The Battle of Grunwald , Battle of Žalgiris or First Battle of Tannenberg was fought on 15 July 1410 during the Polish–Lithuanian–Teutonic War. The alliance of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, led respectively by King Władysław II Jagiełło (Jogaila) and Grand Duke Vytautas, decisively defeated the German–Prussian Teutonic Knights, led by Grand Master Ulrich v...
Wikipedia =The Battle of Chickamauga, fought September 19–20, 1863, marked the end of a Union offensive in southeastern Tennessee and northwestern Georgia called the Chickamauga Campaign. The battle was the most significant Union defeat in the Western Theater of the American Civil War and involved the second highest number of casualties in the war following the Battle of Gettysburg.The battle w...
War of 1812 Project around those who fought in the American-Anglo War of 1812 If you add a profile and know any specific battles they served in, please feel free to create a project for that battle and link it to this page under the 'add a related project' section to the right. General description from wikipedia: "The War of 1812 was a military conflict fought between the forces of the...
Please add those who died as a result of war wounds.==* If they died of other causes, please add the profile to that cause. Died of Wounds Received in Action: * A battle casualty is someone who later dies of wounds or other injuries received in action, after having reached a medical treatment facility . In the United States the acronym used is DOW, while NATO uses DWRIA. * A battle casualty is ...
Vabadussõjas langenud Valga lähistel hukkunud / surnud vabadussõdalased (Valga Peetri koguduse meetrikas): 23. jaanuar 1919 - 2. juuli 1919 5. juuli 1919 - 21. veebruar 1920 (suri soomusrongi Kapten Irv sõdur) 9. mai 1920 (tapeti üks staabisõdur - Aleksander Tomson Johan'i poeg* ) Laiaroopalise soomusrongi nr 3 meeskonnas langenud meeste nimed Vabadussõjas langenute koondnimekiri...
Historical=The Battle of Worringen was fought on June 5, 1288, near the town of Worringen (also spelled Woeringen), which is now the northernmost borough of Cologne. The battle was fought for the possession of the Duchy of Limburg, and was one of the largest battles in Europe in the Middle Ages.* Date: june 1288* Location: Worringen, today part of Cologne (Köln)* Result: Decisive Brabantian vic...
If you have relatives who were "participants of the Deluge - Swedish war of 1655-1660," please add them to this project. It would be great if there were brief biographies within the profile description "About." Use the 'Actions' button on the opened profile page to "Add to project." Select this project (you must be on the list of collaborators in this project to see it on the selection list). ...
If in your family tree you have persons that were participants of the Battle of the Vorskla River , please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description "About" there would be brief biography. Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "Add to project". Select this project (you must be on the list of collaborators in this project to see it on the sel...
A Batalha de Alcácer-Quibir (grafias: Alcácer - Quivir, Al Quasr al-kibr, Alcazarquivir ou Alcassar, significando "grande fortaleza", em árabe) (árabe: معركة القصر الكبير), conhecida em Marrocos como Batalha dos Três Reis (árabe: معركة الملوك الثلاث), foi uma grande batalha travada no norte de Marrocos perto da cidade de Ksar-El-Kebir, entre Tânger e Fez, em 4 de Agosto de 1578 . Os combatentes...
The Battle of Cold Harbor was fought from May 31 to June 12, 1864, with the most significant fighting occurring on June 3. It was one of the final battles of Union Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Overland Campaign during the American Civil War, and is remembered as one of American history's bloodiest, most lopsided battles. Thousands of Union soldiers were killed or wounded in a hopeless frontal as...
If in your family tree you have persons that were participants of the Battle of the Vikhra River , please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description "About" there would be brief biography. Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "Add to project". Select this project (you must be on the list of collaborators in this project to see it on the sele...
About this portal ( umbrella project) This International portal will list all war and military related projects on Geni. Minor wars and battles ,rebel and Guerilla wars can be added to this list too. If you come across a related project please add to this list. General war and military related projects: (not country specific) Commonwealth War Graves Commission Milit...
This project aims to identify Battle of Kircholm participantcs . If in your family tree you have an individual who was in the Battle of Kircholm, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description there would be a brief biography added. Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "Add to project". Select this project (you must be on the list of co...
If in your family tree you have persons that were participants of the Battle of Vilkomir , please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description "About" there would be brief biography. Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "Add to project". Select this project (you must be on the list of collaborators in this project to see it on the selection li...
Battleground Ireland=Ireland became a battleground almost by accident - having left England, James II had de facto handed William the crown on a silver plate. His only hope of restoration was linked to a return to his realm. And only one part was considered secure and sympathetic enough - Catholic Ireland, effectively ruled by the Jacobite Tyrconnel.Tyrconnel was determined to hold on to power ...
Sussex == Historic County of England .==Related Projects>===== Sussex - Famous People >===== Sussex - Genealogical Resources >===== Historical Sussex >===== Historic Buildings of East Sussex >===== Historic Buildings of West Sussex >===== Sussex - Monumental Inscriptions and Graveyards >===== People Connected to Sussex
Constantine's forces defeated the Vikings. Constantine, King of the Scots, was defeated at Scone in 904. He fought back and won a significant victory in the Battle of Strathearn. The Vikings were virtually annihilated and their leader King Ivarr ll was killed in the battle."In 902 AD, the Vikings, under Ivar the Younger of Dublin, (? Ímar (Ivar)?) returned to seize Dunkeld, where St Columba's r...