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Historic Buildings of Shropshire (Salop), England

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Historic Buildings of Shropshire (Salop)


Image right - Apley Park, Norton

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Historic houses in alphabetical order

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Acton Burnell Castle, Acton Burnell - Grade I listed fortified house. Built 1284-85 by Robert Burnell, Bishop of Bath & Wells and advisor to King Edward I. Its position was important at the time because it was near to the old Roman road of Watling Street. He was granted a royal licence to crenellate and fortify the manor on January 28th 1284, a benefit only extended to trusted people. The building was rectangular with a tower at each corner. It was three storeys high and consisted of a hall, solar, bedrooms, offices, chapel and kitchen. The original extent of the castle is not known, as much of the building has been completely destroyed, but it would have been substantial enough to accommodate Edward I and his retinue, soldiers and advisers. Robert Burnell also built the nearby church and surrounding village.

In both 1283 and 1285, Edward I held a Parliament at Acton Burnell, presumably in the adjacent great barn which was the only building large enough. It is significant in that it was the first time in English history that the law-making process included the Commons. A law passed there in 1285 became known as the Statute of Acton Burnell, giving protection to creditors and indicating the increasing significance of traders during those times. When Robert Burnell died in 1292, the estate was passed down through the family line, eventually being owned by the Lovels of Titchmarsh. Following the Battle of Stoke Field in 1487, the land was confiscated by King Henry VII, who granted it to Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of Norfolk. By the time it was passed to the Smythe family in the mid-17th century, it had been mostly demolished and was never used during the Civil War.

Today all that remains is the outer shell of the manor house and the gable ends of the barn, maintained by English Heritage. The only part open to the public is the shell of the former private residence, accessible via a footpath through a small wood. The rest of the land, and the relatively modern Acton Burnell Hall, is now the privately owned Concord College. The gable ends of the great barn, where the parliament sat, survive and are situated on the private land.

Acton Round Hall, Acton Round - Grade I listed house built in 1714 by the Smith Brothers of Warwick as a dower house for Sir Whitmore Acton of nearby Morville Hall. It was subsequently abandoned from 1717-1918 but then acquired by the Kennedy family who still own it.

Acton Scott Hall, Acton Scott - Grade II● listed fortified house. Built 1560-80 by the Acton family during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1. It was built of brick at a time when most large houses were still built of stone or timber. Prince Rupert is believed to have stayed here during the Civil War so it may have been a temporarily Royalist garrison. The legend of a skirmish in the south of the Parish, at Henley, seems to be borne out by field names in this area, such as Ambuscade and Banner Wood, plus a recently discovered canon ball. The walled garden faced south to catch the most sun and was used by the lodge keeper to grow fruit and vegetables for the hall. Alterations and additions were made in the early 19th Century. Now a private residence.

Adcote Hall, Little Ness - Grade I listed house built in 1879 for Rebecca Darby, the widow of Alfred Darby I. In 1907 it became an independent day and boarding school for girls aged 5 to 18.

Albright Hussey Hall, Albrighton - Grade II● listed fortified house. To avoid confusion with other place names similar to "Albrighton" the name "Hussey" was added after the family who built it. Built originally in Tudor times and rebuilt in 1524. The timber framed section is the earliest part, the brick and stone wing being added by 1560. The Hussey family remained here until 1634, when the estate passed to the Corbet family. The Battle Of Shrewsbury was fought on nearby fields in 1403 between King Henry IV and Henry “Hotspur” Percy. During the Civil War, it was owned by Sir Pelham Corbett and temporarily garrisoned for the King in 1644 by William Scoggan and 8 men. They repulsed a much larger Roundhead attempt to capture it but the garrison was withdrawn at the request of the owner, who was worried that Roundheads would return and destroy his property. Now the Albright Hussey Manor Hotel.

Aldenham Park, Haughton - Grade II● listed fortified house. Built in 1691 by the Acton family. King Charles I is said to have sought refuge in this strongly Royalist household during the Civil War and indeed left his coat behind. It may have been a temporary Royalist garrison. The Acton family used the house less and less until, in 1959, it was sold to the present owners. Now a private residence that hosts events and weddings.

Apley Castle, Telford - Grade II● listed fortified house. In 1327, Sir Alan Charlton received a licence to crenellate a manor house and building work occurred shortly afterwards. It was a square building set around a central courtyard. Charlton's descendants expanded the castle considerably into an Elizabethan mansion during the late 16th and early 17th century, using grey ashlar stone. In 1642, the castle passed by marriage to Thomas Hanmer, who married Francis Charlton. Hanmer was a Royalist and, with the outbreak of the English Civil War, the mansion was fortified to make a strategic stronghold close to Shrewsbury. Encouraged by Francis Charlton's younger brother, the castle was sacked by Parliamentary forces, doing £1,500 of damage and stealing the lead from the roof for use at Shrewsbury Castle. When the new Apley Castle was built, the old building was re-used as the stable block. In 1996 it was renovated and turned into a private house.

Apley Park, Norton - Grade II listed fortified house. The Whitmore family acquired the Apley estate in 1572 and the original house was built shortly after. It was owned by Sir William Whitmore during the Civil War and was fortified as Royalist garrison in 1643 to guard the River Severn. The building was captured by Roundheads in February 1645, briefly re-captured by Royalists and then captured again by Roundheads in August 1645. The house was re-modelled into the existing Georgian style between 1808-1811 for Thomas Whitmore. It incorporated a faux chapel, hexagonal turrets and battlements. In 1867, the Foster family purchased the property and remodelled it during a revival of Gothic style in the Victorian period. The Hall and Estate remained in the Foster family until 1960, when the last incumbent of the Foster family died. Due to the vastness of the house and its substantial upkeep it was difficult to find a family willing to occupy Apley Hall and so alternative uses were sought. In 1962 the house became a private school and remained so until its closure in 1987. Apley Hall remained empty and suffered a great deal of deterioration and vandalism during the following 10 years until, in 1997, the house was bought and restored by Neil Avery an entrepreneur and conservation specialist. In 2004 the house was sold to specialist developers who have since divided the Hall into several self-contained private houses.

Attingham Park, Atcham - Grade I listed house built in 1785 for Noel Hill, 1st Baron Berwick. The architect George Steuart was commissioned to design a new and grander house around the original hall. Now owned by the National Trust.


Benthall Hall, Broseley - Listed Grade I fortified house. Built in 1535, probably on the site of an earlier 12th century medieval manor house. During the Civil War it was owned by Laurence Benthall. Initially a Royalist garrison but captured by Roundheads in December 1645. The Royalists tried to re-capture it but they were unsuccessful. The garden is the product of two tenants. George Maw (1832–1912), local pottery manufacturer and crocus enthusiast, developed the garden from around 1865 onwards. Subsequently, the Victorian era Romantic painter and sculptor Robert Bateman (1842–1922), who was the son of a famous horticulturalist, added the rockeries and terraces of the current garden. Acquired by National Trust in 1958 and open to public.

Bitterley Court, Bitterley - Grade II listed house built in the 17th Century. Owned from 1655 by the Walcot family and purchased by James Wheeler in 1899, whose descendants still own it. Extensively modernized by Thomas Prichard in 1769 and restored in the 1960s.

Boscobel House, Bishop’s Wood - Built about 1632 as a timber-framed farmhouse, subsequently converted into a hunting lodge by John Giffard of Whiteladies. The Giffard family were Roman Catholics at a time when the religion suffered persecution and tradition holds that the true purpose of Boscobel was to serve as a secret place for the shelter of Catholics in times of need. In 1651, King Charles II was forced to flee after the Battle of Worcester and sought refuge at Boscobel. He initially hid in a tree which is now known as The Royal Oak and then spending the night in a priest-hole in the house's attic. He travelled on in disguise via other safe houses before escaping to France. Boscobel is now owned by English Heritage

Broadward Hall, Marlow - Grade II listed house set in the Marches close to the Herefordshire/Shropshire border, there has been a community on the site since the Bronze Age and there is evidence of a mediaeval house within the cellars. Broadward appears in the deeds of Clungunford as early as 1658 but the present house has been much altered over the years. The hall was once part of the Hopton Castle Estate and for 200 years was the home of the Bayley family. In 1943 it was purchased by the Bilston Corporation, who planned to develop it into a children's home. This did not happen and in 1947 it was bought by Thomas Watkins.

Broncroft Castle, Tugford - Grade II listed fortified house. Built in the late 14th century by Sir Roger Burley. Owned by John Lutley during the Civil War, it was initially garrisoned by the Royalists. They abandoned and destroyed it in June 1645 and it was subsequently repaired and garrisoned by Roundheads. They did not hold it for long as it was re-captured by Royalists in the following July. Captured again by Roundheads in summer 1646 and destroyed in 1648. The Lutley family made repairs in the mid to late 17th century. Then bought by James Whitaker who, in 1889, extensively rebuilt it, adding a two storey range, with various attics, towers and wings. Now a private house.

Bushel Hall - associated with Lieutenant Colonel Henry Dumaresq and Lieutenant Colonel John Dumaresq but no information found to date - believed to be in Penn area.


Cheney Longville Castle, Cheney Longville - Unlisted fortified house. In 1394, Hugh Cheney was granted a license to crenellate his manor house at "Longefeld". During the Civil War, it was attacked and captured, suffering damage by cannon. The house was subsequently rebuilt and bought in 1682 by John Talbot. He in turn sold it in 1745 to William Beddoes, whose descendants still own it. The house is quadrangular in shape and has the remains of its moat to the South and East. The entrance is on the North side through a modern archway.

Colehurst Manor, Stoke Heath - Grade II listed house built in 1600 and extended in the late 19th Century.

Condover Hall, Condover - Grade I listed house once described as the grandest manor house in Shropshire. It was a Royal manor from Anglo Saxon times to 1586, when Elizabeth I gave it to Thomas Owen. In 1960 it became a residential school, initially for blind children and then for autistic children, but this closed in 2009. It then underwent a multi-million pound refurbishment programme to turn it into a residential activity centre.

Coton Hall

Cound Hall, Cound - Grade I listed house built in 1703-04 by John Prince for Edward Cressett.

Cronkhill Villa, Cross Houses - Grade I listed house built by John Nash about 1802 for the second Lord Berwick, who lived at the nearby Attingham Park.


Davenport House, Worfield - Grade II listed house built in 1726 by the Smith Brothers of Warwick for Henry Davenport.

Dawley Castle, Telford - Fortified house built about 250 metres south of the church in 1316 by William de Moreton, who was granted a licence in 1316 to surround the building with a limestone wall and to crenellate it. The manor was later acquired by the Fitz Alans, who were Earls of Arundel and important Marcher lords holding several other Shropshire castles. Richard Fitz Alan fell foul of King Richard II and was executed in 1397. Dawley Castle, then known as Dalileye, was seized by the Crown. In 1399, Richard was overthrown by Henry IV and the house was restored to Fitz Alan’s son Thomas but was abandoned soon after. The Manor was purchased by Sir Rowland Heywood in 1559 and in the 17th Century it was acquired by the Fulke Crompton family. At the beginning of the Civil War, it was owned by Mary Crompton who was a Royalist. There was a Royalist garrison there in 1645, when they came under siege from Parliamentary forces. It was captured and the Royalist garrison fled to Ercall Hall. Three years later, the Royalists again attempted to garrison the building through a plot contrived by Sir Henry Lingen. He had hoped to organise an uprising in Shropshire and neighbouring counties, one of the targets being the seizure of Dawley Castle, but the scheme was discovered. The castle was ordered by Parliament to be demolished, along with other buildings in the county that had been used to favour the Royalist cause. By 1762, the site had become a farm and, by 1817, it is recorded that some of the original buildings remained, surrounded by a water-filled moat. However, when the Coalbrookdale Company’s Castle Furnaces were opened nearby in 1810, slag from the works buried the site so there are no visible remains today.

Delbury Hall, Diddlebury - Grade II listed house built in 1753.

Dinham Hall, Ludlow - Grade II listed house built in 1792 by Samuel Nash for Richard Knight of Downton Castle. Now a hotel.

Dudmaston Hall, Quatt - Grade II listed house built in the late 17th Century.


Ercall Hall, High Ercall - Grade II● listed fortified house. Built in the early 12th century by the de Ercalaw family. In the 13th century, John de Ercal encased the hall with a stone curtain wall, which was flanked by square towers on the angles and a gatehouse. In the late 16th century, the Newport family built the sandstone and brick L-shaped house, which now stands on the site. In 1608, Sir Francis Newport added a mansion house but all that survives is a row of stone arches of a loggia. During the Civil War, it was owned by Francis Newport. Initially a Royalist garrison and between 1644-1646 the house withstood repeated attacks by Roundheads, culminating in a prolonged siege using artillery from July 1645. The Royalist commander, Sir Vincent Corbet, eventually surrendered in 1646. Apart from Ludlow in the south of the county, it was the last garrison in Royalist Shropshire to survive against the Roundheads during the Civil War. During that time, a huge turfed bank was raised over the north and north-west curtain walls as a defensive platform against cannon and musket fire. Now a private house.




Halston Hall, Whittington - Grade I house built in 1690 for the Mytton family, who lived here until John “Mad Jack” Mytton died penniless in 1833. It was modernised by Robert Mylne in the 1760s.

Hardwick Hall, Ellesmere - Grade II listed house built by John Kynaston in the 1730s.

Hawkstone Hall, Marchamley - Built between 1700-1725 by Richard Hill. Rowland Clegg-Hill was bankrupt in 1895 and the estate was sold to George Whitely, later Baron Marchamley of Hawkstone. He had the hall renovated and the wings reduced in length The hall was acquired after Lord Marchamley's death in 1926 by the Roman Catholic Redemptorist Order and until 1973 was a seminary. It then became a Pastoral and Renewal Centre but in 2012 was put up for sale.

Henley Hall, Bitterley - Grade II● listed house built by the Powys family and then rebuilt by Thomas Knight in 1772. It has been extended several times since then, especially by the Wood family.

Hodnet Hall, Hodnet - Built in 1870 when the old timber hall was demolished. In the 1920s, Brigadier Heber-Percy flooded the valley below the house and created large gardens, helped by the botanist E A Bowles.

Hopton Court, Hopton Wafers - Grade II listed house built in 1776 by the architect John Nash, whilst Humphry Repton was responsible for laying out the grounds and parkland.


Iscoyd Park, Whitchurch - Grade II listed house built in the 17th Century by the Jennings family. In 1737 William Hanmer extended the front of the house. Acquired by the Godsal family in 1843.



Kinlet Hall, Kinlet - Grade I listed house built in 1727–29 by Francis Smith for William Childe. During World War II, the house was occupied by the United States Army and afterwards bought by Moffats Independent School.

Kinver Edge - Holy Austin Rock Houses


Leigh Hall, Worthen - Fortified house. Built sometime between the 14th and 15th centuries by the Corbet family. During the Civil War, it was owned by Sir Richard Lee. Garrisoned by Royalists in 1644 but abandoned and destroyed in March 1645. In the late 1660s, the present Leigh Farmhouse was built to replace it. On private land.

Leighton Hall, Leighton - Grade II listed house built in 1778. Leighton Lodge stands at the entrance to the Hall and was the birthplace of Shropshire author Mary Webb.

Lilleshall Grange, Lilleshall - Fortified house. Built during the 17th Century by Sir Richard Leveson. During the Civil War, it was initially a Royalist garrison but captured by Roundheads in July 1645. A small brick one-storey and attic extension on east end was added in the 19th Century. Now a private house.

Linley Hall, Norbury - Grade I listed house built in 1742-48 by Henry Jones.

Llwyd Mansion, Oswestry - Grade I listed house built in the 15th Century and altered in 1604 and later.

Longford Hall , Edgmond - Grade II listed fortified house. The original house was built in 1275 by Adam de Brompton. During the Civil War, it was owned by the Earl of Shrewsbury and originally made a Roundhead garrison. In April 1644 it was captured by Royalists and subsequently demolished. The present house was built on the site 1794-97 by Ralph Leeke. Now a private house.

Longner Hall, Atcham - Grade I listed house built in 1803 by John Nash on the site of an earlier house.

Longnor Hall, Longnor - Grade I listed fortified house. Original house built in 1235 by Roger Sprencheaux. During the Civil War it was owned by Francis Burton. Initially a Royalist garrison but by December 1645 it was held by Roundheads and subsequently demolished. Replaced in 1670 with the present house by Sir Richard Corbett. Now a private house.

Loton Park, Alderbury - Grade II listed house built in 1670 and extended in 1711 and the 1830s.

Ludstone Hall, Ludstone - Grade I listed house built in 1607 for the Whitmore family.


Madeley Court, Telford - Grade II● listed fortified house. Built in the 13th Century as a grange to Wenlock Priory and extended in the 16th Century. At the Dissolution in 1553, it was bought by Sir Robert Brooke and during the Civil War it was owned by Sir Basil Brooke. Initially a Royalist garrison but they abandoned it in 1645 after the fall of Shrewsbury. Two months later, Roundheads occupied the parish church. It stayed in the Brooke family until the early 19th Century. Abraham Darby I rented it from 1709 until his death. Now a hotel.

Mawley Hall, Cleobury Mortimer - Grade I listed house built in 1730 by Francis Smith. Restored in 1962.

Moreton Corbet Castle, Shawbury - Grade I listed fortified house. Built in the 11th Century by the Toret family. In 1200, Bartholomew Toret created the stone enclosure castle, when adding a three storey square keep and an east range to the triangular moated platform. In the mid-13th century, Richard Corbet encased the castle with a curtain wall, flanked by a two storey gatehouse. In the 16th century, the Corbet family remodelled the castle into a Tudor manor house. During the Civil War it was owned by Sir Vincent Corbett and was a Royalist garrison and part of Royalist Shrewsbury's defence. The castle was under siege on four occasions and was badly damaged in the fighting. It was finally captured in September 1644. The buildings were later repaired and re-occupied but in the 18th century the castle was abandoned. Ruins open to the public.

Morville Hall, Morville - Grade I listed house built in the 16th Century and extended in the 18th Century.

Muchall Hall Manor Road Penn - Country House shown but not named on Yates' map of 1775 and OS 2 inch:1 mile survey of 1816. It is marked as Muchall on 1843 Penn tithe map and as Muchall Hall on 1st ed plan of 1889. It formed part of the settlement of Muchall (SMR 13535). The house was bought by William Thacker in 1815 and on his death in 1854 the estate was sold and broken up. The hall, with 6 acres of land, was sold in 1961 demolished. Photo. (5)

Myddle Castle, Myddle - fortified manor house built in 1307 by Lord Lestrange after he was granted a licence to crenellate. By the 16th Century it had been abandoned and was in ruins.



Oakley Hall, Betton - Grade II listed house built in the early 18th Century.

Oteley - first estate to be imparked in the 14th and up until 1960 a neo – Elizabethan stone manor house stood grandly overlooking the gardens and estate, The house was built for Charles Kynaston Mainwaring, who designed the gardens himself and drew inspiration from the Italian gardens that he saw whilst on a continental tour. It was documented that in 1900 the deer park had approximately 80 Fallow deer and 20 Red deer. The terraces were again constructed in 1851 from Grinshill stone; they were considered one of the finest terraces in the country and had a central axis which descended to an elevated platform, which projected into the Mere. The terrace paths were constructed with black and white pebbles, laid in patterns like Italian guilloche ornament. The terraces were also elaborated with huge ornamental vases filled with scarlet geraniums. In 1855 the campanile tower was added and by 1891 the kitchen gardens included greenhouses growing vines and ferns. By 1960 the gardens had become overgrown and the house was tragically demolished to make way for the red brick house that stands there today, whilst the house was being demolished the uppermost terrace was also bulldozed. Salusbury Kynaston Mainwaring, of Oteley Park, Salop Resident 1881, born at the Hall


Pitchford Hall, Pitchford - Grade I listed house built around 1560 for Adam Ottley and modified in the 1870s and 1880s. Bought in 1807 by Charles Jenkinson and remained in the family until it was sold in 1992. During World War II, this was one of the country retreats selected to house the Royal Family should they need to be evacuated from the capital.

Plaish Hall, Plaish - Grade I listed house built in 1540 for Sir William Leighton.

Preen Manor, Church Preen - Built in 1850 by Norman Shaw, on the site of a Cluniac monastery.

Preston Hall, Preston Brockhurst - Built in 1652 and altered about 1700.

Preston Montford Hall, Bicton - Grade II listed house built around 1700 and altered in the 19th Century. Now a field study centre.


Quatford Castle, Quatford - Grade II listed fortified house. It was built 1830 by a by John Smallman for himself and originally called Morf Mount.


Rowton Castle, Cardeston - Grade II● listed fortified house. The original medieval house was replaced by present structure in 17th Century by Richard Lyster. During the Civil War it was owned by Thomas Lyster. Initially a Royalist garrison but was abandoned in 1644 after the capture of Shrewsbury. Altered and extended in 1809-12 by Col. Richard Lyster and further altered and extended in 1824-28 for Henry Lyster. Now a hotel.


Sansaw Hall, Yorton - Grade II listed house built in 1773 with 20th Century alterations.

Shipton Hall, Shipton - Grade I listed house built in 1549 by Robert Lutwyche.

Soulton Hall, Wem - Grade II listed house built in 1668 for Thomas Hill.

Stanmore Hall, Bridgnorth - Grade II listed house built in the 18th Century

Stokesay Court, Whittytree - Grade II listed house built in 1889 by Thomas Harris.

Sunnycroft, Telford - Built in 1880 for J Wackrill, founder of the Shropshire Brewery. Sold in the 1890s to Mary Slaney and extended.



Upton Cressett Hall, Upton Cressett - Grade II● fortified house. Built 1540-80 by the Cressett family. During the Civil War, it was owned by Sir Francis Cressett who was Treasurer to Charles I. It was a Royalist garrison with a troop of cavalry and Prince Rupert stayed there several times. It became unoccupied and very dilapidated but was purchased in 1970 and conserved. It is on private land but open to the public on certain days.


Walcot Hall, Lydbury North - Built in the 18th Century by Sir William Chambers.

Weston Park, Weston-under-Lizard - Grade II listed house built in 1671 for Lady Elizabeth Wilbraham and the former home of the Earls of Bradford. Now belongs to the Crown.

Whitton Court, Westbury - Grade I listed house built in the 16th Century with a core dating from the 12th Century. Extended in the late 19th Century.

Wilderhope Manor, Shipton. Grade I listed house built in 1585 for Francis Smallman. It remained in the family until 1734, when the estate was sold. The manor house was not used as a residence and by 1936 was in a poor state and uninhabited. In 1936 the property was purchased by the Cadbury Trust, who donated it to the National Trust. It opened as a youth hostel in 1937.

Wollerton Old Hall 16th Century Hall House, Grade II listed building built in the 16th century, not open to the public.


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