If you need any assistance with your Burgenland research, please feel free to join.Check out The Burgenland Bunch or our Facebook group for more information on Burgenland. Burgenland duplicate church records 1828-1895 and civil records 1895-1920 Burgenland original Catholic records Burgenländers Honored and Remembered Recent photographs of all Burgenland villages Allersdorf im Burgenland ...
This project seeks to list representatives of all of the Jewish families from the Moravian town of Šafov (Schaffa) in the Czech Republic. JewishGen Safov page . CURRENT CZECH NAME: ŠAFOV FORMER NAME: SCHAFFA LOCATION The village of Šafov is located at 48.52 degree north and 15.44 degree east, a short distance to the south of the town of Znojmo on the border with Austria RECORDS There are...
BURGENLAND is one of the federal states of Austria, on the Hungarian border. Located in Burgenland were the "Seven Communities" ( Sheva Kehillot or Sieben Gemeinden ), noted for their outstanding yeshivot and eminent rabbis: * Eisenstadt (Hung. Kismarton; Heb. א״ש) * Mattersburg/ Mattersdorf (Hung. Nagymarton) * Deutschkreutz (Hung. Sopronkeresztúr, Németkeresztúr; Hebr. צעלם, צלם)* Frauenkirch...
The Diet of Dalmatia (Dieta della Dalmazia) was the regional assembly of the Kingdom of Dalmatia within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was founded in 1861 in Zadar and was eventually dissolved in the early 1900s. ( see ) The Autonomists (pro-Italian) held their position as the parliamentary majority from the founding of the Dalmatian diet until 1870, when the People's Party (Croatian) won the ...
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , ≡ Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia see also History_of_Hungary and History_of_Austria as part of History_of_Europe )Austria-Hungary (German: Österreich-Ungarn; Hungarian: Osztrák–Magyar Monarchia), also known by other names and often referred to as the Austro-Hungarian Empire in English-language sources, was a constitutional union of the Empire of Austria and th...
Dalmacija | Dalmatia (English version) (tal. la Dalmazia, lat. Dalmatia, čakavski Dalmocija, Delmoacija, Durmacija [1]%29 jedan je od najstarijih regionalnih pojmova u Hrvatskoj. Prvi se put spominje osme godine prije Krista kad ju je osnovao rimski car August kao naziv za područje između Promine i Cetine koje je nastanjivalo ilirsko pleme Delmata , odnosno kao sinonim za dio Ilirika, kako su š...
Nitra is a city in western Slovakia, situated at the foot of Zobor Mountain in the valley of the river Nitra. With a population of about 83,572 today, it is the fifth largest city in Slovakia. Nitra is also one of the oldest cities in Slovakia and the country's earliest political and cultural center. Today, it is a seat of a kraj (Nitra Region) and an okres (Nitra District).Nitra is one of the ...
Štúrovci ==* Čajak, Janko [ Janko Čajak ]* Daxner, Štefan Marko [ Štefan Marko Daxner ]* Dobšinský, Pavol [ Pavol Dobšinský ]* Francisci-Rimavský, Ján [ Ján Francisci-Rimavský ]* Hodža, Michal Miloslav [ Michal Miloslav Hodža ]* Hroboň, Samo Bohdan [ Samo Bohdan Hroboň ]* Hurban, Jozef Miloslav [ Jozef Miloslav Hurban ]* Krčméry, August Horislav [ August Horislav Krčméry ]* Maróthy, Daniel [ Da...
I have started this project to give a forum for geni members who's ancestors came from the Shtetl of Dolina in the former Austro-Hungarian Province of Galicia ( now Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, as distinct from Dolina-Janov). I have started with profiles of my father, uncle, grandfathers, and one grandmother who were born there. Collaborators are welcome to add names of other Doliners to h...
Strusov is a very small town located in Ternopolskaya at 49º20 25º37, near Ternopil and 12 km from Terebovlya and 120 km from Chernovtsy. The cemetery is located at SW village, near entry from Buchach. Present town population is 1,000-5,000 with no Jews. The earliest known Jewish Community was 18th century. 1939 Jewish population (census) was 579. The last known Chortkovskaya Hasidic burial was...