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  • Sergei Alexandrovich Buturlin (1872 - 1938)
    Сергей Александрович Бутурлин (10/22.09.1872, Монтре, Швейцария - 22.01.1938, Москва)
  • Vera Vladimirovna Buturlin (1873 - 1950)
    В 1893 году окончила Смольный институт, те. ей было около 18 лет. орнитолог, путешественник и охотовед. 12.08.1873
  • Sidney Dillon Ripley, II (1913 - 2001)
    Sidney Dillon Ripley II (September 20, 1913 – March 12, 2001) was an American ornithologist and wildlife conservationist. He served as secretary of the Smithsonian Institution for 20 years, from 1964...


Ornithology is a branch of zoology that concerns the study of birds.

This is an international list of ornithologists in alphabetical order by surname. Please add the profiles of Ornithologists to this project - regardless of whether they were famous or not. Those of note can be added to the list below.

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  • Mary Elizabeth Barber (South African)
  • Favian Bedonie (Reservation)
  • John Bob (US)
  • Garry Richard Bagnell (UK)
  • Spencer Fullerton Baird (US)
  • Luis Felipe Baptista (US)
  • Phyllis Barclay-Smith (UK)
  • Richard Mancliffe Barrington (Ireland)
  • Charles Bendire (US)
  • E. Alexander Bergstrom (US)
  • Thomas Bewick (UK)
  • Eugene P. Bicknell (US)
  • Biswamoy Biswas (India)
  • Johann Heinrich Blasius (Germany)
  • Edward Blyth (1810-1873) (UK)
  • Charles Lucien Bonaparte (France)
  • James Bond (US)
  • Richard M. Bond (US)
  • Franco Andrea Bonelli (Italy)
  • William Borrer (UK)
  • John Lewis James Bonhote
  • Christian Ludwig Brehm, (Germany)
  • Thomas Mayo Brewer (US)
  • William Brewster (US)
  • Richard Kendall Brooke (South African)
  • Thomas Browne (UK) Early British amateur (17th century)
  • Walter Buller (New Zealand)


  • John Cassin (US)
  • Frank Chapman (US)
  • Glen Chilton (Canada & Australia)
  • Phillip Clancey (South Africa)
  • Mary Anne Heimerdinger Clench (US)
  • Charles B. Cory (US)
  • Elliott Coues (US)
  • John Courtney (AUS)


  • Reuthven Deane (US)
  • Elio Augusto Di Carlo (Italy)
  • Charles-Eusèbe Dionne (CA)
  • Jean Dorst (France)



  • George Fenwick (US)
  • Claude Gibney Finch-Davies (South African)
  • Otto Finsch (Germany)
  • John W. Fitzpatrick (US)
  • Jon Fjeldså (Denmark)
  • Jim Flegg (UK)
  • Kilian Frensch (Germany)
  • Johan Dalgas Frisch (Brazil)



  • SAF v 14 Page 3 born 1.6.1880 Hankey, dist. Humansdorp, South Africa; died 15.9.1922 Pietermaritzburg. Married 1st Johanna Albert Moll (2 children); 2nd Gwendoline Ethel Allen.
  • Bernhard Hantzsch (Germany)
  • Ernst Hartert (Germany)
  • Arthur Hay, 9th Marquess of Tweeddale (UK)
  • George Morrison Reid Henry (UK)(Ceylon)
  • Henry Wetherbee Henshaw (US)
  • WIKI Theodor Von Heuglin (Germany)
  • John_Hobbs (UK,AUS)
  • Eliot Howard (UK)
  • William Henry Hudson (Argentina, UK)
  • Allan Octavian Hume (UK) (India)
  • Rob Hume (UK)
  • Syed Abdulla Hussain (India)
  • William Hutton (US)


  • Hussein Adan Isack (UK(Oxford) Kenya))


  • Jerome Jackson (US)
  • Helen F. James (US)
  • Thomas Jefferson (US)
  • Thomas C. Jerdon (UK) (India)
  • George Junge (Netherlands)


  • Janet Kear (UK)
  • Jared Kirtland (US)
  • lhami Kiziroğlu (TR)
  • Otto Kleinschmidt (Germany)
  • Alfred Edward Knox (Sussex UK) author "Ornithological Rambles in Sussex"
  • Maria Koepcke (Peru)
  • Niels Krabbe (Denmark)
  • Nagamichi Kuroda (Japan)
  • Sayako Kuroda (Japan)


  • David Lack (UK)
  • Chester Lamb (US)
  • Bill Lane (AUS)
  • John Latham (UK)
  • George Newbold Lawrence (US)
  • Alan Leishman (AUS)
  • Yossi Leshem (Israel)
  • Thomas Lincoln (US)
  • Thomas Littleton Powys, 4th Baron Lilford (UK)
  • Léon Lippens, Comte (B)
  • Richard Liversidge (South African)
  • Konrad Lorenz (Austria)
  • Gail Carter Lott (UK)


  • William MacGillivray (UK)
  • Wolfgang Makatsch Germany
  • Stephen Marchant (AUS)
  • William Markwick 1739-1812) (Sussex UK)
  • Charles Henry Tilson Marshall (India/UK)
  • Gregory Mathews (Australia)
  • Ernst Mayr (US)
  • John Porter McCown (US)
  • Charles McKay (US)
  • Chris Mead (UK)
  • Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen (UK)
  • C. Hart Merriam (US)
  • Olivier Messiaen (France)
  • Henry Leonard Meyer (UK)
  • Rodolphe Meyer de Schauensee (US)
  • Clive Minton (AUS)
  • Edgardo Moltoni (Italy)
  • Robert Thomas Moore (US)
  • Burt Monroe (US)
  • George Montagu (UK)
  • Guy Mountfort (UK)
  • Robert Cushman Murphy (US)
  • Durno Murray (AUS)


  • Oliver Michael Griffiths Newman (AUS)
  • Alfred Newton (UK)
  • Margaret Morse Nice (US)
  • Max Nicholson (UK)



  • José Fernando Pacheco (Brazil)
  • Peter Simon Pallas (Germany)
  • Theodore A. Parker III (US)
  • Kenneth C. Parkes (US)
  • Thomas Gilbert Pearson (US)
  • James Lee Peters (US)
  • Roger Tory Peterson (US)
  • William Henry Phelps (US)
  • William H. Phelps, Jr. (Venezuela)
  • Graham Pizzey (Australia)
  • Poornachandra Tejaswi (India)


  • Vo Quy (VIE)


  • Pauline Reilly (AUS)
  • James Van Remsen (US)
  • Charles Wallace Richmond (US)
  • Robert S. Ridgely (US)
  • John Livzey Ridgway (US)
  • Robert Ridgway (US)
  • Sidney Dillon Ripley (US)
  • Austin Roberts (South African)
  • Edward Hearle Rodd, (UK)
  • Theodore Roosevelt (US)
  • Ben Rosen (US)
  • Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild (UK)


  • Sir Edward Sabine (UK)
  • Finn Salomonsen (Denmark)
  • Tommaso Salvadori (Italy)
  • Osbert Salvin (UK)
  • Paolo Savi (Italy)
  • Kristen Scheer(nee Butler) (US)
  • Hermann Schlegel (Germany/Netherlands)
  • J. Michael Scott (US)
  • Peter Scott (UK)
  • Althea Sherman (US)
  • Lester L. Short (US)
  • Charles Sibley (US)
  • Helmut Sick (Brazil)
  • Ken Simpson (Aus)
  • Alexander Skutch (US)
  • Bertram E. Smythies (UK)
  • David Snow and Barbara Snow (UK)
  • Isaac Sprague (US)
  • Arthur Stark (South African)
  • Leonhard Stejneger (US)
  • Georg Steller (Germany)
  • Ferdinand Stoliczka (Czech Republic)
  • Robert W. Storer (US)
  • Hugh Edwin Strickland (UK)
  • William John Swainson (UK)
  • Charles Swinhoe (UK)
  • Robert Swinhoe (UK)
  • Colonel W. H. Sykes (UK)


  • Coenraad Jacob Temminck (Netherlands)
  • Johannes Thienemann (Germany)
  • Arthur Landsborough Thomson (UK)
  • Claud Buchanan Ticehurst (1881-1941) Sussex (UK)
  • Norman Ticehurst (1873-1969) Sussex (UK)
  • Samuel Tickell (India)
  • Niko Tinbergen (Netherlands)
  • Walter Edmond Clyde Todd (US)
  • John Kirk Townsend (US)
  • Alberto O. Treganza (US)
  • Henry Baker Tristram (UK)
  • Bernard Tucker (UK)
  • Marmaduke Tunstall (UK)
  • S. Levent Turan (TR)
  • William Turner (UK)


  • Tatsuo Utagawa (JPN)


  • Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot (France)
  • Jacques Van Impe (Belgium)
  • Sandra L. Vehrencamp (US)
  • Keith Vinicombe (UK)
  • Karel Voous (Netherlands)


  • Will Wagstaff (UK)
  • Lawrence H. Walkinshaw (US)
  • John Walpole-Bond (Sussex UK)
  • WIKI George Waterston (UK)
  • Andy Webb (UK)
  • Hugo Weigold (Germany)
  • Alexander Wetmore (US)
  • Hugh Whistler (India)
  • Gilbert White (UK)
  • Francis Willughby (UK)
  • Alexander Wilson (Scotland, US)
  • Marie Winn (US)
  • Harry Witherby (UK)
  • Woodward brothers - Richard Blake Woodward (1848 – c.1905, Tugela River?) and John Deverell Stewart Woodward (1849 – c.1905), who were English missionaries and ornithologists. They were born in Bathford, England to Richard and Mary Woodward. Through their field expeditions, specimen collecting and publications, they, along with Arthur Stark, established a basis for 20th century ornithology in the southern African region.
  • Hans Edmund Wolters (Germany)


References and Sources

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