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Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota ‘Sioux‘ Tribes

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Dakota, Lakota and NakotaTribes

The goal of this project is to collect and integrate the family trees of the Dakota, Lakota and Nakota ("Sioux") tribes.

Očhéthi Šakówiŋ (Great Sioux Nation)

The Sioux Nation was and is, comprised of 3 major sub-divisions;

  1. LAKOTA - or Teton: Prairie Dwellers - with Seven Bands:
  • Oglala - They Scatter Their Own or Dust Scatters
  • Sicangu - or Brule: Burnt Thighs
  • Hunkpapa - End of the Circle
  • Miniconjous - Planters Beside the Stream
  • Sihasapa - or Blackfeet: NOTE - not the commonly known Blackfeet/Blackfoot Tribe
  • Itazipacola -or Sans Arcs: Without Bows; also known as Oohenupa/Two Boilings or Two Kettles"
  1. THE DAKOTA OR SANTEE - with Four Bands:
  • Mdeakantonwon
  • Wahpeton
  • Wahpekute
  • Sisseton
  1. THE NAKOTA OR YANKTON with Three Bands:
  • Yankton
  • Upper Yankton
  • Lower Yankton

Famous Sioux

  1. Sitting Bull
  2. Crazy Horse
  3. Red Cloud
  4. Bigfoot
  5. Little Thunder aka Little Shell I
  6. Big Mouth
  7. Red Thunder, I
  8. Waneta
  9. Wizikute (a.k.a. Pine Shooter)
  10. Red Fish
  11. American Horse
  12. Crow Dog
  13. Young Man Afraid of His Horses
  14. Red Bird (Zitkaduta)
  15. Big Curly
  16. John Otherday (Aagpetu-tokecha)
  17. Chief Gay Tay Menomin Old Wild Rice
  18. Walking Buffalo (Tatankamani)
  19. Wamditanka (Great War Eagle)
  20. Gray Iron
  21. Shakopee (Shakpe, 'six')
  22. Mankato (M-ak'-to, Blue Earth)
  23. Old Mankato
  24. Black Elk
  25. Lone Horn
  26. Touch the Clouds
  27. Taoyateduta
  28. Inkpaduta
  29. Napeshneeduta (Red Man Who Flees Not)
  30. Billy Mills was a famous Sioux Olympian athlete

Sioux Code Talkers

See; Code Talkers

Current Project Index

Index generated on: 5/1/2012

  1. , Šóta "Smoke" (1774 - 1864)
  2. , Ashes (1830 - 1890)
  3. , Bad Face ( - )
  4. Bear Eagle, Barbara Susan (1876 - 1937)
  5. Bear King, John ( - )
  6. , Bessie Rattle Woman (1851 - 1925)
  7. , Big Ax (1833 - )
  8. , Big Foot ( - )
  9. , Big Ribs ( - )
  10. Big Ribs, Anna (1867 - )
  11. , Big Ribs (1840 - )
  12. , Big Woman (1815 - )
  13. , Bite Off (1844 - )
  14. , Black Buffalo (1760 - 1816)
  15. , Black Buffalo Woman ( - )
  16. , Black Fox ( - )
  17. , Black Fox (1830 - 1881)
  18. , Black Moon ( - )
  19. , Black Shawl ( - )
  20. , Blue Horse ( - )
  21. , Body Parts ( - )
  22. Brokenleg, Simon ( - )
  23. , Brother of Red Cloud ( - )
  24. Brown, Garfield ( - )
  25. , Brown Eyes Woman ( - )
  26. , Brown Shawl Woman (1835 - )
  27. , Brulé Woman (1780 - )
  28. Bull, Sarah Lucinda (1848 - )
  29. , Burnt Her Woman ( - )
  30. Butcher, Nellie (1896 - 1930)
  31. , Catch the Bear (1857 - 1877)
  32. Catch the Enemy, John (1890 - )
  33. Catch the Enemy, Jennie (1899 - )
  34. Catch the Enemy, Isaac (1901 - )
  35. Catch-the-Enemy, James (1860 - )
  36. Catches, Theresa (1901 - )
  37. Catches, Lucy (1893 - 1964)
  38. Catches, Pete (Petaga Yuha Mani) (1912 - 1993)
  39. Catches, Alice (1891 - )
  40. Catches, Annie (1887 - )
  41. Catches, Moses (1907 - )
  42. Catches, "White Woman" (1854 - )
  43. Catches, Paul (Wawoyuapa) (1864 - 1922)
  44. Catches, Marion / Mary (1904 - )
  45. Catches, James (1899 - 1974)
  46. Catches, Amelia (1915 - 1993)
  47. , Catches Enemy (1858 - )
  48. Catches Enemy, Lucy (1881 - )
  49. Catches the Enemy, David (1894 - )
  50. Catches-the-Enemy, Paul (1840 - )
  51. , Cetan Ciqala "Little Hawk" (1836 - )
  52. Clown, Hante-Maza-win "Iron Cedar" (1864 - )
  53. Clown, Amos (1864 - 1943)
  54. Clown, Louise (1905 - )
  55. Clown, Edward (1908 - )
  56. Clown, Moses (1891 - 1918)
  57. Clown, Joseph (1894 - 1963)
  58. Clown, James (1901 - 1969)
  59. Clown, Lillie (1903 - 1917)
  60. Clown, Lilie (1903 - 1942)
  61. , Coffee ( - )
  62. , Coffee ( - )
  63. , Comes Out Slow Woman ( - )
  64. , Coming Home Last (1855 - )
  65. Corn, Charles (1853 - 1939)
  66. , Corn (1822 - )
  67. , Corn Man ( - )
  68. , Courting a Woman (1881 - 1912)
  69. , Crazy Thunder ( - )
  70. Crow Eagle, Iver ( - )
  71. , Crow Foot (1876 - 1890)
  72. Dull Knife, Jeffrey ( - )
  73. Eagle Boy, Eddie ( - )
  74. , Eagle Woman ( - )
  75. Elk Head, Philip (1883 - 1956)
  76. , Elk Tooth ( - )
  77. Fly, Thomas (1861 - )
  78. , Flying Hawk (1854 - 1931)
  79. , Flying Hawk ( - 1866)
  80. , Fool Dog ( - )
  81. , Four Horns (1814 - 1887)
  82. , Four Robes (1848 - 1929)
  83. Fox, Andrew (1861 - 1938)
  84. , Friday Scares (1877 - )
  85. , Frog ( - )
  86. , Good Looking Woman (1810 - )
  87. , Greasing Hand ( - )
  88. , Growler ( - )
  89. , Ha-wón-je-tah (1790 - 1875)
  90. , Has Horns ( - )
  91. , Head Woman (1848 - 1915)
  92. , Hehaka-waste-win (1824 - 1900)
  93. , Her Red Horses (1850 - )
  94. , High Horse (1842 - 1865)
  95. , Hohe Cikala (1844 - 1890)
  96. , Holy Lodge ( - 1895)
  97. , Hu-sa-sa-la "Red Legs" (1829 - 1905)
  98. , Iron Between Eyes (1826 - 1884)
  99. , Iron Cedar Woman (1820 - )
  100. , Iron Plume (1820 - 1876)
  101. Iron Teeth, Rosa (1902 - 1981)
  102. , Itȟáŋka "Big Mouth" (1822 - 1869)
  103. , James (1852 - )
  104. , Jennie (1868 - )
  105. John, Walter ( - )
  106. , Kangi Glixka "Spotted Crow" (1833 - )
  107. , Kills Enemy (1827 - 1877)
  108. , Kills In Lodge ( - )
  109. , Kills Standing ( - )
  110. , Kiyukanpi (1819 - 1905)
  111. LaBlanc, Phillip "Stoney" ( - )
  112. , Leo (1848 - 1925)
  113. , Light Hair (1833 - 1857)
  114. , Light in the Face ( - )
  115. , Little Hawk ( - )
  116. , Little Hawk (1846 - 1870)
  117. Little Moon, James Joe (1894 - 1943)
  118. , Little Moon (1850 - 1916)
  119. , Lodge in Sight Woman (1876 - 1898)
  120. , Lone Man ( - )
  121. , Long Ghost ( - )
  122. , Looking Cloud Woman ( - )
  123. , Looking Horse ( - )
  124. , Looking Walker Woman ( - )
  125. , Looks At Her (1837 - )
  126. , Looks at Her ( - )
  127. , Looks for Him in a Tent (1786 - 1869)
  128. , Maȟpíya Ičáȟtagya "Touch the Clouds" (1838 - 1905)
  129. , Maȟpíya Lúta (1822 - 1909)
  130. Makes Room, Henry (1844 - 1921)
  131. Makes Room, Robert (1875 - 1922)
  132. Makes Room, Eliza (1885 - )
  133. Makes Room, Annie (1889 - )
  134. Makes Room, Moses (1904 - )
  135. Makes Room, David (1895 - )
  136. Makes Room, Dora (1899 - )
  137. Makes Room, Ernest (1907 - )
  138. , Many Horses (1865 - 1897)
  139. , Matȟó Wanáȟtake (1846 - 1904)
  140. , Mi-ye-yi-lo "Fights the Thunder" (1828 - 1916)
  141. , No Name ( - )
  142. , No Neck ( - )
  143. , No Water ( - )
  144. Old Shield, N.N. (1860 - )
  145. , Old Shield (1830 - )
  146. Old Shield, Julia (1856 - )
  147. Omaha Boy, Anthony ( - )
  148. One Bull, Cecilia ( - )
  149. , One Bull ( - )
  150. , One Horn ( - 1835)
  151. , One Iron Horn ( - )
  152. , Paul Red Bird (1861 - )
  153. , Pazala "Rail" ( - )
  154. , Peter (1859 - )
  155. , Possibly Kangi Bloka "Male Crow" ( - 1844)
  156. , Pretty Owl (1835 - 1940)
  157. , Ptan-Hin-Waste-Win "Good-Haired Otter Woman" (1810 - )
  158. Pumpkinseed, Baptiste (1923 - 2001)
  159. , Rattle Track ( - )
  160. Red Cloud, Jack ( - )
  161. Red Cloud, Oliver ( - )
  162. Red Cloud, Charles ( - )
  163. Red Cloud, James ( - )
  164. , Red Cloud (1822 - 1909)
  165. , Red Dressing ( - )
  166. , Red Feather ( - )
  167. , Red Woman (1840 - 1871)
  168. , Ribsman ( - 1968)
  169. Rondell, Guy ( - )
  170. , Rosa (1907 - 1989)
  171. , Runs After Enemy ( - )
  172. Runs Away From Him, Mary Ann (1899 - )
  173. Runs Away From HIm, Melda (1901 - )
  174. , Runs Away From Him (1878 - 1909)
  175. Runs Away From HIm, Gladys (1910 - )
  176. Runs Away From HIm, Della (1903 - )
  177. Runs Away From Him, George (1914 - )
  178. , Sarah (1872 - )
  179. , Seen by the Nation (1846 - 1897)
  180. , Shell Woman ( - )
  181. , Sister of Runs After Enemy (1797 - 1844)
  182. , Sitting Bear ( - )
  183. Sitting Bull, Louie ( - )
  184. Sitting Bull, William ( - )
  185. Smith, John ( - )
  186. , Snow On Her (1840 - 1893)
  187. , Solomon "Smoke II" ( - )
  188. Spotted Horse, Urban (1873 - 1919)
  189. , Spotted Horse Woman ( - )
  190. St. John, Edmund ( - )
  191. , Standing Buffalo ( - )
  192. , Standing Holy (1876 - 1927)
  193. , Tȟašúŋke Kȟokípȟapi "Afraid of His Horses" (1800 - 1889)
  194. , Tȟašúŋke Witkó (1840 - 1877)
  195. , Tȟašúŋke Witkó (1785 - )
  196. , Tȟašúŋke Witkó "Crazy Horse" (1811 - 1882)
  197. , Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake (1831 - 1890)
  198. , Tȟatȟáŋka Ská (1849 - 1947)
  199. , Tȟatȟáŋka Waŋžíla (1853 - 1947)
  200. , Ta-sina Hlahla Win "Rattling Blanket Woman" (1814 - 1844)
  201. , Tahu Maza "Iron Neck" (1833 - )
  202. , Takes the Gun (1868 - 1877)
  203. , Tantanka Iyotanka (1799 - 1859)
  204. , Tasini Zizi (1835 - )
  205. , Tatanka Maka Gilyuska "Bull Lays on Ground" (1845 - )
  206. , Tatanka Pa "Bull Head" (1831 - 1847)
  207. Thunderhawk, Henry (1896 - 1912)
  208. , Tonkeye Wakuwa (1885 - 1912)
  209. , Trailer (1864 - )
  210. Two White Cows, Julia (1875 - )
  211. , Umpan Wastewin (1808 - 1884)
  212. , Unpan Glešká "Spotted Elk" (1826 - 1890)
  213. , Uses Her Own Words Woman ( - )
  214. , Uses His Word (1846 - )
  215. , Wašíčuŋ Tȟašúŋke "American's Horse" (1840 - 1908)
  216. , Walks As She Thinks ( - )
  217. , Walks Looking (1868 - 1887)
  218. , Wayakawastewin (1827 - 1886)
  219. , White Bull ( - )
  220. , White Cow ( - )
  221. , White Cow Walking ( - )
  222. , White Cow Woman (1774 - )
  223. , White Water Woman ( - )
  224. Whitepipe, Charles ( - )
  225. , Winona (1810 - )
  226. Wolf Guts, Clarence (1924 - 2010)
  227. , Woman Breast ( - 1874)
  228. , Woman Dress ( - )
  229. , Woodpecker Woman ( - )
  230. Woodruff, N.N. (1854 - )
  231. , Woqini ( - )
  232. , Wounded (1878 - )
  233. Wounded, Mary Millie (1899 - )
  234. , Yellow Haired Woman ( - )
