There are already 921 users and over 17,361 genealogy profiles with the Aguilar surname on Geni. Explore Aguilar genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Ace Vergel, was a Filipino actor known for playing "bad boy" leading men. He comes from the show business family -- his father Cesar Ramirez, his mother Alicia Vergel and his sister Beverly Vergel all ...
murió peleando contra los moros en 1501 , en Sierra BermejaFernández de Córdova y Olmos de AguileraEs habitualmente aceptado el concepto de que los primeros europeos pobladores y conquistadores de las ...
From To the End of the Earth: A History of the Crypto-Jews of New Mexico by Stanley M. Hordes (Columbia University Press, 2005, paperback edition, page 180):"[New Mexico] Governor Otermín was replaced ...
From the Hispanic Genealogical Research Center of New Mexico's Great New Mexico Pedigree Database: RAEL DE AGUILAR [276]*1697 - ____*BIRTH: 1697*EVENT: Criminal proceedings against Alonso for the stabb...
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