Genealogy Projects tagged with writers on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Prêmio Jabuti de Literatura

    Projeto que reúne os ganhadores do Prêmio Jabuti de Literatura , o mais importante prêmio literário do Brasil. Lançado em 1959, foi idealizado por Edgard Cavalheiro quando presidia a Câmara Brasileira do Livro. Prêmio Jabuti de Literatura Categoria Romance 1959: Jorge Amado (1912-2001) 1960: Marques Rebelo (1907-1973) (*) 1961: Maria de Lourdes Teixeira (1907-1989) (*) 1962: Osório Al...

  • Nobel Prize in Literature

    This project is on History Link Nobel Prize in Literature On 27 November 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament, giving the largest share of his fortune to a series of prizes, the Nobel Prizes. As described in Nobel's will one part was dedicated to 'the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction'. Introduction ...

  • County Dublin - Famous people

    County Dublin - Famous people=Dublin, as the capital city of Ireland and the largest city in Ireland, has produced many noted artists, entertainers, politicians and businesspeople. In the project photograph ' John Field, composer Please add GENi profiles of people from County Dublin (not just Dublin City ) to this project. Additionally, please add information about people of renown connected to...

  • The Simpsons

    =This project is for The Simpsons cast and crew.=(If we want to include people who guest-starred only once or as themselves, we should consider making a sub-project. In 30 years that is a ton of profiles.)=== The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company . The series is a satirical depiction of working-class life, epitomized by the Simpson...

  • Významné slovenské osobnosti (Notable Slovak Personalities)

    Štúrovci ==* Čajak, Janko [ Janko Čajak ]* Daxner, Štefan Marko [ Štefan Marko Daxner ]* Dobšinský, Pavol [ Pavol Dobšinský ]* Francisci-Rimavský, Ján [ Ján Francisci-Rimavský ]* Hodža, Michal Miloslav [ Michal Miloslav Hodža ]* Hroboň, Samo Bohdan [ Samo Bohdan Hroboň ]* Hurban, Jozef Miloslav [ Jozef Miloslav Hurban ]* Krčméry, August Horislav [ August Horislav Krčméry ]* Maróthy, Daniel [ Da...

  • Dark Art

    Dark art can be described as bizarre, bloody, creepy, demonic, disgusting, disturbing, evil, frightening, ghastly, ghoulish, gloomy, gorey, gothic, grotesque, gruesome, horrific, macabre, menacing, monstrous, nasty, nightmarish, obscene, scary, spooky, strange, surreal, terrifying, tragic, vampiric, vicious, violent, weird, and witchy. Actors Helena Bonham Carter Lon Chaney 1883–1930 Lo...

  • British Writers: T - Z

    British Writers: T - ZThis project is a place to gather together profiles of British born writers of all genres. Those with bold links have profiles on Geni. Links that are not bold are to other sources.Names are arranged alphabetically and spread across 6 projects to handle the numbers. (The arrowed buttons below are linked to the other pages).

  • Prêmio Camões de Literatura

    O Prêmio Camões, instituído pelos governos do Brasil e de Portugal em 1988, é atribuído aos autores que tenham contribuído para o enriquecimento do património literário e cultural da língua portuguesa. É considerado o mais importante prêmio literário a um autor de língua portuguesa pelo conjunto da sua obra.*1989: Miguel Torga (1907-1995) - Portugal*1990: João Cabral de Melo Neto (1920-1999) - ...

  • The Inklings

    The Inklings ====From Wikipedia:=== Inklings was an informal literary discussion group associated with the University of Oxford, England, for nearly two decades between the early 1930s and late 1949.[1] The Inklings were literary enthusiasts who praised the value of narrative in fiction, and encouraged the writing of fantasy. Although Christian values were notably present in several members' wo...

  • Southern U.S. Writers

    Writers associated with the Southern United States - Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Carolinas, etc

26-36 of 36 projects