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Unity of Faith (Global Family)

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  • Robert Tyson (1926 - 2019)
    Robert D. “R.B.” Tyson was born September 5, 1926, in Steward County, Tennessee to L.M. Tyson and Flossie Outlaw.R.B. Tyson professed a belief in Christ at an early age and united with Spring Creek Bap...
  • John Edward Randolph (1937 - 2017)
  • Henry David Jones (1937 - 2018)
    Henry “Pap” David Jones, 80, of Indianapolis passed from this world to the next on Thursday, January 11, 2018. He was born to Henry Lee and Ada Lena (Monagon) Jones on October 24, 1937.Pap loved his fa...
  • John L Merriweather (1944 - 2011)
    Dr. John L. "Chappy" Merriweather, Sr. D.d 67, of Indianapolis, passed away Saturday, October 1, 2011. He was Chaplain for the Marion County Sheriff's Department for nearly three decades. He was former...
  • Andrew David Urshan (1884 - 1967)
    Reverend Andrew D. Urshan was born on May 17, 1884 in Persia, in a village called Adabjaloo. This village lay approximately four hundred miles northwest of Mt. Ararat, where Noah's ark rested. Andrew w...

This project is created to bring together, in nondenominational unity, individuals, who by joining project willingly affirm agreement with the following:

1. To celebrate the human family through recognition that God is Creator and Father.

2. To celebrate the human family through recognition that everyone regardless of race; creed; ethnicity; gender; socio-economic status; and pedigree, are brothers and sisters.

3. To celebrate the human family through promotion of positive strong relationships.

4. To celebrate the human family through promotion of strong relationship foundation.

5. To celebrate the human family through promotion of the three (3) interdependent levels that makes strong relationship foundation.

  • ****************************************************************************** Serving Family through Genealogy

Matthew 23:11 --- "But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant."

Serving Family through Genealogy is not always pleasant or easy. Sometimes there may be not-so-positive or unexpected results. Yet, the service done with all humility, ultimately affirms "all things work together for the good".

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Proverbs 24:3 --- “Through wisdom is a house buil[t]; and by understanding it is established.”

Here are some discussions which may be of interest

Level One: Understanding Self []

Level Two: Understanding God []

Level Three: Understanding Man []

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The foundation of relationships is understanding. An example that illustrates the idea of understanding being the foundation of relationships is genealogy. Genealogy is more than a discovery and collection of names, dates, stories, and pictures. Genealogy involves understanding the dynamics, attitudes, and mindsets that may be transmitted from generation to generation. Genealogy involves learning about and accepting one's identity. It's a glimpse of the family soul. The insight gained allows members to grow beyond fear, denial, doubt, and excuses; while moving towards courage, acceptance, blessings, and hope.

Genealogy involves learning about and accepting one’s identity. It’s a glimpse of the family soul. The insight gained allows members to grow beyond fear, denial, doubt, and excused; while moving towards courage, acceptance, blessings, and hope. Through genealogy, a person may realize their identity is more than their pedigree, lineage, and material prosperity. Identity is more than the positive and not-so-positive aspects of life. identity is more than public perception. A person realizes there's no more 'hiding' behind mundane characteristics and labels. Knowing one's identity involves healthy holistic understanding and acceptance of individual self. Then a person may truly live up to the greatest commandment, "Love thy neighbor, as thyself" and fulfill the objective of the 'ministry of reconciliation'


“Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me; I once was lost, but now I’m found; was blind but now I see.” These lyrics to the well-known hymn, ‘Amazing Grace’ underscore the spiritual benefits to understanding genealogy. Though man was created in the image of God, he was born in the image of Adam, as a result of the Transgression in the Garden of Eden. Genealogy is a tool to reclaim that which was lost i.e. identity. Individuals who engage in genealogy show forth their spiritual development i.e. the maturity thereof. Genealogy may be viewed as example of the quest towards becoming the 'perfect (mature) man'.


Man should realize that their identity is more than their pedigree, lineage, and material prosperity. Identity is more than the positive and not-so-positive aspects of life. Identity is more than public perception or public image. When man knows his identity there’s a realization there’s no more ‘hiding’ behind mundane characteristics and labels. Knowing one’s identity involves healthy holistic understanding and acceptance of individual self. Then a person may truly live up to the greatest commandment, “Love thy neighbor as thyself” and fulfill the ‘ministry of reconciliation’.

There are levels of understanding that forms the foundation for relationships. The levels are not mutually exclusive but inter-dependent. The development is a continual process and provides strength of character inevitably allowing for added strength to the foundation. The common denominator involved in the development of all the levels is respect. The idea of development recognizes there is a maturation process.

In pursuing Genealogy there's opportunity for growth.

Let's Build Understanding. Let's Build Relationships.