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About the Jakubowicz surname

Marian Jakubowicz, has two daughter: Michele, Blum Jakubowicz, married to Fred Blum. "Malka" , named after Marian's and Yakub's mother. Michele has two children, Jason. The other is a daughter her name is Betsy, "Basia Lerner Hrapatina", her great, grandmother's name on the Russian side.

The other daughter Marian (Moishe Hune), has , Annette "Tocha", Jakubowicz Obert, named after, " Tzipora, Zosha" Jakubowicz" Married Carl Obert. Has two children, boy Don Moor " born on June 9, 1969. Moshe" Obert, after Grandmother's Bronia's Russian's great grandfather. Don has two children, Maximilian Obert. 10 years old. Jacqueline "Shulamit" hebrew name. 14years old. They live in Florence,Italy.

Thank you, Annette Obert