) Georg Christian, Prinz von Lobkowicz
  8. 938 (27) Albrecht, Herzog von Bayern
  9. 912 (1129) Matthew Cox tree conflicts exist
  10. 909 (71) Maximilian-IV-I-Joseph-Wittelsbach
  11. 920 (549) Georg, Herzog von Hohenberg
  12. 896 (371) Duarte Pio, duque de Bragança
  13. 840 (115) Erdmann August Prince Of Brandenburg-Bayreuth
  14. 805 (60) Henri de Nassau, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
  15. 732 (13) Sophie of Bavaria, Archduchess of Austria
  16. 722 (77) Johann Georg II von Sachen (Wettin, Albertiner), Kurfürst
  17. 699 (37) Eleonore Magdalena of Neuburg
  18. 692 (3) Robert, Erzherzog von Österreich
  19. 679 (6) Maximilian Eugen, Erzherzog von Österreich
  20. 654 (0) Franz Josef I, Emperor of Austria
  21. 644 (640), living person from Podgora
  22. 636 (4) Franz Ferdinand von Österreich Este (Habsburg)
  23. 679 (659) // Clemens Habsburg, Prinz von Altenburg
  24. 591 (28) Johann Georg III von Sachsen (Wettin, Albertiner), Kurfürst
  25. 571 (4) Friederike von Baden-Durlach
  26. 568 (142) Gustav IV Adolf av Sverige, Kung av Sverige
  27. 519 (1218) B Sebalja
  28. 507 (6) Elia, duca di Parma
  29. 505 (0) Carl, Herzog von Württemberg
  30. 425 (52) Juan III de Borbón y Braganza, duque de Montizón
  31. 408 (33) Felipe V 'el Animoso' de Borbón, rey de España
  32. 369 (17) Carlos II 'el Hechizado' de Habsburgo, rey de España
  33. 393 (0) Franz Karl Joseph von Österreich, Erzherzog


Living person from Podgora

Podaci za Podgoru postoje of 1621. Pitanje je da li 'Kompletno obiteljsko stablo' postoji, izgleda da to nije bas tako lako naci. Za pocetak, moze definirati Kompletno stablo (za odredjenu osobu) ono u kojem su svi pretci unatrag 10 generacija poznati. Obiteljska stabla ljudi iz Podgore su najbolje dokumentirana - trebalo bi pokusati naci profil/osobu za koju je najvise predaka poznato, tj onaj za koji najmanje predaka nedostaje i vidjeti sta mozemo uciniti da to kompletiramo. Najlaksi nacin provjere koliko predaka nedostaje je pomocu mog programa, pa ako mislite da je neki profil blizu toga, dodajte ga u ovaj projekt i ja cu to provjeriti. Ako gledamo 10 generacija, broj predaka bi trebao biti 1024, ali, kako se ista osoba ponavlja vise puta, taj broj moze biti i 700, a da stablo jos uvijek bude kompletno.

Most complete family trees for Croatia are from from Podgora, Makarska, this is where we started using Geni. Written reliable records for Podgora exist from 1621, and cover complete periods 'till today. As the area was isolated geographically (narrow strip of land with Adriatic sea on one, Biokovo mountain on the other side) and politically (border with Ottoman empire was only 20km? away for few hundred years) people did not move much. There was no much change in population; except for people migrating to New World countries during hard times (the estimate is that there are more people with Podgora ancestry in New Zealand then anywhere else in the world).


  • MKR (Maticna knjiga rodjenih / Births) - from 1621
  • MKV (Maticna Knjiga vjencanih / Marriages) - from 1621
  • MKU (Maticna knjiga umrlih / Deaths) - from 1732
  • Census (Status Animarum) 1826, 1828, 1832, 1830-1846, 1839, 1857, 1910, 1920


you can choose either yourself or somebody in your narrow family group (up to 2nd cousins)

  • JS - 0,0,0,1,8,28,62,130,322,808, JS father 0,0,0,0,0,0,3,66,296,872
  • SD - 0,0,0,2,9,32,94,203,441,923