The "Duke of Portland" arrived in New South Wales, Australia with 191 convicts
- Samuel Adams
- James Algar
- Robert Anderson
- Samuel Ayres
- John Skinner Baker
- Timothy Elias Ballard - Timothy Elias Ballard, convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- William Ballard
- John Ballenger
- Joseph Balsover
- Richard Bayly
- Timothy Beeney
- James Bendall
- Edward Blake
- John Bourn
- William Bowen
- James Bowler
- William Boyer
- Edward Bradbury
- Joseph Briant
- Joseph Brooks
- Isabella Brown - Isabella Hope Jones - Smith, Free Settler "Duke of Portland" 1807
- John Brown
- Joseph Brown
- William Brown
- Daniel Buckley
- John Buckman
- Richard Burke
- Robert Cable
- James Cameron
- Thomas Campbell - Thomas Campbell, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- Richard Cheal
- Simon Clark
- Charles Clarke
- Robert Clayton
- James Clee
- Maurice Conroy
- Joseph Crook
- Joseph Crouch
- John Cully
- John Dann
- John Davis
- Joseph Davis - Joseph Davis, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- William Davis
- John Deaton - John Deaton, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- John Deavey
- Joseph Delaforce
- John Dent
- William Dibb
- David Dickinson
- John Dowdle
- John Draper
- Edward Dunning
- William Eadis
- James Eldridge
- William Elliott
- Edward Evans
- John Evans
- John Evans
- John Ferguson
- William Fitzgerald
- Charles Fletcher
- John Frenchune
- Michael Gafney
- William Gale
- James Gardner
- Thomas Garland
- Thomas Gethen
- William Gill - William Hewitt, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- Thomas Godden
- James Grant
- James Greenslade
- Michael Greth
- William Gwillim
- George Hall
- Hannah Hansen, Jnr - Hannah King
- Thomas Hansen - Captain Thomas Hanson, Free Settler "Duke of Portland" 1807
- Hannah Hansen, Snr - Hannah Hansen, Free Settler "Duke of Portland" 1807
- William Hardman
- David Harkenett
- Patrick Harrigan - Patrick Harrigan [Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807]
- John Harring
- James Harris
- William Harris
- David Hartley - David Loughton Hartley, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- Stephen Haynes
- William Haywood
- Henry Headley
- Thomas Heely
- George Hewlett
- John Hicks
- John Higgins
- Peter Hillson
- John Hodges
- Richard Holland
- James Holmes
- James Hope
- Thomas Horton
- Daniel Humphreys
- Thomas Ireland - Thomas Hyland [Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807]
- George Jackson
- George James - George James, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- William Johnson
- John Jones
- Luke Bryan Jones
- Thomas Jones
- James Kettle
- John King
- Thomas Kingdon
- Jonathan Lakin
- William Lander
- Francis Lawler
- John Leadbeater
- John Lewis
- Samuel Lightfoot
- James Lightowler
- Daniel Mackay
- Edward Mahon
- George Marshall
- James Marshall - James Marshall [Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807]
- James Martin
- Joseph Martin
- John Maskey - John Maskey, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1907
- Edward McGee - Edward McGee, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- John McGee -
- John McKenzie - John McKenzie, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- Thomas McQuestion
- William Melville
- Henry Milson
- Thomas Mitchell
- Henry Morton
- John Muntzler
- John Murray
- Edward Nelson
- Joseph Nettleton - Joseph Nettleton, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- Thomas Newman - Thomas Newman, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- James O'Neal
- John Obee - John Obee, convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- John Oswell
- William Parker
- Charles Pickering
- William Pinchin - William Pincham, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- John Pollard
- Joseph Poole
- Benjamin Porter
- Thomas Price
- Thomas Prosser
- Edward Rammell
- James Rattye
- Robert Ray
- John Ross - John Ross [Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807]
- Joseph Rowley
- Edward Schackley
- James Shephard
- Abel Simpson - see Abel Simpson, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- Thomas Sims
- Philip Sleager
- James Smith
- John Smith
- Richard Smith
- Robert Smith
- Thomas Smith
- Richard Somerton
- Frederick Standen
- James Starkie - James Starkey [Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807]
- William Stephenson
- James Stoneham
- John Stott
- James Sweeney
- Thomas Tait
- Joseph Taylor
- Joseph Terry
- John Thompson
- William Thompson
- Thomas Tilson
- Richard Townshend
- James Turner
- Daniel Tyndall - Daniel Tindall [Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807]
- William Vincent
- John Walker - John Joseph Walker, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- Samuel Walters
- James Warwick
- Thomas Watson
- Samuel Webb
- Matthew Webster
- Thomas Weymark
- Richard White
- Thomas White
- Michael Whyley
- Isaac Wickens
- Ralph Wilkinson
- Thomas Wilkinson
- Barnard Williams
- Charles Lonsdale Williams
- John Williams - John Williams, Convict "Duke of Portland" 1807
- John Williams
- John Williams
- George Woodford
- John Wyck
- John York