Genealogy Projects tagged with painters on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Eesti kunstnikud

    Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid Eesti kunstnikke, karikaturiste, kunstiajaloolasi, -kriitikuid, -teadlasi, -kogujaid ja ka kunsti restauraatoreid läbi kõigi ajajärkude. Hakatuseks wikipediast Eesti kunstnike kategooria Viide Wikipediasse Eesti kunstnike loend (need kelle kohta on lugu Wikipedias, sealses järjestused) A Vahur Agar junior (Agar ← Andrespuk) Mari Aakre...

  • Artists (Painters)

    This project is designed to capture artists (painters) other than Contemporary Artists, New and Modern Masters, and Old Masters that are included in other projects: Contemporary Artists New and Modern Masters Old Masters Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface (support base). The medium is commonly applied to the base with a bru...

  • British Artists

    British Artists Image right - J. M. W. Turner, The Fighting Temeraire tugged to her last berth to be broken up, 1839 - National Gallery of Art, Public Domain, Wiki Commons The object of this project is to compile a list British artists and to link them to GENi profiles where possible. Some artists who were not born in the United Kingdom may have worked in Britain and are included if appropr...

  • Dutch Painters 1900-2000

    Projectnr. 8399=Nederlandse & Vlaamse schilders ‧ 1900-2000Painters who lived and/or worked for most part of their life, in the 20th century, in the Netherlands. See also Project: Dutch painters 1700-1900==alfabetisch—A—* Johannes Evert jr. AKKERINGA ‧ Den Haag 1894-1983 Voorburg* Jan ALTINK ‧ Groningen 1885-1971 den Haag ‧ * ANSINGH :** Herman Johannes ANSINGH ‧ Nijmegen 1880-1957 Harderwijk *...

  • Hrvatski slikari / Croatian painters

    Please add profiles to this project if they are on this list (they need to be public, not private) Ako je netko od ovih ličnosti u vašem obiteljskom stablu, dodajte ih u ovaj projekat (trebali bi biti javni, ne privatni) A Oskar Artur Alexander Zdravko Anić Stojan Aralica Lovro Artuković Robert Auer B Ljubo Babić Sreto Balaš Ivan Balažević Zvonimir Balog ...

  • Czech Painters

    Czech Painters===From wikipedia: Czech painters, En , Ro , Sl , Uk , alphabet list See also : Czech art , List of Czech artists by date , List of lists of painters by nationality ===== < BACK to Czech portal

  • Property developers

    ==Property developers== Please add Geni profles of property and real estate developers to this Occupations project. Profiles must be set to public. Please feel free to contribute to the project overview, especially the "resources" section, and the photos and documents area also. From Wikipedia Real estate development, or property development, is a multifaceted business, encompassing activities ...

  • Dark Art

    Dark art can be described as bizarre, bloody, creepy, demonic, disgusting, disturbing, evil, frightening, ghastly, ghoulish, gloomy, gorey, gothic, grotesque, gruesome, horrific, macabre, menacing, monstrous, nasty, nightmarish, obscene, scary, spooky, strange, surreal, terrifying, tragic, vampiric, vicious, violent, weird, and witchy. Actors Helena Bonham Carter Lon Chaney 1883–1930 Lo...

  • Painters of Portugal

    The scarcity of pictorial relics in Portugal before the fifteenth century led to the formation of a belief that in this country painting flourished only from the Renaissance, but the absence of concrete examples does not mean that local societies of remote times, precursor of formation From the current Portuguese state, they do not practice this art and, contrary to what is usually supposed, Po...

  • Israeli Entertainment People

    Entertainment People are artists such as actors, singers, screenwriters, painters, poets, authors, directors, producers etc.====Related Projects= Israeli-Mediterranean-Mizrachi-Music

  • Royal Academy of Arts ‧ London England

    Royal Academy of ArtsThe Royal Academy of Arts (RA) is an art institution based in Burlington House on Piccadilly in London. It has a unique position as an independent, privately funded institution led by eminent artists and architects; its purpose is to promote the creation, enjoyment and appreciation of the visual arts through exhibitions, education and debate.== Purpose ==Identify members of...

  • Významné slovenské osobnosti (Notable Slovak Personalities)

    Štúrovci ==* Čajak, Janko [ Janko Čajak ]* Daxner, Štefan Marko [ Štefan Marko Daxner ]* Dobšinský, Pavol [ Pavol Dobšinský ]* Francisci-Rimavský, Ján [ Ján Francisci-Rimavský ]* Hodža, Michal Miloslav [ Michal Miloslav Hodža ]* Hroboň, Samo Bohdan [ Samo Bohdan Hroboň ]* Hurban, Jozef Miloslav [ Jozef Miloslav Hurban ]* Krčméry, August Horislav [ August Horislav Krčméry ]* Maróthy, Daniel [ Da...

  • Spanish Painters 1500-1700

    Spanish Painters 1500-1700* Juan de ARELLANO ‧ 1614-1676 ‧ * Pedro de CAMPROBIN PASSANO ‧ 1605-1674 ‧ * Benito ESPINOS ‧ 1748-1818 ‧ * Federico MADRAZO y KUNTZ ‧ 1815-1894 ‧ * Juan de VALDES LEAL ‧ 1622-1690 ‧ * Rodrigo de VILLANDRANDO ‧ c.1590-1630 ‧ *=other eurpean-origine Painters:===Hungarian* Jacob BOGDANI ‧ 1658-1724 ‧ *===Italian* Giuseppe BONITO ‧ 1705-1789 ‧ * Pietro FABRIS ‧ act.1768-...

  • Czech Women Artists

    Czech Women Artists===From wikipedia: Czech Women Artists, En , alphabet list See also : Czech women artists , Czech women , Czech people by occupation ===== < BACK to Czech portal ===== Please join us! Your participation are welcome in this project. For join to this project (select ACTIONS (top right) and click Join Project) if you are or would like to become a part and participation of this p...

  • Arts and Crafts Movement

    The Arts & Crafts Movement=Pictured right: Detail from a season ticket for The Arts & Crafts Exhibition Society, by Walter Crane, England, UK, 1890. Museum no. E.4164-1915. The Arts and Crafts Movement was one of the most influential, profound and far-reaching design movements of modern times. It began in Britain around 1880 and quickly spread across America and Europe before emerging finally a...

  • Canadian Group of Painters

    The Canadian Group of Painters (CGP) formed as a group of 28 painters from across Canada in 1933. The CGP succeeded the Group of Seven landscape painters. In the early 1930's, the prominence of the Group of Seven generated controversy, as many believed that the National Gallery of Canada showed favoritism for their work. Concern over the potential bias of the Gallery and exclusion of modern art...

  • Forgotten painter Faroe Island

    I have created this project to collect information about forgotten Faroe Island painters. The reason is my late relative Christian Ebenezer Skulason Magnussen, who painted quiet a lot of landscape pictures from the southmost Island Suderoy. I am interested to get information from people having one of the paintings created by Christian Magnussen they a widely spread. Hopefully also if possible a...