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Van Zandt Genealogy and Van Zandt Family History Information

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  • Adam Wenselsz van Zandt (1628 - 1658)
    Dutch Bible belonging to Johannes Van Zandt, who md Margaret Vanderpool, and taken to Iowa by Wm Van Zandt, son of Wynant, and burned in a house fire. From this Bible is rec that Johannes' father was A...
  • Adrienne Barbeau
    From Wikipedia :=Adrienne Jo Barbeau (born June 11, 1945) is an American actress and the author of three books. Barbeau came to prominence in the 1970s as Broadway's original Rizzo in the musical Greas...
  • Ann Polhemus (b. - 1842)
  • Catharine van Zandt (c.1654 - bef.1697)
    Immigrant from Ship Passenger lists to NA 1657-1664*1658 Jun; Adam van Santen; wife and two children [Brownfish]===Marriage 1 from NA DRC marriages 1639-1801*1673 25 Nov; Adries Roelofszen, jm van Malm...
  • Charles C. Van Zandt, Governor (1830 - 1894)
    Collins Van Zandt (August 10, 1830 – June 4, 1894) was the 34th Governor of Rhode Island.Early lifeHe was born in Newport, Rhode Island. He graduated from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, then...

About the Van Zandt surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Van Zandt surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Van Zandt surname.

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