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Native Americans in the American Revolution

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  • Thomas Crow (1760 - 1827)
  • Charles Cornplanter O'Bail (aft.1778 - 1868)
    Seneca/Snipe Clan Fought in War of 1812 "Information on this page is from Index of Awards on Claims of the Soldiers of the War of 1812, compiled by the New York Adjutant General's Office. The ...
  • Chief Gana-a-gayat Young King (1760 - 1835)
    Seneca War Chief Cui-En-Cwah-Toh "Young King (1760–1835) or Koyengquahtah was a "Hoyaneh" or revered traditional chief of the Seneca nation. He was born in the village of Canandaigua, Seneca nation...
  • Sayenqueraghta "Old King" Smoke (aft.1699 - 1786)
    Seneca War Chief Gai Yen Gwa "Old Disappearing Smoke" Kaieñˀkwaahtoñ Great grandfather of Brig. General Ely Parker The Life of General Ely S. Parker Preface F.H "Late in the summer of 1779 s...
  • Captain Isaac Hill, also known as Anoghsookte (aft.1738 - 1808)
    concerns The following dates and places of birth have been reported. It is unclear which (if any) are correct. Further research is warranted: 1738 at Mohawk, Tryon County (now Herkimer County), Ne...

The Native Americans in the American Revolution project is a subproject of The Native Americans portal and the American Revolutionary War portal.


"That even was for us the greatest blow that could have been dealt us, unless it had been our total destruction." --Chiefs of the Iroquois, Shawnee, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw and Loup Nations to Francisco Cruzat, governor of Saint Louis, August 23, 1784. Quoted in The American Revolution in Indian Country.

Notable Soldiers

(Native American Leaders can be found in the Native American Notables project)