Genealogy Projects tagged with Pernau on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Livonia

    Livonia= The aim of this project is to collect people who have born, lived, influenced or died in Livonia during the centuries under it. All the collaborators are welcome. Livonia is a historical region between the east and the west on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. Given the location the borders of Livonia have changed to an extent but, by and large, Livonia refers to areas which now co...

  • Rural community of Jõõpre (Jaepern) manor

    Olete väga teretulnud projektiga liituma ja Jõõpre juurtega inimesi lisama! ▼ Allpool on viited Jõõprega seotud arhiiviallikatele alates aastast 1604 ▼ Jõõpre talusid on esmakordselt Jeckeper nime all mainitud 1500-ndate alguses, 1571 Jöckinper , 1601 Jacke Perre . 1618. aasta vakuraamatus esineb juba Jäepära By küla nimena. 1624. aastal Japerra , 1662. aastal Jeppra küla. Nimi oli algselt ...