Genealogy Projects tagged with portal on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) Portal Index of Projects

    Anglo Boere Oorlog (1899-1902) The object of this project is to coordinate the various Boer War projects on GENi, & outline the events of the Anglo-Boer War. Geni profiles can be linked to this project but more accurately to the various projects for particular categories below INTRODUCTION: The Second Boer War was fought from 11 October 1899 until 31 May 1902 between the British Empire...

  • Canadian Portal

    The Canadian Portal ~ Portail du Canada =The Canadian portal is a place to meet other researchers, share information and take part in discussions and find everything available on Geni related to Canada.In addition to the above this portal will also function as a research tool with the links and sources provided on this portal page.This project should not have profiles added to it. All profiles ...

  • Introduksjon til Geni - norsk

    Norway=Dette prosjektet har viktig informasjon for alle norske medlemmer av Geni! Prosjektet tar sikte på å forklare hvordan Geni fungerer, og være en veiledning til hvor man kan få hjelp. Om du nettopp er invitert til i prosjektet av en Kurator, er dette for å gjøre deg oppmerksom på denne informasjonen. Legg gjerne til andre brukere slik at informasjonen her når ut til flest mulig brukere som...

  • Pioneers of Texas

    Pioneers of Texas= >Welcome to the Pioneer of Texas Project. Please add profiles that were born or migrated to Texas between the years of 1599 and 1899. The importance of this project is to trace the early settlers of Texas and to be sure everyone is recognized and highlighted by a side project. A few early pioneers are highlighted, but they need assistance adding more profiles of our ancestors...

  • South Africans' Geni Landing Site. WELCOME CuZZins!

    CuZZin Hello!! Welcome to our Community The CuZZin Community is a South African GENi user driven initiative to encourage productive collaboration with the aim of working for the "good of all" and providing links to our most important South African based projects . Please join us, read our letter introducing you to Geni and Introduce yourself here . Tip Click on the 'Follow' button in the to...

  • State of New Hampshire

    This subportal is part of the USA Portal . The state of New Hampshire is in the New England region of the northeastern United States. It is bordered by Massachusetts to the south, Vermont to the west, Maine and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and the Canadian province of Quebec to the north. New Hampshire is the 5th smallest by land area and the 9th least populous of the 50 United Stat...

  • Cornish People

    Cornish people or Cornish (Cornish: Kernowyon) are an ethnic group associated with Cornwall, in the south west of Great Britain, administered as part of England, and a recognised national minority in the United Kingdom. The Cornish thus represent a distinct ethnic group within the UK, which can trace its roots to the ancient Britons who inhabited southern and central Great Britain before the Ro...

  • Australian Portal

    Welcome to the Australian Portal on Geni This Australian Portal has been created to: Link together existing Australian projects Encourage new Australian projects to be created Encourage collaboration between Australian-based Geni users, and Geni users worldwide who have Australian interests and connections Promote and facilitate Australian genealogical research Promote Australia, i...

  • Croatia Portal

    Welcome to the Croatia Portal Croatia Portal has been created to: Link all existing Croatian projects Encourage new Croatian projects to be created Encourage collaboration between Geni users who have Croatian interests and connections Promote and facilitate Croatian genealogical research Promote Croatia, its people, culture and tradition to the wider Geni community What can you ...

  • Thailand portal

    Thailand, officially the Kingdom of Thailand, formerly known as Siam, is a country at the center of the Indochinese peninsula in Mainland Southeast Asia. It is bordered to the north by Myanmar and Laos, to the east by Laos and Cambodia, to the south by the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia, and to the west by the Andaman Sea and the southern extremity of Myanmar. Its maritime boundaries include Vie...

  • DNA Portal

    Please create, link and index DNA projects on Geni to this one. Geni DNA Projects (alphabetically) 23andme, FTDNA and Gedmatch Autosomal DNA Knowledge share DNA Geni Index DNA Primer DNA Testing: Choosing a test Historical ancestors proven with atDNA Jewish DNA Project at Family Tree DNA Limits of DNA Testing for Family History

  • USA Portal

    Welcome to the USA Portal! The USA Portal is here to facilitate those researching ancestors or relatives in the United States, or elsewhere in the world but with American roots. We encourage everyone with links in the United States to communicate and explore a common ancestry. In this portal you will find sources and discussions that will help you with your research. In case you have a partic...

  • French Portal / Portail français

    Bienvenue sur le portail français de Geni !====== For an introduction in English, please go to the International French Portal =====.==Objectif==L’objectif du portail se résume en quatre points…* Faciliter la coopération entre francophones dans la recherche généalogique* L’amorce de nouveaux projets communs qui concernent la communauté francophone* L’ identification de sources permettant aux no...

  • Cuban Portal

    This is the portal or master project for anything Cuban-related. For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal ==Geni Cuban sub-projects==#  
Afrocuban Women Filmmakers#  
Banana Wars#  
Caribbean Migration (To and From U.S.) Prior to 1900#  
Chinese in the Caribbean#  
Colonial Americas Portal#  
Conquistadores españoles#  
Cuban and Other Hispanic, ...

  • Portal Brasil

    Tradução: Este é um projeto de portal do país, que se destina a ser um recurso para usuários de um determinado país. Ele pode conter conselhos sobre a melhor forma de usar o Geni em seu país, como convenções de nomenclatura de perfis, instruções de tradução, onde encontrar recursos de genealogia e muito mais. Você pode participar do projeto para contribuir ou segui-lo se desejar receber apenas ...

  • New Mexico Counties, Cities, and Towns

    This project is part of the State of New Mexico Portal. ==About the Project=Please use this project to add, research, document, and discuss your ancestors from New Mexico. You can add profiles for:* People born in New Mexico* People who lived in New Mexico* People who died in New MexicoWhen you find helpful resources for research, please share them here so that others can benefit.If you have pr...

  • State of California

    This subportal is part of the USA Portal . == CALIFORNIA = "The Golden State" California is a state located on the West Coast of the United States. It is by far the most populous U.S. state, and the third most extensive (after Alaska and Texas). It is home to the nation's second- and sixth-largest census statistical areas (Los Angeles Metropolitan Area and San Francisco Bay Area), and eight of ...

  • Srpski portal / Geni Serbia

    Генеалогија или родословље== Генеалогија (српски: родословље ), од грчких речи γενεα (генеа - генерација, потомство) и λογος (логос - реч, говор) је наука o историји породица и утврђивању њиховог порекла. Генеалози користе усмено предање, историјска документа, генетичке анализе и друге методе да дођу до информација о породицама и докажу сродство њихових чланова. Резултати се обично приказују пу...

  • African-, Afro-Americans throughout the Americas / Black History - Master Project

    Return to USA Black Heritage Portal Return to USA Portal African, African-American and Caribbean thinkers have played a major role in defining the critical issues of our time, just as the cultures of Africans and their descendants have transformed the cultures of the Americas and the world. Source "The past is what makes the present coherent," said Afro-American writer James Baldwin, an...

  • Bahamian Portal

    Welcome to the Bahamian Portal on Geni!==This is a project to focus on developing the profiles of the people of the Bahamas and members of the greater Bahamian diaspora on Geni. Special emphasis is made on using Bahamian sources, especially government records and credible Bahamian histories. Since modern Bahamians find their roots in many other ethnicities --Yoruba/West African, Mandinka, Bantu...

  • Colombia Portal

    Bienvenido al Portal de Colombia para colaborar con geni en relación a este portal primeramente le recomendamos la creación de una cuenta y el desarrollo de su propio árbol genealógico. También puede colaborar con nosotros en este hermoso proyecto que lograra digitalizar toda la vida y la historia de Colombia cómo unificar toda la información diseminada en Geni con relación a este país.. Pers...

  • Occupations Portal

    Portal to Geni Projects dedicated to "occupations." No profiles please - Add profiles to the projects listed below instead Please consider creating occupation sub-portal projects to group together allied occupations. A Abracadabra.... (magicians and illusionists) Abstractors Accountants and Bookkeepers Administrative Assistant - see Secretaries Agricultural Labourers Air Traffi...

  • Adoption Portal

    Welcome to Geni's Adoption Portal! This is the starting place for Geni users interested in exploring adoption within their branches and within the broader World Family Tree. If you are researching your own adoption, the adoption of an ancestor, or where an adoptee in your family may be today, please feel free to use the Discussion area here to collaborate with others. Projects Adoptees Fo...

  • Portal Latinoamérica

    Bienvenidos al portal Latinoamérica de Geni para hablantes de español.= Apoyo de la comunidad === Discusiones ==== Curadors ==Hay varios curadores de Geni que se especializan en la genealogía latinoaméricana y están más que dispuestos a ayudar a responder a cualquier pregunta que pueda tener.* Carla Assenheimer - Brasil y descendientes de europeos en Brasil* Pablo Benítez Barreto - Uruguay* Phi...

  • Western Australia Portal

    Welcome to the Western Australia Portal on Geni=This is a sub-project of the Australian Portal This Western Australia Portal has been created to: * Link together existing Western Australian * Encourage new Western Australian projects to be created * Encourage collaboration between Western Australian-based Geni users, and Geni users worldwide who have Western Australian interests and connections...

1-25 of 79 projects