Song Bird
Family Tree DNA - DNA Kit Orders Researching the Walden families that started in Europe and migrated to North America in the 1600s and 1700s. By joining the group you agree to provide the project with 3 things.1) The name of the man being tested2) The name, date and place of birth of the oldest known ancestor.3) Permission to publi...
Surnames In This Project
Verdecia, Walden, Waldin, Waldon, Waldren, Waldron, Wallen, Wallin, Walling, Warden
you get a discount IF you join the group, AND you might find your ancestor. It seems they have DNA info for Elisha Walden. so if you match that group, you will know who you are from.. Y-DNA12 More info... ORDER NOW $99.00 Y-DNA25 More info... ORDER NOW $124.00 Y-DNA37 More info...ORDER NOW $149.00
I did the Y DNA 37 on my father.. however the 12 & 25 will work. Since my dad is 92, I wanted to have all the DNA I get get on file for him.