ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן on Sunday, September 5, 2010
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Showing 8881-8910 of 8939 posts

Thanks Dan. Yes, that's what I tried to do but the Remove button remained greyed out. Thanks for taking care of it.

Dan Cornett
Dan, here is the profile For Capt. Nathaniel Niles: Capt. Nathaniel Niles

The info in her About area is correct with parents, siblings and children.
Thanks for your help.

Tabitha appears to be properly connected now; thanks for your diligence, Patricia.

before made final disconection i ask a few genishearcher to give a try

if not we are engaging disconection

disconec gervais from williams..???
thanks merci
gervais 9th gdad

Dan, thanks for fixing Tabatha's parents & family.

Now just need to get 3 dtrs (Lydia Ames; Sarah Ames; Deliverance Ames ) transferred from John Niles, of Braintree to 2nd wife, Hannah & her first husband (William Ames). I've sent a message to the managers so will wait to see if one of them will deal with it before putting the req. here.


Theunis Gysbertz Bogaert has three wives; Sara, Geertje and Catherine Joseph Bogaert.

Theo dies when Cath is just 9 years old so the possibility of him having 8 children with her is zero.

Unmerge requested, Alex.

How can I remove my name as "managed by" from a profile? This happens when I merge my tree with others, but it offends the closer relative who really manages the profile. In this case, the grand daughter's name should be the manager. I am just a very distant cousin, but my name appears as manager now.

Open the profile in question, click on the 'Action' button at top right, click on Manager will see your name in there, to remove yourself click on the 'X'

Joan Elizabeth Marshall

Further to above be sure that she is co-managing the profile then remove yourself, if it is just you add her as a manager.. you must be collaborators to do this

Some Curator please LOCK THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF the entire White of Somerset line from Robert? White of Somerset to Robert White of Somerset, especially:

Thomas White of Somerset
Agnes Richards White, of Somerset
Richard White of Somerset
Helen White
Robert White "the elder"
Alice White (Wright)

I am SICK AND TIRED of having to undo Bad Merges with White of Farnham/Hutton, White of Messing, and other UNRELATED White families, just because gullible newbies think Emma Siggins White had the straight scoop (she did NOT, she was crookeder than a pretzel and destructively merged every White family she heard of into one big mess).

Also, is there a way to detach incorrect sources from profiles, especially if you weren't the person who added them? The White of Somerset profiles need to be radically stripped of any references to the Visitations of Hampshire, Stirnet, One World Tree, and anything else that MISassociates them with that highborn White of Farnham/Hutton famiy.

Private User

Hi Ben M Angel has the majority of those profiles mastered and fields locked, were there some not done?

re: source removal: you have to do that from the Sources tab, click the "Add source" (which you are not really going to do), then select the source document you wish to remove from being cited.

That should show little 'x' by each fact citation. Click those 'x's to remove them. Once they are all removed, that source should no longer show up.

If they are MH Record- or Smart-Matches (which don't show as 'cited' links), you can only "unconfirm" (and then reject the match) if you are a co-manager of the profile. NOTE: that restriction applies to curators as well.

I added these sources to the Profiles not to confirm that they are correct, but so notations/comments could be added to state where they are not correct.

People are able to view this information from the actual sources which they are probably then adding the profiles. If you just remove the Documents from Geni then there is no way for them to see they are not correct.

Maven you have added comments on the source documents stating that they are not correct. It may help to actually state which profiles and the incorrect information is about. I doubt that the whole pedigree is incorrect?

Joan Elizabeth Marshall - if you are the Primary Manager then you can designate someone else to be the primary Manager -
click Actions, click Manager Options - choose Add Manager (choose this even if the person is already a manager) and enter the person's name - then choose it from the drop-down menu (must be in Max Extended Family, or someone you are following, or looked at recently or collaborating with - also will only pull first x with that name - so if problem, play with it -- possibly use trick of entering numbers from their Profile ID / URL) - once you have chosen someone, can also - if you are Primary - choose whether to make them Primary --

If you are a Manager, but not the Primary one - all above applies except the ability to make the person the Primary Manager.

For them to become Manager - They must then accept the invitation to be manager.

After that, go ahead and delete yourself as manager if you really want to.

Angus - they need to be locked as tightly as Royalty, so that nobody can merge onto them AT ALL without a Curator's assistance.

Carole - unfortunately people are *totally* misunderstanding the point of the "documentation" and thinking that it means it's OK to Bad-Merge because "the documentation says so".

IMHO documentation should NEVER be attached to the wrong profiles, precisely BECAUSE of the potential for confusion and Bad-Merges, and ESPECIALLY in the case of a family as terribly vulnerable and frequently abused as the Somerset Whites.


I am going to disagree with you slightly (meaning - this is how "I" find it easiest).

- I do not have the time or inclination to manage fully locked profiles.

- I find it easiest to merge to field locked profiles & then select the correct parent pair (tree view) and / or disconnect the incorrect parents (profile view) using the "remove" button

- it takes a great deal of time & effort to chase down the spurious origins. Rather than argue with someone's tree I can just give the link to the attached Geni document with the big comment: "this is bogus" than prove it once again

I don't of course expect my methods to be "necessary" - just what I am finding useful.

Normally I'd agree with you, Erica, but these particular profiles in the White of Somerset family have been brutalized so often, IN SPITE OF all preventive measures, that I'm afraid nothing less than a total lock will do.

(Geni is being weird tonight - it posted one of my replies twice.)

I blame merurcy in retro grade for all the geni issues as of late.. lol

Would someone please disconnect
Jan Janszen Berdan, Jr.
from the people listed as his parents? His father is a Jan Berdan but a Jan Berdan that was born almost a hundred years before the one listed as his father. I think this must have been part of a bad merge or something since those aren't his parents and he is older than them lol

Private User did you or some one delete your notes or somthing because i got a email saying you had commented on somthing and when i went back to view it it said page not found?

That may have been the duplicate message - I deleted it. :-)

Michael McCann (no longer "on hiatus"), did you already forget that it isn't necessary to tag other members in Discussions they are already participating in?

Thank you very much to whomever disconnected for me :)

Melissa Marie Hummell

Here is how the tree looks now..

I found a few Matches from My Heritage showing Jan Berdan b c1739 father was Reynier Berdan..let us leave him there for now

Aha! I see someone had Jan's grandson Jan as Jan's father Jan lol.. Everything looks good now. Thank you! :)

Timey-wimey loop? You have to watch out for those things! :-D

Please help, in this tree:
Donna Jean Boyle passed away, but I'm unable to mark her as passed away. Can someone please do this.

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