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  • Ann Costin, freed slave of Custis family (bef.1756 - d.)
    Ann Dandridge Costin, who was one-quarter African, one-quarter Cherokee Indian, and half-white; there is further evidence of an illegitimate half-brother Ralph Dandridge (date of birth unrecovered), wh...
  • Daniel Parke Custis, II (1751 - 1754)
    Birth: Dec., 1751 Death: Feb. 19, 1754"Here lyeth the Body of Daniel Park Custis Son of Col Daniel Park Custis of New Kent County who departed this life on the 19th of February 1754 Aged two years an...
  • Colonel Daniel Parke Custis, I (1711 - 1757)
    Wikipedia Biographical Summary:=="... Daniel Parke Custis (15 October 1711 – 8 July 1757) was a wealthy Virginia planter whose widow, Martha, married George Washington.He was the son of John Custis (16...
  • Eleanor Stuart (1754 - 1811)
    Remarried after John Parke (Jacky) Custis died In 1783 Eleanor Calvert Custis, the widow of Martha's son John Parke Custis, contemplated marriage to Alexandria physician David Stuart. Mrs. Custis sough...
  • Frances Parke Custis (1753 - 1757)
    Birth: Apr. 12, 1753 Death: Apr. 1, 1757"Under this stone lies intered the Body of Frances Park Custis daughter of Daniel Park Custis Esqr and Martha his wife, born April 12th 1753 Dyed April 1, 1757...