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About the McKenzie surname

origin and history

Last name: McKenzie Recorded as MacKenzie, McKenzie, Kenzie and Kensit, this is a famous Scottish surname. In the Gaelic it is recorded as Maccoinnich or Macchoinnich, translating as 'the son of Coinneach'. The derivation is from 'Mac' meaning 'son', and 'cainnechus', fair skinned, suggesting that the original nameholders may have been of Norse-Viking nationality. The English pronunciation of the name is interesting as it preserves the medieval Gaelic pronunciation which in most anglicised names, is diffused. The name also appears in early Irish recordings as 'Mac Cainnigh', although strictly speaking the translation is then different as 'the son of the well dressed one'! This seems an unlikely explanation given the propensity of members of the clan to indulge in bloody deeds. Their feud with the MacDonalds occupied most of the period between the 13th and 16th centuries, leaving them little time to indulge in sartorial elegance. This aside, early recordings include those of M'Kenzocht of Kintail in 1491, and Alan McConze of Culcowe, Armanoch, in 1504. Gilchrist Makkingze was arrested for felony in Wigtown in 1513, whilst rather more lawfully Johannes McKenzie held the charter of Kildrin in 1606. Amongst the many interesting namebearers was Sir George Mackenzie K. C., (1636 - 1691), known as 'Bloody George', for his treatment of covenanters, whilst Donald MacKenzie (1783 - 1851), was originally a fur-trader but later Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company in Canada. Murdoch McKenzie, the Elder (1721-1797) and Murdoch McKenzie the younger, his nephew, (1743-1829) were both admiralty surveyors who published reports on marine surveying. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Makbeth Makkyneth. This was dated 1264, in the court of Pleas, held at Dull in Angus, during the reign of King Alexander 111 of Scotland, 1249 -1286. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

other versions of this surname


Balázs Déri :

Some ,if not all Mckenzie families of Albania or Scotland may be related to and named for both Zyui-Makane
and Zi-Makani tribes in the Holy Land of America and in New Guinea respectively ,as well as to and for the
Inuit called also Mackenzie .

The Zi-Makani are relted to the Bwa-Ji tribe ,who in turn may be colonists of the Ojibwa of Northern America ,
of Algonquine language .
Algonque peoples in general are descended from A'as-Sharra ,one of the twelve ancestors of the Chosen People
,the Native Americans ,because Aghuank ( Algwank ) is the Armenian name for the Albans of the Caucas ,
who may share the origin with those of the Balkan ,including Tosk farction ,who in turn again are related
to the Toscanian Tyrséns ,who may originate from the ancient Tyros ( Tiur ) ,whereever it originally was ,
the earlier name of which was Sarra .
The country of Jibuti in Barbaria ,dominated by the Asaianmara clan of the Afars ,may also be named after
of the Ojibwa ( Ot-Jibua ) ,who thus may be descended from Asha-Yan-Mara from the family of A'as-Sharra
son of A-Wa-Shar-Ra-'Al .
The latter's son was Ba-Ra-War-Ga-Ha ,father of Ak-Heber-Ra ,called likely Beoghaman ,father of
Heber Scut and son of Easru son of Sru ,as listed above,in the Gaelic traditions of the Scotch and Irish .
He is the ancestor of Wand ,alias Burghund ( Bawarragaha-Wanned ) people of Scandinavia ,
one of the four As peoples originating from Troia of Tyrk-Heim ,that are the descendants of A'as-Sharra's
four sons .

Inuit or Eskimaw people basically descend from his nephew ,Man-Nes-Sha-Ha ,occupying the northernmost
parts of the Holy Land of America .
He was the father of Make-Wara ,after whom some of the Mckenzie may be called ,as Make-Nes-Sha ( -ye )
or Make-Nes (-i) .
An Eskimaw,that is Hansaman people that is closely related to the Algonquine,bearing the same name ,
may be descended from the latter's son or brother,A'as-Sharra-Wa-'Ala ,who appears to be named after
A'as-Sharra .
Probably his mother or grandmother was from the latter's family .
Mer-Geg-Keha is mentioned in the Byble in connection with Make-Wara's tribe .
She may be the ancestress of Geg Albanians of Europe ,and of K'hmer people of Indochina .
The land beyond the Atlantic Ocean ,seen from Europe , was called in Chinese sources Daqin ,with the
meaning of Great China ,and this corresponds to the denmnination of the Algonquine core homeland
N'Dakinna ,and to Indokina .
So Cambodians and other Austrasian peoples may also be descended from the four Ases ,likey from the
parties that left Troia after the war for it in the XVIIth century BC for Scythia,and settled in Turkestan of Central Asia .
Troia of Türk-Heim might well have been what is now called Te(r)o-Tiu(r)-Akan .

The Zyui-Makane of Columbia are related to the Arsario ,who may be named after A'as-Shar-Ra-Wa-'Al ,
and to the Malayo ,descendants ,together with Malayans ,from A'aya-La-Ma ,also from the tribe of Man-Nes-Sha-Ha .
Malayan language is the dialect evolved and spoken by Levites of the latter's tribe,closely related to Greek ,
which was conected to his brother's people ,taht of A-'Ap-Pa-Rawam-Ma ,the first Pope of Rome .

Ika tribe may related to the Unkas-Ika ,also of Colombia ,among the Tunebo people ,called also Tame ,
who may be named after Nek-Tanebo ,king of Aigypt ,called Nechtan by Picts ,whose kings were ,
according to the genealogical lists,also descended from A'as-Sharra ,that is Easru .
The Algonquine chiefs Unkas and Tamenund ( Tame-Anand ) might have originally been Columbian
chiefs of the aforesaid Scottish peoples of the Ika and Tunebo .
Anand may be a contraction of A(d)-Nand ,that is of Ad-Wolf and Ferdi-Nand ,names that are used in
civil life for the synagogical NTN and 'BRHM ,that is Naten and shortly Aba .
This might have been the religious name of Nectanebo ( Nektan-i-Abo ) ,father of Alexander of Makedonia
too ,who might have headed Algonquine and Mackenzie peoples .
The Abraham Naten of Agraze-Ha might have did so too ,in his life between 1643 and 1709 ,
as inhabitants of that region may be related to the Ag'azi of Abyssinia ,succeeded by the Tigre or
Tegrinya people ,who may be related to the Tegria or Tagrin-Uwa of Columbia .

The Ika are part of the Aruaco alliance ,called also Arauc ,who may be related to the Araucanians of Chile too .
Loncotrewa ,that is Leo-O'Waneko-O(n)tario-Wa ,was their chief ,identical with Levan ,king of Georgia,
son of Georgi Ion ,for what Arabians in Hispanian Ibéria used Waneqo .
He was the grandfather of Teimuraz ,alias Timur ,son of Jinchim son of Kubilai ,called in the Synagogue
WTSKHQ ,that is A-Wat-Sak-Ha-Qa or Scot ,which is nicknamed Ike .
So he may be Unkas ,the Unkas-Ika chief ,and he may be the grandfater of Tamenund ,alias Hérakleios .

See Mackenzie,Malayo,Mayalaya,Hansmann,Hansen,Normann,Norman,Scott,Gallego,Galego,Albano,Albani,
Kazimir,Gajzago,Magyar,Dutch,Szamosnémetújvári,Duchizela and others !
