Merge Issues 6

Started by Private User on Thursday, December 17, 2009
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Anne Marit: All the Bremers and a few others attached to those requests are done.

Can someone help with Robert Conrad and Liana Foxvog zombies?

All Bascoms that I could find are done.

Myrna, you posted a link TO Bascom??

Margaret de Quincy, 2nd Countess of Lincoln suo jure

I've been working on the Maud/Matilda de Lacy/de Lucy MESS. Three ladies, to aunts named Margaret, who happen to be cousins, and a passel of husbands.

The Maud in the above link has no parents, and is married to William Ferrers and John de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln. William is correct, John is not. Please unlink Maud and John.

This Maud is owned by SDH.

Tiffany: All Kyle Danes are done except for the second one which is a Zombie.

Thank you Anne Marit for the info on place names and particles. This is an issue causing a lot of confusion with a lot of people. You have done good!
Daniel B Williams

@ Anne Marit -- thanks for grammar lesson. I do find people trying to separate the name into middle and last, and also improper capitalization. I look forward to any future posting of this nature.


I would like to have some opinions.
I am finding that many of the profile I work with should be merged with those of managers who do not respond (Hibbard, Fierro, etc).
Should I continue requesting, or ignore those profile and move on?

I too have the same problem that Tiffany mentions. What is the correct thing to do when someone does not respond?

I have one person who manages profiles in several branches of my tree. I have been trying to reach him since August. It was preventing me from moving forward. I did undo some critical (to me) merges so that I could correct errors and move forward.


Ditto to the comments of Tiffany and Maria. Also add Noah Sparks to that list.

Tiffany & Maria,
I suggest you post the names of these managers here, with links to their profiles.

Between the lot of us, someone IS likely to already have access to the profiles, otherwise they wouldn't have been in pending merges! That is precisely how this group works, and what it was created for. Of course, if such a person is found, you will most likely have to then Collaborate with them (or invite them to your Family Group in they/you are non-Pro).

Christine Gard (and all the other troublemakers):

Robert Conrad anyone?

I totally agree with Anne Marit point on naming rules

I am trying to follow them as much as possible

the issue is to find such family names for scandinavia although very few had "family names"

I tend to use the location of the family to name it when no nickname or standard genealogic name exist

may I recommend to inspire from the ROGLO data base (although there is some mistakes in it)

Sorry, can't help on this one.

Shmuel, thanks for the tip. My problem manager is Justin Renquist. Justin Michael Renquist?

I am happy to collaborate with anyone who can help me to find out more about my roots. I am already collaborating with a lot of people who are working on the Salmons, Frasure, Hall, Branham, Akers, Meade, Justice, Castle and Rice lines. It seems that I am related to half of Eastern Kentucky.


@Kevin - Daniel Joel Spooner is a collaborator, - he has just been off-line for 5 days so you might get a response when he comes on-line again.

@ Daniel -- you said to add Noah Sparks -- I collaborate with him. He's just had a baby -- I'm sure his mind is not on the family tree. Can I help in any way?

Noah Sparks zombie
I understand that Noah has a great reason to be distracted from geni lately. Can someone mark this profile as deceased please?
Mary Abigail Tuttle

I checked, but, sorry! Can't touch his zombies, only a collaborator.

@Daniel -- agree with Kevin, the rest are zombies. I did reverse the merges. Your profiles should all be clean now. Let me know if I can do anything else for you.

Thanks Kevin and Maria. I appreciate your help.


Never remove Zombies from Pending merges. Just leave them in there. I have asked Noah to join my family group. This way, I will be able to get rid of his historical zombies.


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