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Evarts Genealogy and Evarts Family History Information

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  • Abner Evarts (1730 - 1796)
  • Anna Evarts (1673 - 1727)
    Origins Between 1657/8 and 1665 Alexander Bow marries Sarah (maiden name unknown) and has 3 children: Samuel, Sarah, and Mary. In the spring of 1665 both Sarah and their infant daughter Mary die.7 ...
  • Edith Evarts (1604 - 1664)
    valid source documents found for her marriage to John Evarts (Everett) who married Mary Bow.Disconnected 7/2/2017
  • Elizabeth Buell (1697 - 1748)
  • Elizabeth Evarts (1606 - c.1682)
    William Bradley’s stepmother Elizabeth lived until 1683 and outlived all three of her husbands, her two American husbands were both from Guilford. Biography From Hal Bradley’s website Elizabeth SHE...

About the Evarts surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Evarts surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Evarts surname.

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