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  • Achinoam Nini, Noa
    Achinoam Nini (Hebrew: אחינועם ניני; Aẖinóʻam Nini; born June 23, 1969; known outside of Israel as Noa), is an Israeli singer. She is accompanied by guitarist Gil Dor and often plays the conga drum as ...
  • Aharon Barak, Chief Justice of Israel Supreme Court
    Barak (Hebrew: אהרן ברק‎, born 16 September 1936) is a Professor of Law at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya and a lecturer in law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Yale Law School, Geo...
  • Lt. General (ret., IDF) Ehud Barak, 10th Prime Minister of Israel
    Ehud Barak (Hebrew: אֵהוּד בָּרָק‎ (help·info), born Ehud Brog; 12 February 1942) is an Israeli general and politician who served as the tenth prime minister from 1999 to 2001. He was leader of the Lab...
  • Kera (deceased)

About the Barak surname

Barak surname in hebrew: The name Barak tanslated to 'Lightning' in hebrew. It is listed among the most common surnames in Israel (the only hebrew speaking country in the world). Many israely families choose this surname after migrating to Isreal as a replcment for a non-hebrew surname. Following is a list of surnames that might have been the original surnames of persons now called Barak:

  • Brekovitz
  • Brug
  • BARK or BARG (our original name was BARG, later pronounced as BARK, and from it became BARAK. one explanation to the original BARG is that it is a short form, or initials for Ben Rabbi Gershom, the son of Rabbi Gershom, referring to the 11th century "Ragmah", Rabenu Gershom Meor Hagolah, originally from France, and head of the Ashkenazi Diaspora)