Genealogy Projects tagged with Saints on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Lithuanian Saints and Blessed

    Project Lithuanian Saints and Blessed is created to honor notable Lithuanian persons or persons who lived in Lithuania and have proven their unconditional faith and devotion to Christianity, showing extraordinary examples of self-sacrifice. Only public profiles or MPs may be part of this project.Please add biography or link to biography, links to work of an artist to the profile.Read more from ...

  • Saints

    Scope of Project ===This project identifies Saints from all religions who have ancestry here on Geni.=== Overview ===Saints are individuals of exceptional holiness who are important in many religions, particularly Christianity. Though the term is mostly used for Christians considered exceptionally virtuous, many religions use similar concepts to venerate individuals worthy of honor in some way,...

  • Русские православные святые - Russian Orthodox Saints

    List of Russian Saints * Russian Orthodox Saints by Calendar Date * Complete List of Saints This list of Russian saints includes the saints canonized by the Russian Orthodox Saints are sorted by their first names. =A* Abraham and Coprius of Gryazovets, founders of the monastery in Gryazovets* Abraham and Onesimus of Kiev, monks from the Kiev Pechersk Lavra* Abraham of Bulgaria, Muslim-born conv...

  • New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church

    This project aims to identify New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Orthodox Church. If in your family tree you have individuals that are among New Martyrs of the Russian Church, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description there would be brief biography. Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "Add to project". Select this project...

  • Poznańska Piątka

    Poznańska (Błogosławiona) Piątka (błogosławieni oratorianie) ==Pięciu młodych wychowanków Salezjańskiego Oratorium świętego Jana Bosko w Poznaniu. Podejrzewani przez gestapo o przynależność do tajnej organizacji politycznej zostali aresztowani w dniach 21 i 23 września 1940 roku, a potem więzieni w Poznaniu, Wronkach, Berlinie, Zwickau i zamordowani w Dreźnie. W skład Poznańskiej Piątki wchodzą...

  • Catholic Clergy of Québec

    Introduction===Préambule ~ Introduction ==Le projet « Clergé Catholique du Québec » réassemble les membres du clergé catholique de la province de Québec, depuis la découverte du Canada par Jacques Cartier jusqu'à nos jours.==Méthode ~ Methodology ==La méthode est très simple : Dans ce répertoire, les profiles des membres sont groupés selon les catégories suivantes:* Saints et Martyrs* Bienheure...

  • Norske Helgener - Saints of Norway

    Målet er å lage en oversikt over Geni profiler av norske helgener , eller andre som er kjent for sin tilknytning til Norge. The goal is to collect and maintain Geni profiles of the Norwegain saints or saints with a connection to Norway =Norske Helgener - Saints of Norway=Den katolske tradisjon har tusenvis av helgener, og det finnes 7 "Norske": The official list contains only 7 names. *Den hell...

  • Anorexia mirabilis

    If the person died of Starvation, please add the profile to that project also.===* See: Starvation Anorexia mirabilis literally means "miraculous lack of appetite". It refers almost exclusively to women and girls of the Middle Ages who would starve themselves, sometimes to the point of death, in the name of God. The phenomenon is also known by the name inedia prodigiosa ("prodigious fasting") A...

  • Azorean Ancestry (DNA search)

    My Notable Ancestors=My ancestors immigrated to the Azores around mid to late 1400's, they came from Flanders and Portugal and I've been able to trace some of their roots deep into Central Europe royalty. This project is merely a fun spot for me to gather information from my family tree and organize it according to my genetic breakdown. If you are a 'cousin' and have had your DNA done, it would...

  • Founders of Religions

    Cometan, founder of Astronism Zoroaster, prophet Gautama Buddha, sage