Some Meister families may trace their origins back to Sateré-Mawe tribe in Amazonia, in the Holy Land ,of Tupi language .
As such they may basically be descended from one of the sons of Aba-Nawa-Ma-Wan-Na , called Manu in India ,the genric ancestor of all Tu-Phoinikin peoples. Aba-Nawa was the name of the bird Phoinix in Aigypt .
One of his sons was Amapa-Wamma ,who might have settled in Amapá ,another Ara'a-She , who might have borrowed his name to Ceará state in Brasil . A third one An-Ayek-He-He ,ancestor of Avanyeke ,who are also known as Guaraní ,and yet another Bel-Lar-Ga ,who might have fathered Bellari ,that is Dravida tribes ,and some ones in Europe called Belga including Druids of that tribe .
Mawe-Sateré live relatively not far from Parintintin ,who might have been the inhabitants of Payititi , which name for the place seems to be a corruption of the tribe's name .
Maister surname in this casae may be formed from Mawe-i-Sater(é) .
See Schillinger,Ceylon,Baumer,Glauber,Vadnai,Mendelkorn,Varga,Chandra,Ceará,Hájek,Nogay,Mund, Benin,Pasternak,Csaba,Csobánka,Dortmund,Juif,Tartar,Mandelkorn and more !
Balázs Déri