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  • Maria Theresa Earle (c.1836 - d.)
  • Richard Burchall, mayor of Guildford (c.1563 - 1629)
    Mayor of Guildford in 1603, 1608, 1615, 1623.
  • Sir Matthew Browne, of Betchworth Castle (c.1476 - 1557)
    Sir Matthew Browne, Sheriff of Surrey & Sussex1,2,3,4,5,6* M, #89694, b. 1473, d. 6 August 1557*Father Sir George Browne, Sheriff of Kent, Burgess of Guildford & Canterbury1,7,8 b. 1440, d. 4 Dec 1483*...
  • Richard Weston (c.1591 - c.1652)
    Sir Richard III Weston= Sir Richard III Weston (1591–1652) was an English canal builder and agricultural improver. He instigated the construction of the Wey Navigation—one of the first man-made navigat...
  • Sir Richard Weston, MP (1564 - 1613)
    WESTON, Richard I (1564-1613), of Sutton Place, Surr.Family and Education b. 1564, 2nd but 1st surv. s. of Sir Henry Weston of Sutton Place by his 1st w. Dorothy, da. of Sir Thomas Arundell†, of Wardou...

Historic Surrey

The Object of this project is to gather together information on historic or political people of Surrey and link them to profiles and trees on Geni. The exact format of the project is not written in stone and will evolve as research progresses. Famous people with Surrey connections and individual Surrey families are listed on a sister project - People Connected to Surrey

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Historic Background

British and Roman Surrey

The Roman Stane or Stone Street runs through SurreyBefore Roman times the area today known as Surrey was very probably occupied by the Atrebates tribe centred at Calleva Atrebatum in the modern county of Hampshire. They are known to have controlled the southern bank of the Thames from Roman texts describing the tribal relations between them and the powerful Catuvellauni on the north bank. In about 42AD Togodumnus ruling from Camulodunum. Verica fled to Gaul and appealed for Roman aid. The Atrebates were allies with Rome during their invasion of Britain in 43AD. The area of Surrey was traversed by Stane Street and other less well known Roman roads. There were Roman temples on Farley Heath and near Wanborough.

The Saxon tribes and the sub-kingdom

During the 5th and 6th centuries Surrey was conquered and settled by Saxons. The names of a number of Saxon tribes who may have inhabited different parts of Surrey in this period have been conjectured on the basis of place names. These include the Godhelmingas (around Godalming), Tetingas (around Tooting) and Woccingas (between Woking and Wokingham in Berkshire). It has also been speculated that the Nox gaga and the Oht gaga tribes listed in the Mercian Tribal Hidage refer to two distinct groups living in Surrey. They were valued together at 7,000 hides. Surrey may have formed part of a larger Middle Saxon kingdom or confederacy also including areas north of the Thames. The name Surrey is derived from Suthrige, meaning "southern region", and this may originate in its status as the southern half of the Middle Saxon territory.

If it ever existed, the Middle Saxon kingdom had disappeared by the 7th century, and Surrey became a frontier area disputed between the kingdoms of Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex and Mercia, until its permanent absorption by Wessex in 825. Despite this fluctuating situation it retained its identity as a coherent territorial unit. During the 7th century Surrey became Christian and initially formed part of the East Saxon diocese of London, indicating that it was under East Saxon rule at that time, but was later transferred to the West Saxon diocese of Winchester. Its most important religious institution throughout the Anglo-Saxon period and beyond was Chertsey Abbey, founded in 666. At this point Surrey was evidently under Kentish domination, as the abbey was founded under the patronage of King Offa of Mercia. Mercian rule continued until 825, when following his victory over the Mercians at the Battle of Ellandun, King Egbert of Wessex seized control of Surrey, along with Sussex, Kent and Essex. It was incorporated into Wessex as a shire and continued thereafter under the rule of the West Saxon kings, who eventually became kings of all England.

Identified sub-kings of Surrey

Frithuwald (c.673 – 675)

Frithuric? (675 – c.686)

The West Saxon and English shire

In the 9th century England was afflicted, along with the rest of north-western Europe, by the attacks of Scandinavian Vikings. Surrey's inland position shielded it from coastal raiding, so that it was not normally troubled except by the largest and most ambitious Scandinavian armies. In 851 an exceptionally large invasion force of Danes arrived in the mouth of the Thames on a fleet of about 350 ships, which would have carried over 15,000 men. Having sacked Canterbury and London and defeated King Beorhtwulf of Mercia in battle, the Danes crossed the Thames into Surrey, but were slaughtered by a West Saxon army led by Edward the Elder, and fled across the Thames towards Essex.

Its location and the growing power of the West Saxon, later English, kingdom kept Surrey safe from attack for over a century thereafter. Kingston was the scene for the coronation of king Cnut, including an English victory over the Danes somewhere in north-eastern Surrey, but ended with the Danish conquest of England and the establishment of Cnut as king.

Cnut's death in 1035 was followed by a period of political uncertainty as the succession was disputed between his sons. In 1036 Edward the Confessor, who came to the throne in 1042. That hostility was of critical importance in bringing about the Norman Conquest of England in 1066.

Domesday Book records that the largest landowners in Surrey at the end of Edward's reign were Chertsey Abbey and Harold Godwinson, Earl of Wessex and later king, followed by the estates of King Edward himself. Apart from the abbey, most of whose lands were within the shire, Surrey was the not the principal focus of any major landowner's holdings, a tendency which was to persist in later periods. Given the vast and widespread landed interests and the national and international preoccupations of the monarchy and the earldom of Wessex, the Abbot of Chertsey was therefore probably the most important figure in the local elite.

The Anglo-Saxon period saw the emergence of the shire's internal division into 14 hundreds, which continued until Victorian times. These were the hundreds of Blackheath, Brixton, Copthorne, Effingham Half-Hundred, Elmbridge, Farnham, Godalming, Godley, Kingston, Reigate, Tandridge, Wallington, Woking and Wotton.

Identified ealdormen of Surrey

  • Wulfheard (c.823)
  • Huda (? – 853)
  • Æðelweard (late 10th century)
  • Æðelmær (? – 1016)

Later Medieval Surrey

After the Battle of Hastings, the Norman army advanced through Kent into Surrey, where they defeated an English force which attacked them at Southwark, before proceeding westwards on a circuitous march to reach London from the north-west. As was the case across England, the native ruling class of Surrey was virtually eliminated by Norman seizure of land. Only one significant English landowner, the brother of the last English Abbot of Chertsey, remained by the time the Domesday survey was conducted in 1086. At that time the largest landholding in Surrey, as in many other parts of the country, was the expanded royal estate, while the next largest holding belonged to Richard fitz Gilbert, founder of the de Clare family.

Runnymede, where the Magna Carta was sealedIn 1088, King William II granted William de Warenne the title of Earl of Surrey as a reward for Warenne's loyalty during the rebellion that followed the death of William I. When the male line of the Warennes became extinct in the 14th century the earldom was inherited by the Fitzalan Earls of Arundel. The Fitzalan line of Earls of Surrey became extinct in 1415 but the title was revived in the late 15th century for the Howard family who still hold it. However, Surrey was not the principal focus of any of these families' interests.

Guildford Castle

Guildford Castle, one of many fortresses originally established by the Normans as part of the process of subjugating the country, was developed as a royal palace in the 12th century. Farnham Castle was built during the 12th century as a residence for the John Fitzalan, whose father had recently inherited the Earldom of Surrey.

Surrey had little political or economic importance in the Middle Ages. It was not the main power-base of any major aristocratic family or the seat of a bishopric, while its agricultural wealth was limited by its generally poor soils. Population pressure in the 12th and 13th centuries led to the beginning of the gradual deforestation and agricultural development of the Weald, an area which had hitherto remained wooded due to the exceptional difficulty of farming its heavy clay soil. Urban development, excepting the London suburb of Southwark, was sapped by the overshadowing predominance of London and the major towns in neighbouring shires, many of which benefited from access to the sea or from political or ecclesiastical eminence. Surrey did however achieve a significant degree of prosperity in the later Middle Ages through its role in the production of woollen cloth, England's main export industry, which in Surrey was centred on Guildford.

Ruins of the monks' dormitory at Waverley AbbeyOne benefit of obscurity was that Surrey largely avoided being seriously fought over in the various rebellions and civil wars of the period, although armies from Kent heading for London passed through what was then north-eastern Surrey during the Peasants' Revolt of 1381, Cade's Rebellion in 1450 and one stage of the Wars of the Roses in 1460.

In 1082 a Cluniac abbey was founded at Bermondsey by Alwine, a wealthy English citizen of London. The first Cistercian monastery in England, Waverley Abbey, was founded in 1128. Over the next quarter-century monks spread out from here to found new houses, creating a network of twelve monasteries descended from Waverley across southern and central England. The 12th and early 13th centuries also saw the establishment of Augustinian priories at Merton, Newark, Tandridge, Southwark and Reigate. A Dominican friary was established at Guildford by Henry III's widow King Henry V at Sheen. These would all perish, along with the still important Benedictine abbey of Chertsey, in the 16th-century Dissolution of the Monasteries.

Although now fallen into disuse, some English counties had nicknames for people from that county, such as a Tyke from Yorkshire and a Yellowbelly from Lincolnshire; the traditional nickname for people from Surrey is 'Surrey Capon', as it was well known in the later Middle Ages as the county where chickens were fattened up for the London meat markets.

Early Modern Surrey

Nonsuch Palace

Under the early Tudor kings magnificent royal palaces were constructed in northern Surrey, in convenient proximity to London. At Richmond an existing royal residence was rebuilt on a grand scale under Henry VIIInear Ewell. The palace at Guildford Castle had fallen out of use long before, but a royal hunting lodge existed just outside the town. All these have since been demolished.

During the Cornish Rebellion of 1497 the rebels heading for London briefly occupied Guildford and fought a skirmish with a government detachment on Guildown outside the town, before marching on to Blackheath in Kent where they were crushed by a royal army. The forces of Wyatt's Rebellion in 1554 passed through what was then north-eastern Surrey on their way from Kent to London, briefly occupying Southwark and then crossing the Thames at Kingston after failing to storm London Bridge.

Surrey's cloth industry declined in the 16th century, and effectively collapsed in the 17th. The introduction of new furnace technology in the early 17th century led to an expansion of the iron industry in the Weald, whose rich deposits had been exploited since prehistoric times, but this hastened the extinction of the business as the mines were worked out. However, this period also saw the emergence of important new industries, centred on the valley of the Tillingbourne. The production of brass goods and wire in this area was relatively short-lived, but the manufacture of paper and gunpowder proved more enduring. For a time in the mid-17th century the Surrey mills were the main producers of gunpowder in England. The Wey Navigation, opened in 1653, was one of England's first canal systems.

Maurice, was a founding shareholder of the East India Company who became the company's governor and later Lord Mayor of London.

Bankside in Southwark, then part of Surrey, was the principal entertainment district of early modern London. This was due to its convenient location outside the jurisdiction of the government of the City of London, since the social control exercised over this London suburb by the local authorities of Surrey was less effectively restrictive. As a result this was where the city's theatres were located and was the setting for the golden age of Elizabethan and Jacobean theatre, with the work of playwrights including John Webster being performed in playhouses along the south bank of the Thames.

Surrey almost entirely escaped the direct impact of fighting during the main phase of the English Civil War in 1642-6. The local Parliamentarian gentry led by Earl of Holland entered Surrey in July hoping to ignite a Royalist revolt. He raised his standard at Kingston and advanced south, but found little support. After confused manoeuvres between Reigate and Dorking as Parliamentary troops closed in, his force of 500 men fled northwards and was overtaken and routed at Kingston.

Surrey had a prominent role in the development of the radical political movements unleashed by the civil war. In October 1647 the first manifesto of what became known as the Leveller movement, The Case of the Army Truly Stated, was drafted at Guildford by the elected representatives of New Model Army regiments and civilian radicals from London. This document combined the presentation of specific grievances with wider demands for constitutional change on the basis of popular sovereignty. It formed the template for the more systematic and radical Agreement of the People, drafted by the same men later that month, and led to the Putney Debates between its signatories and the army leadership. In 1649 the Diggers led by Gerrard Winstanley established their communal settlement at St. George's Hill to implement egalitarian ideals of common ownership, but were eventually driven out by the local landowners through violence and litigation. A smaller Digger commune was then established near Cobham, but suffered the same fate in 1650.

Modern history

Until the late 18th century Surrey, apart from its north-eastern corner, was sparsely populated and somewhat rustic, despite its proximity to the capital. Communications began to improve, and the influence of London to increase, with the development of turnpike roads and a stagecoach system. A far more profound transformation followed with the arrival of the railways, beginning in the late 1830s. The availability of rapid transportation enabled prosperous London workers to travel daily to homes across Surrey. This phenomenon of commuting brought explosive growth to Surrey's population and wealth, and tied its economy and society inextricably to London. Existing towns like Guildford, Farnham and most spectacularly Croydon grew rapidly, while new towns such as Woking and Redhill emerged beside the railway lines.

Britain's first crematorium, in Woking

Meanwhile London itself spread swiftly across north-eastern Surrey. In 1800 it extended only to Vauxhall; a century later the city's growth had reached as far as Putney and Streatham. This expansion was reflected in the creation of the County of London in 1889, detaching the areas subsumed by the city from Surrey. The expansion of London continued in the 20th century, engulfing Croydon, Kingston and many smaller settlements. This led to a further contraction of Surrey in 1965 with the creation of Greater London.

In 1849 Brookwood Cemetery was established near Woking to serve the population of London, connected to the capital by its own railway service. It soon developed into the largest burial ground in the world. Woking was also the site of Britain's first crematorium, which opened in 1878, and its first mosque, founded in 1889. In 1881 Godalming became the first town in the world with a public electricity supply.

The eastern part of Surrey was transferred from the Diocese of Winchester to that of Rochester in 1877. In 1905 this area was detached to form a new Diocese of Southwark. The rest of the county, together with part of eastern Hampshire, was separated from Winchester in 1927 to become the Diocese of Guildford, whose cathedral was consecrated in 1961.

Guildford Cathedral

During the later 19th century Surrey became increasingly important in the development of architecture in Britain and the wider world. Its traditional building forms were significant in shaping the widespread trend for English vernacular architecture associated with the Arts and Crafts Movement, and would continue to influence domestic building through the 20th century. The prominence of Surrey peaked in the 1890s, when it was the focus for globally important developments in domestic architecture, in particular the early work of Edwin Lutyens, who grew up in the county and was greatly influenced by its traditional styles and materials.

Dennis Sabre fire engine

The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw the demise of Surrey's long-standing industries manufacturing paper and gunpowder. Most of the county's paper mills closed around the turn of the century and the last survivor shut in 1928. Gunpowder production fell victim to the First World War, which brought about a huge expansion of the British munitions industry, followed by sharp contraction and consolidation when the war ended, leading to the closure of the Surrey powder mills. New industrial developments included the establishment of the vehicle manufacturers Dennis Brothers in Guildford in 1895. Beginning as a maker of bicycles and then of cars, the firm soon shifted into the production of commercial and utility vehicles, becoming internationally important as a manufacturer of fire engines and buses. Though much reduced in size and despite numerous changes of ownership, this business continues to operate in Guildford.

During the Second World War a section of the GHQ Stop Line, a system of pillboxes, gun emplacements, anti-tank obstacles and other fortifications was constructed along the North Downs. This line, running from Somerset to Yorkshire, was intended as the principal fixed defence of London and the industrial core of England against the threat of invasion. German invasion plans envisaged that the main thrust of their advance inland would cross the North Downs at the gap in the ridge formed by the Wey valley, thus colliding with the defence line around Guildford.

Historic architecture and monuments

The gate of Abbot's Hospital, GuildfordFew traces of the ancient British and Roman periods survive in Surrey. There are a number of round barrows and bell barrows in various locations, mostly dating to the Bronze Age. Remains of Iron Age hillforts exist at Holmbury Hill, Hascombe Hill, Anstiebury (in Capel civil parish), Dry Hill (within Lingfield), St Ann's Hill, Chertsey and St George's Hill, Weybridge. Most of these sites were created in the 1st century BC and many were re-occupied during the middle of the 1st century AD.[15] Only fragments of Stane Street and Ermine Street, the Roman roads which crossed the county, remain.

Anglo-Saxon elements survive in a number of Surrey churches, notably at Guildford (St. Mary's Church, Guildford), Godalming's (Church of St. Peter & St. Paul), Stoke D'Abernon, Thursley, Witley, Compton and Albury (in Old Albury).

Numerous medieval churches exist in Surrey, but the county's parish churches are typically relatively small and simple, and have had Victorian restoration. Important by being almost completely unaltered and medieval[16] are the church interiors at Chaldon, Lingfield, Stoke D'Abernon, Compton and Dunsfold. Large monastic churches fell into ruin after their institutions were dissolved, although foundations with history panels are in the Abbey Gardens in Chertsey, and walls of Waverley Abbey and Newark Priory survive.[n 1]. Farnham Castle keeps its medieval construction, in large part, and a restored tower in original 13th century walls surveys the county town at Guildford Castle and its town centre has a medieval tall, pointed-arch Undercrypt.

Medieval houses, manors and barns survive including in: Littleton, Ewell, Horsley, Cobham, Guildford, Bramley, Ewhurst Dockenfield/Frensham, Chobham, Chertsey, almost every settlement along the Harrow Way i.e. Pilgrims' Way and of the Weald (including areas from Lingfield to Haslemere}, albeit with considerable later modifications.

The 16th century is the earliest from which a sizeable amount of non-military secular architecture survives in Surrey. Large examples include the grand mid-century country houses of Loseley Park and Sutton Place and the old building of the Royal Grammar School, Guildford, founded in 1509. A considerable number of smaller houses and public houses of the 16th century are also still standing[n 2]. From the 17th century the number of surviving buildings proliferates much further. Abbot's Hospital, founded in 1619, is a grand edifice built in the Tudor style, despite its date. More characteristic examples of major 17th-century building include West Horsley Place, Slyfield Manor and the Guildhall, Guildford.


Besides its role in Elizabethan and Jacobean theatre, many important writers have lived and worked in Surrey.

  • The Owl and the Nightingale, one of the earliest Middle English poems, may have been written by one Nicholas of Guildford, who is mentioned in its text.
  • John Donne (1572–1631) lived and worked for much of his life in Pyrford.
  • John Evelyn (1620–1706) was born at Wotton and spent much of his life there.
  • Daniel Defoe (1659 / 61 - 1731) was educated in Dorking.
  • William Cobbett (1763–1835) was born in Farnham and is buried there; Surrey features prominently in his Rural Rides.
  • Benjamin Disraeli (1804–81) wrote Conningsby while living in Dorking.
  • Alfred Tennyson (1809–92) spent the latter part of his life, and died, in Haslemere.
  • Charles Dickens (1812–70) wrote part of The Pickwick Papers in Dorking, and refers to the town in the novel.
  • Robert Browning (1812–89) was born in Camberwell, then part of Surrey.
  • George Eliot (1819–80) wrote most of Middlemarch while living in Haslemere.
  • George Meredith (1828–1909) lived at Box Hill.
  • Lewis Carroll (1832–98) wrote Through the Looking Glass, died and is buried in Guildford, where he had spent much time at his sisters' home.
  • George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950) lived in Woking and later in Hindhead, where he wrote Caesar and Cleopatra.
  • Arthur Conan Doyle (1859–1930) lived and wrote many of his books in Hindhead and served as deputy lieutenant of Surrey; the county forms a setting for many of the Sherlock Holmes stories.
  • J. M. Barrie (1860–1937) lived in Tilford, and based The Boy Castaways, which later evolved into Peter Pan, in the nearby countryside.
  • H. G. Wells (1866–1946) wrote The War of the Worlds while living in Woking; much of northern Surrey is laid waste in the course of the story.
  • John Galsworthy (1867–1933) was born in Kingston and the Forsyte Saga is set in the area.
  • E. M. Forster (1879–1970) lived and wrote in Weybridge and Abinger Hammer.
  • P. G. Wodehouse (1881–1975) was born in Guildford and baptised there in St Nicolas' Church.
  • Aldous Huxley (1894–1963) was born in Godalming and his remains are interred at Compton; the end of Brave New World is set in Surrey.

Arts and sciences

  • William of Ockham (c.1288-c.1348), scholastic philosopher, most famous for "Occam's Razor", came from Ockham.
  • Thomas Malthus(1766–1834), pioneer of demography, was born and grew up in Westcott, and later lived in Albury.
  • Ada Lovelace (1815–52), mathematician, lived at East Horsley.
  • Gertrude Jekyll (1843–1932), garden designer, lived for much of her life at Munstead near Godalming, created significant gardens in Surrey and is buried in Busbridge.
  • Edwin Lutyens (1869–1944), architect, grew up in Thursley and many of his early works were built in west Surrey, including collaborations with Gertrude Jekyll.
  • Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872–1958), composer, grew up at Leith Hill and later lived in Dorking.
  • Laurence Olivier (1907–89), actor, was born in Dorking.
  • Alan Turing (1912–54), mathematician and pioneer of computer science, lived for much of his early life in Guildford.
  • The "Surrey Delta" produced many of the musicians in 60s British blues movements. The Rolling Stones developed their music at Crawdaddy Club in Richmond.
  • Jimmy Page (born 1944) spent much of his early life in Epsom.
  • Jeff Beck (born 1944) was born in Wallington, then part of Surrey.
  • Eric Clapton (born 1945) was born and grew up in Ripley.
  • The Stranglers were formed in Guildford.
  • Paul Weller (born 1958) was born and grew up in Woking, which inspired the song Town Called Malice. The Jam were formed at Sheerwater Secondary School in the town.
  • Norman Cook (born 1963) was born in Surrey.
  • Hard-Fi members Richard Archer, Ross Phillips, and Kai Stephens are from Staines-upon-Thames, Surrey.
  • Justin Hawkins, lead singer of rock band The Darkness was born in Surrey.
  • Mike Rutherford guitarist of progressive rock band Genesis.
  • Peter Gabriel, once lead songwriter of progressive rock band Genesis.


Epsom is famous for the Epsom Downs Racecourse which hosts the Epsom Derby; painting by James Pollard, c. 1835Cricket makes its first appearance in history in Surrey, in a reference to the game being played at the Royal Grammar School, Guildford in the 16th century (see History of English cricket to 1696). Mitcham Cricket Club, formed in 1685 and the oldest documented club in the game's history, was within Surrey's borders until 1965.[17] The Surrey County Cricket Club, founded in 1845, represents the historic county of Surrey, although its main ground, The Oval in Kennington, is now in Greater London. The club also uses Whitgift School, South Croydon and Woodbridge Road, Guildford for some games. It was one of the original participants in the County Championship and has won the competition 18 times, more than any other county except Yorkshire.
Epsom Downs Racecourse is the venue for the most prestigious event in British flat horse-racing, the Derby, which has been held there annually since 1780; Lingfield Park Racecourse, Kempton Park Racecourse and Sandown Park Racecourse are also in Surrey. Brooklands between Woking and Weybridge was the world's first purpose-built motorsport race circuit, opened in 1907, partly now Mercedes-Benz World. Currently Woking plays host to the headquarters of the McLaren Formula One team, giving Surrey the rarity of having a local F1 team. James Hunt, the 1976 Formula 1 World Driver's Champion was born in Belmont, Sutton, then part of Surrey, in 1947. Surrey's leading rugby club, Esher, currently compete in the National League One., the third-tier of English rugby. Surrey is one of a handful of English counties with no teams in the top 92 teams, the Football League. Its leading football teams are Woking, currently playing in the fifth-tier Conference National and Staines Town, in the sixth-tier Conference South.

Members of Parliament

Lord Lieutenants of Surrey

This is a list of people who have served as Lord Lieutenant of Surrey. Since 1737, all Lords Lieutenant have also been Custos Rotulorum of Surrey.

This Llist is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

High Sherrifs of Surrey

The list of known High Sheriffs of Surrey extends back to 1066.[1] At various times the High Sheriff of Surrey was also High Sheriff of Sussex (1229–1231, 1232–1240, 1242-1567, 1571–1635).

1066-1228(High Sheriffs of Surrey only)

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

1229–1398 (Sheriffs of Surrey and Sussex)

  • Henry III'(1216-1272)- Continued
  • 1231: Robert de Shardlow
  • 1232: Peter de Rivaux
  • 1234: Simon de Etchingham
  • 1235: Henry of Bath
  • 1236: John de Gatesden
  • 1240–1241: Gregory de Oxted
  • 1242: Sir Ralph de Camoys
  • 1246: Robert le Savage
  • 1249: Nocholas de Wauncy
  • 1252: William de Mucheldovere
  • 1254: Amfred de Fering
  • 1254: William de Mucheldovere
  • 1254: Amfred de Fering
  • 1255: Sir Geoffrey de Cruce
  • 1257: Gerard de Evinton
  • 1258: David de Jarpenville
  • 1259: John de Wauton
  • 1261: William de Zouche
  • 1261: John de Wauton
  • 1263: Roger de Loges
  • 1267: Roger de Aguyllon
  • 1267: Ralph Saunzaver
  • 1267: William de la Leye
  • 1268: Roger de Loges
  • 1270: Matthew de Hastings
  • Edward 1 (1272-1307)
  • 1272-73: Matthew de Hastings
  • 1274:William de Herne
  • 1275-77: John de Wanton
  • 1278-79: Emery de Cancellis
  • 1282: Sir Geoffrey "de" Pickford Kt [Geoffrey of Pitchford]
  • 1280-84: Nicholas le Gras
  • 1285-86: Richard de Pevenese
  • 1287-91: William de Pageham
  • 1292-97:Robert de Glaumorgan
  • 1298-1301:John Abel
  • 1302-03:Walter de Geddinge (John Harneys)
  • 1304-06: Robert de la Knole
  • Edward II (1307-1327)
  • 1307: Walter de Geddinge
  • 1308-12: William of Henle & Robert de Stangrave/William de Mare
  • 1313-14: Peter de Vienna
  • 1315-16: William de Mare
  • 1317: Walter le Gras
  • 1318: Walter le Gras/ Peter de Worldham
  • 1319-20: Peter de Worldham/ Henry Hussey
  • 1321: Henry Hussey
  • 1322-23: Nicholas Gentil
  • 1324-26: Peter de Worldham/Andrew Medested
  • Edward III (1327- 1377)
  • 1327: Nicholas Gentil
  • 1328-30: Nicholas Gentil/Robert de Stangave
  • 1331: John Dabernon
  • 1332-33: William Vaughan
  • 1334-36: William Vaughan/ John Dabernon
  • 1337-38: William Vaughan
  • 1339: Godfrey de Hunston
  • 1340: Godfrey de Hunston/William de Northo
  • 1341: William de Northo/Hugo de Bowsey
  • 1342-43: Andrew Peverel/Hugo de Bowsey
  • 1344: William de Northo
  • 1345-47: Regin de Forrister
  • 1348: Roger Dabernon
  • 1349-51: Thomas Hoo
  • 1352-53: Richard de St Oweyn
  • 1354: Simon de Codington
  • 1355: Roger de Lukenor
  • 1356: William North
  • 1357-59: Thomas de Hoo
  • 1360-62: ???
  • 1363: Simon de Codington
  • 1364: Ranulph Thurnham
  • 1365: John Wayleys
  • 1366: John Weyville
  • 1367-68: Sir Andrew Sackville
  • 1369-70: Ranulph Thurnham
  • 1371: William Neidegate
  • 1372: Roger Dalingrugge
  • 1373: Nicholas Wilcombe
  • 1374: Robert de Loxley
  • 1375: Robert Atte Hele
  • 1376: John St Clere
  • Richard 11 (1377-1399)
  • 1377: William Percy
  • 1378: Edward Fitzherbert
  • 1379: John de Hadresham
  • 1380: Nicholas Sleyfeld
  • 1381: William Percy
  • 1382: William Weston
  • 1383: William de Waleys
  • 1384: Robert Rutborne
  • 1385: Richard Hurst
  • 1386-87: Thomas Hardin
  • 1388: Edward de St John
  • 1389: Robert Atte Mulle
  • 1390: John Robert de Eckingham
  • 1390: John Mill of Gretham
  • 1391: Nicholas Carew
  • 1392: Thomas Jardin
  • 1393: Nicholas Slyfeld
  • 1393: Johne de Uvedales of Titsey Place and Wickham Hants
  • 1394: Edward St John
  • 1395: John Ashburnham
  • 1396: William Fienes
  • 1397: John Salerne
  • 1398: William Fienes

1399-1509(High Sheriffs of Surrey and Sussex)

  • Henry IV (1399-1412)
  • 1399: Radul Codington
  • 1400: Nicholas Carew
  • 1401: John Pelham
  • 1402: John Ashburnham
  • 1403-04: Robert Atte Mulle
  • 1405: Philip St Clere
  • 1406: Sir Thomas Sackvile
  • 1407: Thomas Clipsham
  • 1408: William Verd
  • 1409: Thomas Ashburnham
  • 1410: John Warner Campie
  • 1411: John Waterton
  • Henry V (1412-1422)
  • 1412-13: John Haysham
  • 1414: John Wintershul
  • 1415: John Clipsham
  • 1416: John Uvedale of Titsey Place and Wickham Hants
  • 1417: John Weston
  • 1418: James Knotesford
  • 1419: John Clipsham
  • 1420: John Hace
  • 1421: John Bolvey / James Knotesford
  • Henry VI (1422-1461)
  • 1422-23:Sir Roger Fiennes
  • 1424:John Wintershul
  • 1425:John Clipsham
  • 1426:Thomas Lewkenor
  • 1427:John Ferriby
  • 1428:William Warbleton
  • 1429:John Wintershul
  • 1430:William Uvedale of Titsey Place and Wickham Hants
  • 1431:William Finch
  • 1432:Sir Thomas Lewkenor
  • 1433:John Anderne
  • 1434:Richard Waller
  • 1435:Sir Roger Fiennes
  • 1436:Richard Dalingrugg
  • 1437:John Ferriby
  • 1438: Sir Thomas Uvedale of Titsey Place and Wickham Hants
  • 1439: James Fiennes, 1st Baron Saye and Sele, of Kemsing and Seal [3]
  • 1440:Roger Lewkenor
  • 1441:Nicholas Carew
  • 1442:Walter Strickland
  • 1443:John Stanley
  • 1444:John Basket
  • 1445:Nicholas Carew
  • 1446:Nicholas Husey
  • 1447:William Belknape
  • 1448:Robert Radmill
  • 1449:Nicholas Carew
  • 1450:John Pennycocke
  • 1451:John Lewkenor
  • 1452:Thomas Yard
  • 1453:Sir Richard Fiennes
  • 1454:Walter Devenish
  • 1455:John Knotesford
  • 1456:Sir Thomas Cobham
  • 1457:Nicholas Husey
  • 1458:Thomas Basset
  • 1459: Sir Thomas Tresham
  • 1460:Robert Fiennes
  • Edward IV (1461-1483)
  • 1461:Nicholas Gainsford
  • 1462-3:Walter Denis
  • 1464:Thomas Goring
  • 1465: Sir Thomas Uvedale of Titsey Place and Wicham Hants
  • 1466:William Cheney
  • 1467:Thomas Vaughan
  • 1468:Sir Roger Lewkenor
  • 1469:Nicholas Gainsford
  • 1470:Richard Lewkenor
  • 1471:Thomas St Leger
  • 1472:John Gainsford
  • 1473:Nicholas Gainsford
  • 1474:Thomas Lewkenor
  • 1475:Thomas Echingham
  • 1476:John Wode
  • 1477:Sir Henry Roos
  • 1478:William Weston
  • 1479:Thomas Combs
  • 1480:John Ebrington
  • 1481:Thomas Fiennes
  • 1482:John Apseley
  • Richard III (1483-1485)
  • 1483:Sir Henry Roos
  • 1484:John Dudley
  • 1485:John Norbury / Richard Gainsford
  • Henry VII (1485-1509)
  • 1486:Nicholas Gainsford
  • 1487:Thomas Coombes
  • 1488:William Merston
  • 1489:Robert Morley
  • 1490:John Apseley
  • 1491:Richard Lewkenor
  • 1492:Edward Dawtree
  • 1493:John Leigh
  • 1494:John Coke
  • 1495:John Apseley
  • 1496:Richard Lewkenor
  • 1497:Matthew Brown
  • 1498: Richard Sackville
  • 1499:John Coke
  • 1500:Thomas Ashburnham
  • 1501:John Gainsford
  • 1502:Sir Richard Carew
  • 1503:John Apseley
  • 1504:Rad Shirley
  • 1505:Richard Sackvile
  • 1506:Godfrey Oxenbridge
  • 1507:William Ashburnham
  • 1508:Thomas Morton
  • 1509:Sir Thomas Fiennes

1509-1566(High Sheriffs of Surrey and Sussex)

  • Henry VIII (1509-1546)
  • 1510: John Leigh
  • 1511: Edward Lewkenor
  • 1512: Sir Roger Lewkenor
  • 1513: Sir Godfrey Oxenbridge
  • 1514: Richard Shirley
  • 1515: Roger Copley
  • 1516: Sir John Leigh
  • 1517: William Ashburnham
  • 1518: Sir John Gainsford
  • 1519: Nicholas Carew
  • 1520: Sir Godfrey Oxenbridge
  • 1521: John Scott
  • 1522: Sir Edward Bray
  • 1523: Richard Covert
  • 1524: John William Ashburnham
  • 1525: Sir Thomas West, Baron de la Warr
  • 1526: Richard Shirley
  • 1527: John Sackville
  • 1528: Sir John Dawtry
  • 1529: Richard Belingham
  • 1530: Sir Roger Copley
  • 1531: Sir William Goring
  • 1532: Sir Roger Lewkenor
  • 1533: Christopher Moore
  • 1534: John Palmer
  • 1535: Richard Belingham
  • 1536: Sir William Goring
  • 1537: Sir Richard Page
  • 1538: Nicholas Gainsford
  • 1539: Sir Edward Bray
  • 1540: Sir Christopher Moore
  • 1541: John Sackvile
  • 1542: Thomas Darell
  • 1543: Richard Belingham
  • 1544: John Palmer
  • 1546: John Thetcher
  • 1546: John Sackville
  • Edward VI (1546 - 1553)
  • 1547:Sir John Dawtrey
  • 1548:Sir Thomas Carden
  • 1549:John Scott
  • 1550:Sir Nicholas Pelham
  • 1551:Sir William Goring
  • 1552:Robert Oxenbridge
  • 1553:Sir Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount Montagu
  • Mary (1553–1558)
  • 1553:Sir Thomas Saunders
  • 1554:John Covert
  • 1555:William Saunders
  • 1556:Sir Edward Gage
  • 1557:John Ashburnham
  • 1558:William Moore
  • Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
  • 1558:Sir Thomas Palmer
  • 1559:John Colepeper
  • 1560:John Stidolph
  • 1561:Henry Goring
  • 1562:William Gresham
  • 1563:Richard Covert
  • 1564:Anthony Pelham
  • 1565:William Dawtry
  • 1566:Anthony Palmer / William Dawtrey

1567–1635(High Sheriffs of Surrey only)}

  • Elizabeth I (1558–1603) - Continued
  • 1567:Francis Carew
  • 1568:Sir Henry Weston
  • 1569:Thomas Lyfield
  • 1570:Sir Thomas Browne
  • (High Sheriffs of Surrey and Sussex)
  • Elizabeth I (1558–1603) - Continued
  • 1571:Sir Thomas Palmer
  • 1572:Francis Shirley
  • 1573:John Rede / Richard Polsted
  • 1574:Henry Pelham
  • 1575:William Gresham
  • 1576:Sir Thomas Shirley
  • 1577:George Goring
  • 1578:Sir William Moore
  • 1579:William Morley
  • 1580:Edward Slifeld
  • 1581:Sir Thomas Browne
  • 1582:Walter Covert
  • 1583:Thomas Bishop
  • 1584:Richard Bostock
  • 1585:Nicholas Parker
  • 1586:Richard Browne
  • 1587:John Carrell
  • 1588:Thomas Pelham
  • 1589:Henry Pelham
  • 1590:Robert Linsey
  • 1591:Sir Walter Covert
  • 1592:Sir Nicholas Parker
  • 1593:William Gardeaux
  • 1594:Richard Leech
  • 1595:Edmund Culpeper
  • 1596:George More
  • 1597:James Colebrand
  • 1598: Thomas Eversfield, of Denne Park, Horsham, West Sussex[4][5]
  • 1599:Edmund Bowyer
  • 1600:Thomas Bishop
  • 1601:John Ashburnham
  • 1602:Robert Lynsey
  • James I (1603–1625)
  • 1603:Robert Linsey
  • 1604:Sir Henry Goring
  • 1605:Sir Edward Culpeper
  • 1606:Sir Thomas Hoskings
  • 1607:Henry Morley
  • 1608:Sir George Gunter
  • 1609:Sir Thomas Hunt
  • 1610:John Lountesford
  • 1611:Edward Bellingham
  • 1612:William Wignall
  • 1613:Edward Goring
  • 1614:Sir John Willdigos
  • 1615:Rola Tropps/Sir John Morgan
  • 1616:Sir John Shirley
  • 1617:John Middleton
  • 1618:Sir John Howland
  • 1619:Nicholas Eversfield, Esq., of The Grove, Hollington, Hastings[4]
  • 1620:Richard Michelborne
  • 1621:Sir Francis Leigh
  • 1622:Sir Thomas Springett
  • 1623:Sir Ben Pelham
  • 1624:Ambrose Browne
  • Charles I (1625–1649)
  • 1625: Edward Alford
  • 1626: Sir Thomas Bowyer, 1st Baronet
  • 1627: Edward Jordan
  • 1628: Sir Stephen Boord
  • 1629: Anthony May
  • 1630: Sir William Walter
  • 1631: Robert Morley
  • 1632: Sir John Chapman
  • 1633: Richard Evelyn
  • 1634: Sir William Culpeper, 1st Baronet of Wakehurst
  • 1635: Sir William Morley

1636-1702(High Sheriffs of Surrey only)

  • Charles I (1625-1649) - Continued
  • 1636: Sir Francis Vincent
  • 1636: Sir Anthony Vincent
  • 1637: Nicholas Stoughton
  • 1638: Sir John Gresham
  • 1639: Sir John Howland
  • 1640: Thomas Smith
  • 1641: George Price
  • 1642: Sir John Denham
  • 1643-1645: Edmund Jordan
  • 1645: Sir Matthew Brand
  • 1645: Richard Bettinson
  • 1646: William Wymondeshold
  • 1647: John Turner of Ham [6]
  • 1648: Thomas Thorold
  • 1648: Thomas Morton
  • Commonwealth (1649–1660)
  • 1649: John Carpenter
  • 1650: William Hynde
  • 1650: Thomas Woodward 13 February 1650[7]
  • 1651: Richard Farrand
  • 1652: Edward Knipe
  • 1653: Anthony Smyth of Brackhouse [8] /John Parker/Henry White
  • 1654: Daniel Harvey
  • 1655: Colonel Thomas Pride
  • 1656: John Blackwell
  • 1657: Thomas Walker
  • 1658: Jeffrey Howland
  • 1659:
  • Charles II (1660-1685)
  • 1660: Henry Weston
  • 1661: Roger Duncombe
  • 1662: Sir Nicholas Stoughton
  • 1663: Sir Walter Plomer
  • 1664: Sir William Humble
  • 1665: Sir John Evelyn, Bt[9]
  • 1666: Dawes Wymondeshold
  • 1667: Sir Richard Stydolph
  • 1668: Sir George Woodroffe
  • 1669: Sir James Zouche of Woking [10]
  • 1670: Walter More
  • 1671: Ellis Crisp
  • 1672: James Burton
  • 1673: Matthew Andrews then Edward Smyth
  • 1674: Sigismund Syddulph [11]/ Matthew Andrews/ John Appleby
  • 1675: Robert Knightley
  • 1676: Sigismund Syddulph then Thomas Saunders
  • 1677: Sir Edward Bromfield/Anthony Brian of Bermondsey [12] then Thomas Newton
  • 1678: Robert Wilson then Anthony Brian
  • 1679: Sir Robert Hatton
  • 1680: Sigismund Stydolph /Joseph Reeve
  • 1681: Peter Daniel
  • 1682: Anthony Rawlins
  • 1683: William Inwood
  • 1684: Samuel Lewin
  • 1685: George Turner
  • James II (1685-1689)
  • 1686: John Weston/George Gore/Morgan Randyll
  • 1687: ? Le Cane
  • 1688: Peter de Lannoy/Sigismund Stydolph
  • 1689: Sir Edward Bromfield/George Meggott
  • William and Mary (1689-1702)
  • 1690: Walter Howland
  • 1691: George Attwood
  • 1692: Michael Edwards
  • 1693: John Buckworth/Thomas Bouroughs/Henry Wheatley
  • 1694: Henry Bartelott
  • 1695: John Pettyward
  • 1696: William Mason
  • 1697: Thomas Lowfield
  • 1698: Edward Budgen
  • 1699: Leonard Wessel
  • 1700–1701: Robert Corffe/John Shorter


  • 1702: John Deleau/Edward Woodward/William Woodward
  • 1703: James Tichborne
  • 1704: William Fenwick
  • 1705: William Hammond
  • 1706: Isaac Shard
  • 1707:John Dewey
  • 1708: William Steavens
  • 1709: John Evershed
  • 1710: William Genew/Walter Kent
  • 1711: John Mitchell
  • 1712: Richard Oldner
  • 1713: Joseph Wandale [13]
  • 1714: James Plume
  • 1715: Joseph Bagnoll
  • 1716: Vincent Sheppard
  • 1717: Sir Charles Cox/John Vanhattem
  • 1719: Nathaniel Roffey
  • 1719–1720: William Belitha
  • 1721: Wright Woolley/Peter Theobald
  • 1722–1723: John Neale
  • 1724: John Essington [14] then William Nicholl
  • 1726: John Palmer [15]/Sir Thomas Steavens
  • 1727: John Wall
  • 1728: Sir Matthew Decker, Bt
  • 1729: Samuel Kent
  • 1730: Percival Lewis
  • 1731: Joshua Smith
  • 1732: Ralph Thrale MP 1698-1758, father of Henry Thrale and owner of Anchor Brewery, Southwark[16]
  • 1733: Maltis Ryall
  • 1734: John Copeland
  • 1735: Joseph Chitty
  • 1737: John Rush
  • 1738: William Clarke/Robert Booth
  • 1739: William Browning - Felmonger of Bermondsey Appointed January 1740 Born Burton Latimer
  • 1740: Benjamin Hayes
  • 1741: Thomas Bevois
  • 1742: Isaac Eles
  • 1744: Elias Bird
  • 1745: Sir Peter Thompson
  • 1746: Thomas Page
  • 1747: Abraham Atkins
  • 1748: Samuel Atkinson
  • 1749: Jeremiah Crutchley
  • 1750: Jacob Tonson Jnr
  • 1751: John Smith
  • 1752: Edward Saunderson
  • 1753: Edward Langton
  • 1754: Henry Talbot
  • 1755: John Mackerill
  • 1756: Charles Devon
  • 1757: Joseph Mawbey, later Sir Joseph Mawbey, 1st Baronet of Botleys
  • 1758: Edmund Shallett, of Sheer[17]
  • 1759: Daniel Ponton
  • 1760: Thomas Bridges
  • 1761: John Dawson
  • 1762: Sir William Bridges Baldwin
  • 1763: Thomas Page
  • 1764: James Morris
  • 1765: John Hughes
  • 1766: John Small
  • 1767: John Durand
  • 1768: Richard Barwell
  • 1769: John Thornton
  • 1770: Sir Richard Hotham
  • 1771: Sir Thomas Kent
  • 1772: Morgan Rice
  • 1773: Richard Earle Bedford
  • 1774: Thomas James
  • 1775: Isaac Akerman
  • 1776: George Ward
  • 1777: William Brightwell Sumner
  • 1778: John Lewin Smith
  • 1779: James Bordien
  • 1780: Charles Eyre
  • 1781: William Northey
  • 1782: Sir Abraham Pitches
  • 1783: James Paine
  • 1784: William Aldersey
  • 1785: James Payne of Chertsey [18]
  • 1786: Theodore Broadhead
  • 1789: Thomas Sutton, of East Molesey[19]
  • 1790: Samuel Long
  • 1791: Henry Byne
  • 1792: William Woodroffe
  • 1793: John Hodson Durrand
  • 1794: Charles Bowles
  • 1795: Thomas Turton, later Sir Thomas Turton, 1st Baronet, of Starborough Castle [20]
  • 1796: Thomas Sutton, of East Molesey
  • 1797: Robert Taylor
  • 1798: James Trotter
  • 1799: Robert Hankey

19th century

  • 1800: George Griffin
  • 1801: Bryant Barrett
  • 1802: Edward Peppin
  • 1803: John Pooley Kensington, of Putney[21]
  • 1804: William Borrodaile
  • 1805: Robert Chatfield
  • 1806: Kennard Smith
  • 1807: James Newsome
  • 1808: James Mangles
  • 1809: Edward Bilke
  • 1810: Henry Edmund Austin
  • 1811: George Tritton
  • 1812: Thomas Starling Benson
  • 1813: Henry Bridges
  • 1814: Richard Birt
  • 1815: James Laing
  • 1816: Benjamin Bernard
  • 1817: Thomas Lett
  • 1818: Henry Peters [22]
  • 1819: William Speer
  • 1820: Hutches Trower
  • 1821: John Spicer[23]
  • 1822: Charles N. Pallmer[24]
  • 1823: Charles Hampden Turner of Rook's Nest [25]
  • 1824: Florence Young
  • 1825: John Bernard Hankey
  • 1826: Henry Drummond
  • 1827: William Crawford of Pippbrook
  • 1828: Thomas Hope
  • 1829: Felix Calvert Ladbroke [26]
  • 1830: Sir William George Hylton Joliffe, Bt. of Merstham [27]
  • 1831: Harvey Combe, of Cobham Park[28]
  • 1832: Miles Stringer, of Effingham[29]
  • 1833: Sir Henry Fletcher, 3rd Baronet, of Ashley Park[30]
  • 1834: George Thomas Nicholson, of Waverley Abbey[31]
  • 1835: James Shudi Broadwood, of Lyne House[32][33]
  • 1836: William Henry Cooper, of Pains Hill[34]
  • 1837: Thomas Alcock, of Kingswood Warren[35]
  • 1838: Thomas Chaloner Bisse Chaloner, of Potnalls Park[36]
  • 1839: Samuel Paynter, of Richmond[37]
  • 1840: Hon. Peter John Locke King, of Woburn-Farm[38]
  • 1841: William Leveson-Gower, of Titsey Place[39]
  • 1842: Charles Barclay, of Bury-Hill[40]
  • 1843: Richard Sumner, of Puttenham Priory[41]
  • 1844: William Straeham, of Ashurst[42]
  • 1845: Richard Fuller, of the Rookery[43]
  • 1846: Charles McNivin, of Perrysfield[44]
  • 1847: Joseph Bonsor, of Poulsden[45]
  • 1848: Lee Steere, of Jayes[46]
  • 1849: William Francis Gamul Farmer, of Nonsuch-Park[47]
  • 1850: James William Freshfield, of Moor-Place[48]
  • 1851: John Sparkes, of Gosden-House[49]
  • 1852: George Robert Smith, of Selsden, Croydon[50]
  • 1853: Thomas Grissell, of Norbury Park, Leatherhead[51]
  • 1854: Robert Gosling, of Botleys Park[52]
  • 1855: James Gadesden, of Ewell Castle, Ewell[53]
  • 1856: Edward Richard Northey, of Woodcote House, Epsom[54]
  • 1857: John Labouchere, of Broom Hall, Dorking[55]
  • 1858: Hon. George John Cavendish, of Lyne Grove, Chertsey[56]
  • 1859: Sir Walter Farquhar, 3rd Baronet, of Polesden, Leatherhead[57]
  • 1860: William John Evelyn, of Wootton, near Dorking[58]
  • 1861: Samuel Gurney, of Carshalton[59]
  • 1862: Joseph Godman, of Park Hatch, Godalming[60]
  • 1863: Lewis Lloyd, of Monks Orchard, near Croydon[61]
  • 1864: Thomas Price of Heywood, Cobham[62]
  • 1865: John Bradshaw of Knowle, Guildford[63]
  • 1866: John Frederick Bateman[64]
  • 1867: James More-Molyneux
  • 1868: Robert Carter
  • 1869: Robert Hay Murray
  • 1870: William Farnell-Watson
  • 1871: Money Wigram
  • 1872: Albert George Sandeman
  • 1873: Gordon Wyatt Clark
  • 1874: John Coyscarne Sim
  • 1875: G.W. Granville Leveson-Gower
  • 1876: Charles Churchill
  • 1877: William Robert Gamul Farmer
  • 1878: Robert Barclay
  • 1879: John Barnard Hankey
  • 1880: Sir Francis Burdett, Bt.
  • 1881: Richard Henry Combe
  • 1882: Henry John Tritton
  • 1883: James Stewart Hodgson
  • 1884: John Henderson
  • 1885: Charles Combe
  • 1886: George James Murray
  • 1887: Walter Waterlow
  • 1888: Hon. Francis Baring
  • 1889: Augustus William Gadesden
  • 1890: James Hudson of Capenor Nutfield, Surrey[65]
  • 1891: John Fisher Eastwood, of Esher Lodge, Esher[66]
  • 1892: James Brand
  • 1893: Sir Jeremiah Colman[67]
  • 1894: Sir Frederick Wigan, Bt.
  • 1895: Edward Lee Rowcliffe, of Hall Place, Hascombe, Godalming,[68]
  • 1896: Sir Edward Hamer Carbutt, Bt., of Nanhurst, Cranleigh [69]
  • 1897: William Keswick, of Eastwick Park, Great Bookham, near Leatherhead,[70]
  • 1898: Lawrence James Baker of Ottersbaw Park, Chertsey,[71]
  • 1899: Sir John Whittaker Ellis, Bt., of Buccleuch House, Richmond[72]

20th century

  • 1900: Charles Hoskins Master, of Barrow Green, Oxted,[73]
  • 1901: Herbert Gosling, of Botley's Park, Chertsey,[74]
  • 1902: Max Leonard Waechter, of Terrace House, Richmond,[75]
  • 1903: Sir Walpole Lloyd Greenwell, of Marden Park, Woldingham,[76]
  • 1904: Edward David Stern, of Fan Court, Chertsey,[77]
  • 1905: Philip Waterlow, Bt.[78]
  • 1906: Ralph Forster [79]
  • 1907 Wickham Noakes [79]
  • 1908 Basil Braithwaite [79]
  • 1909 Sir Frederick Edridge [79]
  • 1910: Sir Harry Waechter, Bt.[80]
  • 1911: Sir William Chance, 2nd Baronet[81]
  • 1912: Sir Benjamin Brodie, Bt.[82]
  • 1913: Sir Richard Charles Garton,Kt., of Lythe Hill, Haslemere [83]
  • 1914: St Loe Strachey[84]
  • 1915: Charles Tyrrell Giles,K.C of Copse Hill House, Wimbledon [85]
  • 1916: Beresford Rimingtoir Heaton, of Round Down, Gomshall [86]
  • 1917: Alfred Withall Aston, of Woodcote Grove, Epsom [87]
  • 1918: James Henry Renton, of Mervel Hill, Hambledon [88]
  • 1919: John Henry Bridges, of Ewell Court, Ewell [89]
  • 1920: Major Henry Herbert Gordon Clark[90]
  • 1921:
  • 1926: Charles Stanley Gordon Clark[91]
  • 1927:
  • 1931: Sir Edward John Holland[92]
  • 1932: Sir Stanley Machin, Kt., of Cleeve, Oatlands, Weybridge, Surrey [93]
  • 1933: William Mallinson[94]
  • 1934: Sir John Jarvis, Bt., of Hascombe Court, near Godalming[95]
  • 1935:
  • 1949: Neville Lawrence[96]
  • 1950:
  • 1954: Henry Michael Gordon Clark[97]
  • 1955: Guy Cubitt[98]
  • 1956: Sir Ambrose Keevil[99]
  • 1957: Captain Evelyn Henry Tschudi Broadwood, M.C., of Lyne, Capel [100]
  • 1958: Nigel Tritton[101]
  • 1959: Samuel Leslie Bibby, C.B.E., of Villans Wyk, Headley, Epsom.[102]
  • 1960: Wilfred Vernon[103]
  • 1961: Uvedale Henry Hoare Lambert of South Park, Blechingley [104]
  • 1962: Sydney Black, Esq., O.B,E., of Wimbledon, London S.W.19.[105]
  • 1963: Sir (Robert) George Erskine, Kt.,C.B.E., of Busbridge Wood, Godalming [106]
  • 1964: Sir William John Herbert De Wette Mullens, Kt.,D.S.O., T.D., of Guildford.[107]
  • 1965: Lieut.-Colonel Herbert James Wells, C.B.E., M.C., of Oakhurst Rise, Carshalton Beeches.[108]
  • 1966: Major Henry Dumas, M.C., of Abbots Wood,Hurtmore, Godalming.[109]
  • 1967: Terence Robert Beaumont Sanders[110]
  • 1968: Jack Nelson Streynsham Hoskins Master, M.B.E., of Woodbury, Sandhills, Witley.[111]
  • 1969:Brigadier David Terence Bastin, C.B.E.,T.D., of Polshot Farm, Elstead.[112]
  • 1970: Colonel Alan Randall Rees-Reynolds, C.B.E., T.D., of Priors Gate, near Godalming [113]
  • 1971: Philip Sydney Henman, of Home Farm, Coldharbour Lane, Dorking [114]
  • 1972: Widdrington Richard Stafford of Cherrys High Drive, Woddingham [115]
  • 1973: Rear Admiral John Edwin Home McBeath, C.B., D.S.O., D.S.C., of Woodbury House, Churt [116]
  • 1974: Major James Robert More-Molyneux, of Loseley Park, Guildford [117]
  • 1975: Mrs. Winifred Mary Margueritta Du Buisson, of Pratsham Grange, Holmbury St. Mary [118]
  • 1976: Thomas Irvine Smith, O.B.E., of Titlarks Hill Lodge, Sunningdale, Berkshire [119]
  • 1977: Commodore James Goddard Young, C.B.E., D.S.C.,V.R.D., R.N.R., of Haslemere.[120]
  • 1978: Richard Eustace Thornton, of Hampton, Scale, near Farnham.[121]
  • 1979: Michael John Calvert, of Ockley Court, Ockley, near Dorking.[122]
  • 1980: John Eveleigh Bolton, C.B.E., D.S.C., of Brook Place, Woking.[123]
  • 1981: George William Semark Miskin, of Hankley Edge, Tilford, Farnham.[124]
  • 1982: John Patrick Michael Hugh Evelyn, of Kempslade Farm, Abinger Common, Dorking[125]
  • 1983: Sir Hugh Guy Cubitt CBE, of Chapel House, West Humble, Dorking.[126]
  • 1984: Sir Richard Anthony Meyjes, Kt., of Longhill House, The Stands, near Farnham.[127]
  • 1985: John Flett Whitfield, of Priory Road, Sunningdale, Berkshire[128]
  • 1986: David James Keswick Coles, of Vigo House,Holmwood, Dorking.[129]
  • 1987: Alistair Jevon Johnston of Upper Jordan, Worplesdon.[130]
  • 1988: Major Wyndham Jermyn Hacket Pain, of Parkstone House, Ashwood Road, Woking.[131]
  • 1989: Sir Hugh Spender Lisle Dundas, Kt of Dockenfield, Farnham[132]
  • 1990: Dr. Anthony John Blowers, C.B.E., of Boundstone, Farnham.[133]
  • 1991: James Balbedie[134]
  • 1992: Gordon Ernest Lee-Steere, of Jayes Park, Ockley.[135]
  • 1993: Sir Peter Anson, Bt.[136]
  • 1994: Timothy Francis Goad, of South Park, Bletchingley.[137]
  • 1995: James Hamilton, 4th Baron Hamilton of Dalzell[138]
  • 1996: Adrian Nicholas MacDonald Sanders, of Underbill Farm, Buckland.[139]
  • 1997: James Douglas Moir Robertson, CBE, "Cobwebs", Sunbury-on-Thames.[140]
  • 1998: Richard Henry Simpson Stilgoe[141]
  • 1999: Peter Robert Nutting of North Breache Manor, Ewhurst[142]

21st century

  • 2000: Michael More-Molyneaux
  • 2001: William (Bill) Biddell
  • 2002: Penelope Anne Constance Keith OBE[143]
  • 2003: Andrew Wates
  • 2004: Dr Grace Dowling
  • 2005: David Hypher OBE
  • 2006: Adrian Edwin White[144]
  • 2007: Nicholas John Elliot Sealy[145]
  • 2008: Sally Varah[146]
  • 2009: Lady Elizabeth Toulson CBE[147]
  • 2010: Robert Harold Douglas CBE

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