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Important Jewish Family Tree Charts & Sources

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  • Center For Jewish History:
    Golde Katz (b. - c.1585)
    According to the toladot.blogspot post, the information above concerning this person is incorrect. It is known that the Shach, Rabbi Shabtai COHEN/ASHKENAZI (supposedly the son of the person in this ...
  • Rebbetzin Malka Rywka Wartski/Mayrantz (1848 - 1916)
    She was married twice, Was widowed from her first husband at the age of 27 and at the age of 31 remarried : R' jakob majeranc(maeranc) was her first husband, haZadik haNistar Rebbe Benjamin Menachem (B...
  • The Rebbetzin Rebecca (Ryfka) Weingot (c.1832 - 1909)
    Daughter of admur rebee dovid morgenstern,the admor of kozk ztk"l And Rebbetzin Chaya Toibe (nee greenwald)zt"l,Wife of the great chassid & teacher rebbe shraga feivel wajzngot-teomim zt"lבתם של האדמו"...
  • Yenta Leah Katz (bef.1625 - 1705)
    Daughter of a prominent businessman, granddaughter of the great Maharshal, and great grand-daughter of the Rema. Yente (Leah) WOLF born before 1650 married R' Sabtai KOHEN (HaKohen) "SHaCH" aka Sh...
  • Maran Grand Rebbe Zvi Hersh Grunwald, of Opoczna,ztk"l (1768 - 1852)
    הצדיק הגאון הקדוש סבא קדישא מרן רבי צבי הירש גרינוואלד זצ"ל, מגדולי אדמור"י וצדיקי פולין{מגזע איש צבי} מאפאטשנא המפורסם בעולם החסידים בשם ר׳ הירשילי דישקיס. הרבני המופלג החסיד מו"ה צבי הירש (הוא הה"צ ...