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Tanzer Genealogy and Tanzer Family History Information

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  • Bertha Tänzer (1876 - 1943)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:* Tänzer, Berta Bertha* geborene Strauß* geboren am 14. April 1876 in Merchingen / Adelsheim / Württemberg* wohnhaft in Göppingen, Heilbronn und Stuttgart* Dep...
  • Kurt Tanzer (1920 - 1960)
    Kurt Tanzer (1 November 1920 – 25 June 1960) was a World War II Luftwaffe military aviator. As a flying ace, he is credited with approximately 128–143 aerial victories. He was a recipient of the Knig...
  • Theresia Hannack (1848 - 1880)
    Birth record: ŠTĚNOVICE 2024 N 1839-1860 (i) (30/88)Death record: KRÁSNÝ DVŮR (o. o. Louny) 906 Z 1849-1895 (18/30) First wife of Filip Hanak
  • Tanzer (deceased)
  • (stillborn) Tanzer (1923 - 1923)
    Death Record

About the Tanzer surname

The origin and meaning of the Tanzer or Tenzer name are not clear.Those with German language skills say that it simply means "dancer", and that some ancestor in the 18th century was probably known for terpsichorean abilities and called "Chaim or Shmul the dancer" and when surnames were adopted his descendants took this this descriptor as their name.
But there are other theories.....