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Polish Jewish Families

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  • Hanah Rybak (deceased)
  • Zelde Rybak (1895 - 1976)
  • Shmuel Izak Rybak (1892 - 1953)
  • Bejla Gitla Gelfman (deceased)
    הייתה אשתו הראשונה של צבי הירש הלל גלפמן,ואם של פייגה(פלה) שוכמכר לבית גלפמן ז"ל,ושל משה גלפמן ז"ל,אשר נפטר בהיותו בגיל 3
  • Jankiel Boruch Rybak, Hy"d (1909 - 1942)
    he was murdered in the extermination camp: Sobibor

This is an umbrella project for Jewish Family Surname Projects for Jewish Families that lived in Poland or areas historically connected to Poland to include the Russian Pale, Congress Poland, Prussia and Galicia.

Note that some of these projects are shells with little or no information or profiles.

'Research Links:

'""Holocaust-Era Records - CRARG

search-holocaust... ''''''"Martyrdom of Jewish Physicans in Poland, Poland Survivor Radio Messages, Poland Survivors at DP Camps,Polish Children Arriving ...
