The Swedish fortress and town on the shore of River Neva (1611-1703)
Neovia - Nyenskans - Nyen - Nevanlinna - Ниенша́нц
Neovia, as the entire Swedish Ingria, was a short-lived project of less than a hundred years during the time of Sweden's "stormaktstid", the period as a powerful European nation.
There were at least hundreds, possibly up to some 2,500 people living in Neovia. Most of them left to Sweden or Finland when Czar Peter the Great occupied the area in 1703 and established his capital Sankt-Peterburg there.
The genealogy of the Neovians can tell a fascinating story of the history of the 17th century in a temporary corner of the Swedish Empire. Residents of Neovia / Nyenskans / Nyen / Nevanlinna seem often to have moved in from Sweden's Eastern areas: Finland, Estonia, Livonia, and even Sweden proper, but there were also quite a few German speaking immigrants - enough for their own German congregation and church in town!
All Geni users are welcome to join as collaborators and add more information and people to the project describing this Swedish-Ingrian city.
Tip: An easy way to find profiles of persons who are already in GENI: Use the Google search "nevanlinna OR nyen OR nyenskans site:www.geni.com" - but note that there are other places or persons with the name Nyen or Nevanlinna! Quite a few former Neovians are not yet linked to the project.
Book sources
John Chrispinsson (2011): Den glömda historien. Om svenska öden och äventyr i öster under tusen år. Norstedts, Stockholm. Pp. 145-173. Information about the book: http://www.norstedts.se/bocker/utgiven/2011/Var/chrispinsson_john-d...
Carl Gabriel von Bonsdorff (1891, new edition 2012): Nyen och Nyenskans. Historisk skildring. . Nabu Press. Available e.g. from Amazon, see http://www.amazon.com/Nyen-Och-Nyenskans-Historisk-Skildring/dp/127...
Internet sources
General sources
Wikipedia versions in different languages seem to tell a partly different story of Neovia, and they contain links to different sources. Therefore several are listed here. For sources in languages you can't read, use Google Translator.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_Ingria
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyenschantz
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Nyenschantz_model.jpg
- http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyenskans
- http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%88%D0%B0%D...
- http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevanlinna
- http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyen
- http://www.wikipiter.ru/index.php/%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%88%D0...
- http://www.encspb.ru/object/2804035483?lc=en
- http://www.sweden.spb.ru/maps/01_en.htm (a set of 50 maps about the Nyen fortress and the town and the area during early years of Sankt-Peterburg)
- http://spbae.ru/index.htm (in Russian - very interesting archeology information on findings at the Nyenskans location)
- http://www.museum.ru/m2537 (in Russian)
- http://wn.com/Nyenskans
- http://encyclopedia.mitrasites.com/imgs/swedish-ingria.html
- http://www.frisenheim.se/hela-historien/2.-ung,-rik-och-olycksdrabb... (in Swedish - an entire website about Johan Henrik Frisius, later Frisenheim, which contains his times in the City of Nyen)
- http://www.baltictowns.com/rostock/city/nyen/info/de_nyen.html
- http://www.worldcat.org/title/nyen-och-nyenskans-historisk-skildrin... (BOOK)
- http://www.worldcat.org/title/neva-och-nyenskans-intill-st-petersbu... (BOOK)
- http://www.worldcat.org/title/fran-landskrona-till-nyenskans/oclc/1... (BOOK)
Genealogy sources
- List of surnames in Neovia 1640 - 1690s, archived
- "Dhe Nyensche" hemma och i Stockholm, in Swedish, archived
- Om några tysk-baltiska borgarsläkter i Nyen på 1600-talet, in Swedish, archived
- Blanckenhagen, in Swedish, archived
- Släkten Soldans ursprung, in Swedish, archived
- Släkten Stewens äldre led, in Swedish, archived
- Suomen saksalaiset kauppiassuvut, in Finnish, archived
- Frisius - Frisenheim, in Swedish, archived
- Släkten Elfvengrens ursprung, in Swedish, archived
- Hinnel, in Swedish, archived
- http://www.helsinki.fi/ylioppilasmatrikkeli/ (searching all students' information with "nevanlinna*" produces 127 person profiles - many of them are not yet documented in Geni)
The Swedish fortress and town on the shore of River Neva (1611-1703)
Neovia - Nyenskans - Nyen - Nevanlinna - Ниенша́нц
Neovia, as the entire Swedish Ingria, was a short-lived project of less than a hundred years during the time of Sweden's "stormaktstid", the period as a powerful European nation.
There were at least hundreds, possibly up to some 2,500 people living in Neovia. Most of them left to Sweden or Finland when Czar Peter the Great occupied the area in 1703 and established his capital Sankt-Peterburg there.
The genealogy of the Neovians can tell a fascinating story of the history of the 17th century in a temporary corner of the Swedish Empire. Residents of Neovia / Nyenskans / Nyen / Nevanlinna seem often to have moved in from Sweden's Eastern areas: Finland, Estonia, Livonia, and even Sweden proper, but there were also quite a few German speaking immigrants - enough for their own German congregation and church in town!
All Geni users are welcome to join as collaborators and add more information and people to the project describing this Swedish-Ingrian city.
Tip: An easy way to find profiles of persons who are already in GENI: Use the Google search "nevanlinna OR nyen OR nyenskans site:www.geni.com" - but note that there are other places or persons with the name Nyen or Nevanlinna! Quite a few former Neovians are not yet linked to the project.
Book sources
John Chrispinsson (2011): Den glömda historien. Om svenska öden och äventyr i öster under tusen år. Norstedts, Stockholm. Pp. 145-173. Information about the book: http://www.norstedts.se/bocker/utgiven/2011/Var/chrispinsson_john-d...
Carl Gabriel von Bonsdorff (1891, new edition 2012): Nyen och Nyenskans. Historisk skildring. . Nabu Press. Available e.g. from Amazon, see http://www.amazon.com/Nyen-Och-Nyenskans-Historisk-Skildring/dp/127...
Internet sources
General sources
Wikipedia versions in different languages seem to tell a partly different story of Neovia, and they contain links to different sources. Therefore several are listed here. For sources in languages you can't read, use Google Translator.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_Ingria
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyenschantz
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Nyenschantz_model.jpg
- http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyenskans
- http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%88%D0%B0%D...
- http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevanlinna
- http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyen
- http://www.wikipiter.ru/index.php/%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%88%D0...
- http://www.encspb.ru/object/2804035483?lc=en
- http://www.sweden.spb.ru/maps/01_en.htm (a set of 50 maps about the Nyen fortress and the town and the area during early years of Sankt-Peterburg)
- http://spbae.ru/index.htm (in Russian - very interesting archeology information on findings at the Nyenskans location)
- http://www.museum.ru/m2537 (in Russian)
- http://wn.com/Nyenskans
- http://encyclopedia.mitrasites.com/imgs/swedish-ingria.html
- http://www.frisenheim.se/hela-historien/2.-ung,-rik-och-olycksdrabb... (in Swedish - an entire website about Johan Henrik Frisius, later Frisenheim, which contains his times in the City of Nyen)
- http://www.baltictowns.com/rostock/city/nyen/info/de_nyen.html
- http://www.worldcat.org/title/nyen-och-nyenskans-historisk-skildrin... (BOOK)
- http://www.worldcat.org/title/neva-och-nyenskans-intill-st-petersbu... (BOOK)
- http://www.worldcat.org/title/fran-landskrona-till-nyenskans/oclc/1... (BOOK)
Genealogy sources
- http://www.genealogia.fi/nimet/nimi87r.htm (list of surnames in Neovia 1640 - 1690s)
- http://www.genealogia.fi/genos/52/52_81.htm ("Dhe Nyensche" hemma och i Stockholm, in Swedish)
- http://www.genealogia.fi/genos/5/5_17.htm (Om några tysk-baltiska borgarsläkter i Nyen på 1600-talet, in Swedish)
- http://www.genealogia.fi/genos/24/24_70.htm (Släkten Soldans ursprung, in Swedish)
- http://www.genealogia.fi/genos/59/59_18.htm (Släkten Stewens äldre led, in Swedish)
- http://www.genealogia.fi/genos/54/54_81.htm (Suomen saksalaiset kauppiassuvut, in Finnish)
- http://www.genealogia.fi/genos/47/47_43.htm (Frisius - Frisenheim, in Swedish)
- http://www.genealogia.fi/genos/46/46_46.htm (Släkten Elfvengrens ursprung, in Swedish)
- http://www.genealogia.fi/genos/40/40_85.htm (Hinnel, in Swedish)
- http://www.helsinki.fi/ylioppilasmatrikkeli/ (searching all students' information with "nevanlinna*" produces 127 person profiles - many of them are not yet documented in Geni)