Genealogy Projects tagged with Flanders on the Geni Family Tree

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  • International Dutch Portal

    (This portal is associated with the Portaal voor Nederlandstaligen , the portal for Dutch speaking Geni users) . This is the access point for the global Geni user community to the Dutch speaking users and Dutch-language sources. Tracing ancestors in The Netherlands and Flanders. This portal helps you to find... Dutch-speaking users who can help you with your research access to onlin...

  • Antigos Imigrantes de Flandres para os Açores / Original Flemish settlers in the Azores

    Original Flemish settlers in the Azores=Este projeto destina-se a reunir os primeiros imigrantes que vieram das regiões da Holanda e Bélgica para os Açores, cujos perfis são bastante difíceis de encontrar no Geni pela multiplicidade de variações de sua ortografia e pelo 'aportuguesamento' dos nomes de seus descendentes. Muitos deles emigraram dos Açores para o Brasil nos séculos seguintes.>>>> ...


    HEREN van LIEDEKERKE AIM: A working template of primary proofs for this line - starting with Cawley's primary sources and updating it from other primary sources as we go. TEMPLATE According to Europäische Stammtafeln, Raso [VIII] van Gavre was a younger son of Raso [VI] van Gavre and his wife Clarice (see above)[601]. The primary source which confirms that this is correct has not been identi...


    HEREN van GAVRE [GAVERE] AIM: A working template of primary proofs for this line - starting with Cawley's primary sources and updating it from primary sources in Ernest Warlop as we go. TEMPLATE 1. RASO [I]] [van Gavre (-[after 1060]). "…Rasonis…" signed the charter dated 1034 under which "Heimericus de Lophen" donated "hereditatem meam in pago Bracbantense in villa Berda vel Cuckenbeca" to ...


    HEREN van SCHORISSE [SEIGNEURS d’ESCORNAIX] AIM: A working template of primary proofs for this line - starting with Cawley's primary sources and updating it from other primary sources as we go. TEMPLATE 1. JEAN de Gavre (-1301). Goethals confuses him with Jan van Gavre “van den Eyghen”, son of Raso [X] van Gavre Heer van Liedekerke (see below)[562]. Heer van Schorisse [Seigneur d’Escornaix]....

  • Workshop : "Os Flamengos nos Açores"

    Workshop : "The Flemish on the Açores"=.This project page is meant as a workshop focused exclusively on making available the Dutch-language research of André Claeys in English and Portuguese versions.André Claeys is a Flemish amateur historian who spent over 10 years of his retirement years on researching the historical and genealogical links that tie the Azores islands with Flanders. Whereas m...

  • Azorean Ancestry (DNA search)

    My Notable Ancestors=My ancestors immigrated to the Azores around mid to late 1400's, they came from Flanders and Portugal and I've been able to trace some of their roots deep into Central Europe royalty. This project is merely a fun spot for me to gather information from my family tree and organize it according to my genetic breakdown. If you are a 'cousin' and have had your DNA done, it would...