There are already 52 users and 2,559 genealogy profiles with the Eades surname on Geni. Explore Eades genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Per the memorial cited below, Albert's date of birth was 8/30/18 94 , date of death 11/15/1960. Other information indicates he was cremated, but has a headstone with his wife Alice in Kelvin Grove Ceme...
Ann Eades was born c. 1783 (daughter of Joseph Eades and Catherine Miller) and was baptised 2/12/1783 - Deritend, Warwickshire. Ann arrived in Sydney Cove on 26/6/1790 on "Surprize", along with her par...
Derived from the son of Ede, the first recorded name was a Robert Eades who was baptised in 1670 in Clerkenwall in the Church of St James.
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