KATYN 1940 Massacre Please add profiles of people (Polish officers and others) who were murdered in Katyn area (including i.e. Charkow, Miednoje, Kalinin, Kijów, Ostashkiv) in the spring of 1940. The Katyn massacre, also known as the Katyn Forest massacre, was a mass execution of Polish nationals carried out by the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD), the Soviet secret police...
Московский Государственный Университет имени М. В. Ломоносова ( МГУ ) - это один из самых известных университетов России. Родительские проекты International Projects Index Russian History & Cultural Heritage - Umbrella Project Москва Education Portal
❢IMPORTANT❢==Do not start adding random people to this project. It helps nobody and will quickly turn it into some sort of flame-war regarding who belongs and who doesn't. Please read the goal of the project below. After you understand what the project is about and you want to add relevant people, please make sure that you inform Volodya Mozhenkov , so that profiles are not duplicated.==About==...
Russia (Russian Federation) Joining projects: in the project page, click " Actions " > " Join project ". GEDmatch Ancestry DNA Project: Russian Empire / Российская Империя New projects on GEDmatch Ancestor Projects | GEDmatch Ancestor Projects - video | Facebook Russia DNA Gedmatch Russia (Russian Federation) project is networking forum for families from Russian Federation, and from the ...
This project will include all manner of executions, although primarily they were executed by firing squad.==Parent projects==* Cause of death portal ** Unnatural death causes *** Homicide **** Capital punishment ==Child projects==* Sandarmokh ==См также==* Memorial: USSR political terror victims
The Order of the Patriotic War (Russian: Орден Отечественной войны, romanized: Orden Otechestvennoy voiny) is a Soviet military decoration that was awarded to all soldiers in the Soviet armed forces, security troops, and to partisans for heroic deeds during the German-Soviet War, known since the mid-1960s in the former Soviet Union as the Great Patriotic War.
Please add to this project profiles of people who were tortured and/or killed by Soviet Regime. It possible, please within profile description add brief biography, also please add information about the place, date (could be approximate) and what is known about given order to torture, execution, persecution of family members. New Martyrs under Communist rule should also be included to this proje...
The Hero of Socialist Labour (Russian: Герой Социалистического Труда, romanized: Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda) was an honorific title in the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact countries from 1938 to 1991. It represented the highest degree of distinction in the USSR and was awarded for exceptional achievements in Soviet industry and culture. It provided a similar status to the title of Hero o...
This is a project for Jewish families from the town of Radomyshl (Yiddish: ראַדאָמישל, Russian: Радомышль, Ukrainian: Радомишль) in what is now the Zhytomyr Oblast of Ukraine. Before the establishment of the modern state of Ukraine, the town was part of the Kiev Governate of the Russian Empire, and later the Zhytomyr Oblast of the Ukrainian SSR. Radomyshl is situated on the left bank of Teteriv...
Национальный исследовательский университет «МЭИ» (Московский энергетический институт) — это российский университет, один из крупнейших в мире в области энергетики, электротехники, радиотехники, электроники, информационных технологий и менеджмента. Основан в 1930 году. Сегодня у него есть несколько филлиалов в разных городах России.==Родительские проекты==* International Projects Index ** Russia...
This project is dedicated to commemorating the victims of the Leningrad blockade between September 8, 1941, and January 27, 1944. If in your family tree, you have persons who were living in Leningrad during the siege 1941-1944, and who died during that time, please add them to this project. Please add within a profile description some biography facts. Within opened profile page use the 'Ac...
Республика Карелия сегодня входит в состав Российской Федерации, как часть Северно-Западного федерального округа. Родительские проекты International Projects Index Russian History & Cultural Heritage - Umbrella Project Братские проекты Karjala (Западная Карелия) Karjalankannas (Карельский перешеек) Дочерние проекты Географические Село Вешкелица, Олонецкая Карелия, Р...
Сандармох (или Сандормох ) - это название данное участку леса в Медвежьегорском районе, Карельской Автономной Советской Социалистической Республики (КАССР) (сейчас Республика Карелия) на котором было расстреляно и захоронено около 9500 человек. Родительские проекты International Projects Index Russian History & Cultural Heritage - Umbrella Project Республика Карелия Cause ...
Pinpointing and showcasing some of the intriguing people, stories, facts, and controversies tied to Lenin's ancestry. And the quest to find new ones! — * Lenin on Geni: Владимир Ленин / Vladimir Lenin * Lenin on Wikipedia: ru en de es fr zh * Lenin Internet Archive
The Soviet Navy was the naval warfare uniform service branch of the Soviet Armed Forces . Often referred to as the Red Fleet , the Soviet Navy made up a large part of the Soviet Union's strategic planning in the event of a conflict with the opposing superpower, the United States, during the Cold War (1945–1991). The Soviet Navy played a large role during the Cold War, either confronting the Nor...
Москва - это столица Российской Федерации, бывшая столица СССР, РСФСР, Российской империи. Этот проект связывает другие проекты связанные с этим городом. Родительские проекты International Projects Index Russian History & Cultural Heritage - Umbrella Project Дочерние проекты Образование Московский Государственный Университет имени М. В. Ломоносова Московский Энергетически...
Hello and welcome! This is an umbrella project for topics related to Saint Petersburg, Russia's second largest city and the capital of the former Russian Empire. For more information about Saint Petersburg, see Wikipedia . The Russian language tab may be more up to date and have more details. It currently contains links to parent projects International Projects Index Russian History ...
Please add to this project profiles of people - influencers of Russian history and culture. Here is the list of profiles added so far: In addition to this project, please register also on the page Russian Federation History of Russia List of Russian Rulers (1168 - 1917) List of Heads of Government of Russia The House of Romanov Famous Russians Discovering Your ...
Деревня Матрёновка — это вымирающая (или вымершая?) деревня в Жуковском районе Брянской области. Другие написания названия деревни: Матреновка, Matryonovka, Matronovka, Matrenovka Местоположения Координаты: 53°43′59″N, 33°52′2″E (53.733159, 33.867241) Проехать можно через деревню Косилово. Подъезжать лучше со стороны Петуховки (с запада), так как с востока со стороны Бацкино дорога очень с...
В Почепе возле Октябрьской площади находится братская могила и мемориал. Местоположения Координаты: 52 deg 55' 40.31" N, 33 deg 27' 19.93" E Список Рядовые М.В. Беляев П.К. Глебов В.И. Грибков Г.И. Корнев Т.С. Зайкин И.П. Кулешов В.П. Лотышев Т.И. Див И.Л. Митрохин Е.Н. Макеев В.И. Радченко В.П. Морозов М.П. Онегов Г.А. Шомпин Младший сержант М.С. Дво...
Мемориал находится на выезде из деревни Касилово, Брянской области. 1943-04-18 расстрелены за связь с партизанами жители д. Касилово. Местонахождения Координаты: 53 deg 42' 54.94" N, 33 deg 52' 8.81" E Список М.И. Мишина (1912) В.М. Селецкая (1909) А.Д. Старосельская (1916) Т.И. Силаева (1922) В.П. Бобкова (1920) А.И. Силаева (~) Н.Ф. Дробышева (1893) Марина ~ (~) Ф.А. Ст...
The goal of this project is to collect in one place the profiles of residents from the villages of Kurgomen' (a conglomerate of villages) who participated in World War Two. This includes all conscripted and volunteer men, as well as women who worked in various professions at the front. If in your tree you have profiles of people from Kurgumen' who participated in WWII, please add them to this ...
Проект посвещённый генеалогии в Саратовской области Родительские проекты International Projects Index Russian History & Cultural Heritage Подпроекты Города Саратов Села Перевесинка Эстонские деревни в Новоузенском районе, Красный Кут: Lifljandka (Лифляндка) (1859), Baltika (Балтийка) (1877), Goretska (Горецкая) (1880),Estonia (Эстонка) (1885)
Генеалогия Брянской области. Родительские проекты International Projects Index Географические проекты Россия Russian History & Cultural Heritage - Umbrella Project Подпроекты Населённые пункты Брянск Матрёновка Почеп Касилово Березовка (Болдовка)
The purpose of this project is to gather information about citizens who participated in USSR repressive structures in Lithuania: NKVD, MGB and KGB. Source for the project is Project of the Genocide and Resistance Research Center of Lithuania (in Lithuanian) Please add only public profiles to the project.Sources for reading: the Genocide and Resistance Research Center of Lithuania NKVD - The Peo...