About the CuZZin Curator Communicate Portal This portal was created in order to facilitate communication between those requiring help adding their profiles to the South African branch of the "World FamilyTree" ('WFT') according to South Africa - Profile Conventions and your CuZZin Curators who have an interest in the SA branch but work for the good of the whole 'WFT'. Please encourage everyone...
Project Aim To provide an Index list of projects relevant to South African users. Index of SA Projects: 1. SA Projects by PEOPLE 2. SA Projects by HISTORICAL TIMELINE 3. SA Projects by PLACES Please add all the SA Projects you create or come across below Working With Projects Starter Kit for How to Create A New Project Starter Kit for How To Add Text and a Photo to a Project ...
South Africa's Project Collaboration and Research Log The purpose of this project is to: Log or register your areas of interest and research, so project initiators can target the relevant people to collaborate with. Bring people who have similar interests together. Identify projects that require help and areas that need researching. To list new ideas for projects. Stimulate interes...
Image Library - Images relevant to South African Profiles Project Aim To encourage the use of profile images that depict the person. To encourage contribution of creative profile images and their use on relevant profiles. (Please upload or tag images to this project.) To discuss and replace generic images which do not accurately depict the purported profile. In many cases a suitable pr...