Broad project to list European immigrants from any European country. From any European country and any date (Century). Everyone is welcome to collaborate and add more profiles.
Traze se volonteri Kuratori za Geni - pogledajte nominacije --> Nominacije Radovi u toku - work in progress Hrvatsko podrucje vec godinu dana ima 3 Kuratora (Curator -Staratelj) koji su tu da pomognu korisnicima. Kuratori su volonteri koji su izabrani na temelju aktivnosti i kvalitete njihovih obiteljskih stabala -te imaju mogućnosti spajanja stabala i duplih profila, kao i neograničene moguć...
This project is here to give us a greater insight into the lives of our ancestors from across the empire and to help us work together to find our common roots. List of Austro-Hungarian Jews Wikipedia>===Famous People Sigmund Freud : Father of Psychoanalysis. Theodor Herzl : Father of Zionism. Stefan Zweig : Novelist, playwright, journalist, biographer. Franz Kafka : Novelist.
Geneologija roda prezimena Čulinović (Culinovic, Culinovich, ....), migracija pojedinih članova obiteljskog prezimena Čulinović / Culinovic/ ...itd.Migracija / MigrationFor more details see in document: here Informacije iz / Information from: Ethnologica Dalmatica, Vol.15 No.1 Prosinac 2006.TRAGOM SEOBA JEDNOG RODA (Pokušaj definiranja seobenih putova i smjerova) Sažetak: Praćenjem podataka o k...
Military of Split, Croatia, Austria-Hungary soldiers (1886 -1922)This project is about the Austro-Hungary army and military persons from church records, children of soldiers who was born and baptized, about soldiers who has married in Split, Croatia, names of their wifes and parents, information about a person, soldier, member of military regiment and occupations. Also an information of soldier...
Popis Hrvata iz žepačkoga kraja poginulih i ranjenih u Prvome svjetskom ratuVerlustliste
This project is for those that have been awarded the NATO Medal for service in Yugoslavia. The actual service had to have occured between July 16, 1992 and December 2, 2004 in support of the NATO intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina .
The European Community Monitor Mission Medal is a medal which recognizes service with the European Community Monitor Mission in the former Yugoslavia which ran from 1991-2007. The mission came about as part of the Brijuni Agreement of 8 July 1991, which ended hostilities between Slovenia and Yugoslavia. This mission was to monitor the withdrawal of the Yugoslav People's Army from Slovenia. As t...