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Projects matching the term "great migration"

  • Geni Polska

    Zapraszamy do uczestniczenia w projekcie Geni Polska - który ma na celu skupienie jak największej liczby polskich użytkowników Geni w celu lepszej i wydajniejszej współpracy! W przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań kliknij tutaj . 'For English language, please see In English thread in Geni Polska message board. 'Członków prosimy o zapraszanie współpracowników z Polski do tego projektu (Opcje > Add Coll...

  • Jamaican Portal: "Out Of Many, One People"

    This is the Portal or Master Project for Jamaica: Jamaican Portal: "Out Of Many, One People" : you will find links to online civil records across Jamaica that may be very helpful in your quest). Important Events in Jamaica's History What can you do here? Ask questions. Collaborate on your research. Share knowledge you have gained as you've done your own research in a specific area...

  • Great Black Migration (US)

    Around 1910 until the late-1930s, there was a massive movement of African Americans (Blacks) that relocated from the "Deep South" (Southern United States) into Northern, Midwestern and Western U.S. industrial cities. Crop failure was one of the main reasons these Blacks left their traditional homes, some of it started by the Boll Weevil that had traveled from Mexico into Texas, then travel east...

  • The Great Kashubian Migration

    In the mid-1800s Kashubians migrated for economic reasons. After the Franco-Prussian War and the unification of Germany under Bismarck, Kashubians were met with institutionalized hostility. Life was very harsh for the Kashubs. It was illegal to use Polish or Kashubian in public, especially in church. Many priests were imprisoned or exiled. Churches were left with no parish priests. As a result,...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Handmaid, 1630

    Arrival of the Handmaid , 29 Oct. 1630After twelve weeks at sea, the Handmaid docked at Plymouth on 29 Oct. 1630 with about 60 passengers. [1] They were the last group from Leiden. [2]The brethren described these arrivals as the "weakest and poorest", which may account for why none of their names were preserved. This was the last of the Pilgrim ships, although a few more brethren strayed in fro...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Griffin, 1634

    Griffin left England Aug 1, 1634 with her master, ?, arriving in September 18, 1634, at Boston with about one hundred passengers and cattle for the plantations. Alphabetical roll: William Bartholomew (From London, bound for Ipswich and Boston. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 109) Mrs. Mary Bartholomew William Haynes, of Salem of Dunstable, Bedford, bound for Salem. Ref: Aspinwall 36 pg 1 Richa...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Furtherance, 1622

    The Furtherance was a 180-ton galleon typical of its class. It may have been very similar to the Mayflower. The Furtherance left Gravesend about June 11 or 12, 1622. A total of eighty passengers were to go on this trip, including those who would board later at a provisioning stop to be made at the Isle of Wight. The ship's master was Captain William Eden, who used the mysterious alias Mr. Samps...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Blessing, 1635

    The Blessing, June 1635 From June 1635. Theis under written names are to be transported to New England imbarqued in the Blessing Jo: Lecester Mr the p'rties having brought Cert. from the minister and Justices of their conformitie being no Subsedy men, tooke ye oaths of Alleg: and Supremacie: Willm Cope 26 (usually spelled "Copp") Richard Cope 24 (usually spelled "Copp") Thomas King ...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Truelove 1635

    The Truelove left London, England Sept 1635 with her master, John Gibbs, arriving in Massachusetts Bay. The following alphabetical roll is from her departure point, not necessarily who landed. Passenger count was listed as 66, but there are 67 names listed. "xix Sept 1635 Theis under-written names are to be transported to New england imbarqued in the Truelove Jo: Gibbs Mr, the Men have taken ...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Diligent, 1638

    Passenger List of the Diligent 1638 Ipswich, Suffolk England to Boston Harbor Source: The Planters of the Commonwealth , Charles E. Banks, published by Houghton Mifflin Co. (1930), pages 191-194. DILIGENT, of Ipswich, John Martin, Master. She sailed from Ipswich, Suffolk, in June and arrived August 10 at Boston, with about one hundred passengers, principally from Hingham, Norfolk, destined ...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Francis 1634

    Master John Cutting Voyage of 1634 This table details the roll of passengers of the Francis, which sailed from Ipswich, Suffolk in April 1634, bound for New England. The date of record, in this case, is some six months after the ship departed. The ship arrived safe at Massachusetts Bay, although some of the persons listed below may not have arrived. Some may have decided not to sail. Some serva...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Increase, 1635

    From The Increase left London, England April 1635 with her master, Robert Lea, arriving in Massachusetts Bay. By roll number: Sworn April 17, 1635 1 Bacon/Baron George 43, mason 2 Bacon/Baron Samuel 12, child of George 3 Bacon/Baron John 8, child of George 4 Bacon/Baron Susan 10, child of George 5 Jostlin Thomas 43, husbandman 6 Jostlin Rebecca 43, wife 7 Ward Eliza 38, Jost...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Confidence, 1638

    Bring your ancestors on over. Profiles must be set to public. from Southampton, England to New England 24 April 1638 Another transcription of this voyage can be seen: Passenger List for the Confidence 1638 List of passengers from Southampton for New England 24 April 1638 by the 'Confidence' of London, two hundred tons - Master Mr. John Gibson. - "by vertue of the Lord Treasurers warrant of...

  • Great Migration: Passengers on The Marigold 1638

    The Marigold ship was a sister ship of the Mayflower. It sailed to Windsor, Connecticut around 1638.

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Sparrow, 1622

    from , 1622 The Sparrow, at Maine from England, sent passengers in a boat to Plymouth, New England. Fishing vessel, Master Rogers. A boat arrived at the Plymouth Plantation from the Sparrow (fishing vessel at Maine, hired and sent out by Thomas Weston and John Beauchamp, salter of London, for their personal profit) with 7 men passengers sent by Weston to work for him in New England. They remain...

  • Great Puritan Migration: Wiltshire Origins

    Project ObjectiveTo trace the family and other affiliations of colonists to New England with County Wiltshire origins. Please add those profiles to the project and use discussions. Add research sites to the reference list. Ultimately we may be able to build a “super tree” showing the connections.===People of Interest* Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset “ ... came from a family long involved i...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Bevis, 1638

    “ The Bevis ” left Southampton May 1638 for New England with her master Robert Batten. The following Lists of New England Emigrants are from Her Majesty's State Paper Office SOUTHAMPTON.--- The list of the names of Passeng. Intended to shipe themsleues, In the Beuist of Hampton of CL. Tonnes, Robert Batten Mr for Newengland, And thsu by vertue of the Lord Treasurers warrant of the second of M...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Griffin, 1633

    was the name of a 17th-century ship known to have sailed between England and English settlements in Massachusetts. Several historical and genealogical references show the Griffin making such journeys in 1633 and 1634. The 1633 journey left at Downs, England and landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts on September 3. This 1633 journey carried religious dissidents, including Thomas Hooker,[1] John Cott...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Unity, 1635

    from Unity left Weymouth, England Sept 12, 1635 with her Master, John Taylor, arriving in Massachusetts Bay.# Buck, William, his wife and family# Cattell, Robert, and his family# Corbin, Hugh, and his family# Davies, Richard, and his family# Ellwood, William, his wife and family# Hollman, Arther (sic), and his family# Looke, Robert, his wife and family# Tailor, Nicholas, and his family# Tise, J...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Abigail, 1628

    From The Abigail and John Endicott : On 20th June 1628 the ship Abigail set sail from Weymouth with many Dorset emigrants bound for New England. Under Henry Gauden, the master, they arrived in Salem, Massachusetts on 6th September. This particular passage was important as it carried the new government for the London Plantation. The governor was John Endicott . Passengers known to be on board...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Fortune, 1621

    Fortune Passenger List The ship Fortune with Master Thomas Barton, arrived at Plymouth on November 9, 1621, just a few weeks after the First Thanksgiving. This passenger list is based on the: 1623 Division of Land passenger list was compiled by Charles Edward Banks, in Planters, of the Commonwealth information found in Eugene Aubrey Stratton's, "Plymouth Colony: Its History and its Peo...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Arbella, 1630

    Note from the Chase Chronicles - July - October, 1930 =="John Winthrop begins his journal of the voyage of the Arbella onMarch 29, 1630:>"Riding at the Cowes, near the Isle of Wight, in the Arbella , the ship three hundred and fifty tons whereof Capt. Peter Milbourne was master, being manned with fifty-two seamen and twenty-eight pieces of ordnance..... upon conference it was agreed that (in re...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Jonathan, 1639

    What appears to be known about its passengers is drawn from testimony taken 13 years after its arrival by a small subset of its passengers. Passengers settled in Newbury and Charlestown. Sailed: 1639 from England Arrived: 1639 at Boston Bay Passengers: Thomas Gould, Frances Cooke, Thomas Blanchard, Agnes Bent, Nicholas Noyes, Dorothy Noyes, Abigail Noyes, Peter Noyes, John Waterman, R...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Phillip, 1635

    bring your ancestor profiles on over. Must be set to "public."The Phillip sailed from Gravesend to Virginia June 1635 under Master Richard Morgan "20 June 1635">Theis under-written names are to be transported to Virginea embarqued in the Phillip Richard Morgan Mr the Men have been examined by the Minister of the towne of Gravesend of their conformities to the orders & discipline of the Church o...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Mayflower, 1620

    The Geni profiles included are of the passengers of the ship Mayflower, arrived at Provincetown Harbor, Plymouth Colony in what is now Massachusetts, United States, on 11 November 1620. If you would like to contribute to this page, please contact the Project Manager or one of the Project Collaborators. Click here for instructions about using Wiki markup language. Geni Public Discussions, ...

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