Genealogy Projects tagged with Help on the Geni Family Tree

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  • CuZZin - Curator Forum

    About the CuZZin Curator Communicate Portal This portal was created in order to facilitate communication between those requiring help adding their profiles to the South African branch of the "World FamilyTree" ('WFT') according to South Africa - Profile Conventions and your CuZZin Curators who have an interest in the SA branch but work for the good of the whole 'WFT'. Please encourage everyone...

  • South Africans' Geni Landing Site. WELCOME CuZZins!

    CuZZin Hello!! Welcome to our Community The CuZZin Community is a South African GENi user driven initiative to encourage productive collaboration with the aim of working for the "good of all" and providing links to our most important South African based projects . Please join us, read our letter introducing you to Geni and Introduce yourself here . Tip Click on the 'Follow' button in the to...

  • Geni Start Here Basics

    Geni Start Here Basics Basic help for new users, and those who lose their way. Including best practice standards and links to Geni help, conveniently listed. Add images to the "about box", format the page with simple code, resource links and more... Habits are hard to break and hopefully this area will be able to assist in creating, or correcting the best practices to use Geni. We are all co...

  • Geni Curators

    See also Curator list About Curators The goal of Geni has always been to create a shared World Family Tree - the definitive family tree for the entire world, that respects the privacy of living people while allowing millions of users to collaborate on their shared ancestry by constantly expanding and improving the tree. In this effort, Geni management appoints Curators to help maintain and i...

  • CuZZin - South African Profile Naming Conventions

    Conventions for Profile Management on the South African branch of the "World Family Tree" (WFT) The Naming Conventions outlined in this project conform to: GENi Naming Conventions The intention is to minimise data conflicts and optimise consistency in the GENi matching /merging technology & ensure that we do not find ourselves with names in the wrong fields when the GENi software engine...

  • Geni Help Portal

    Geni Help Portal This umbrella project shows a list of available help projects , discussions and topics currently available on GENI. As this is an international portal all is written in English except the country specific help projects they are in their own language to make them more recognizable to the different language speakers. 'Please feel free to add projects, topics and discussions . ...

  • CuZZin - FAQs / HELP

    Frequently Asked Questions/ HELP So you've started your GENi tree & now you have some questions. What is so special about GENi? Geni is different because we work together to build one tree, the 'World Family Tree' (WFT). We do this by collaborating with each other and merging our identical profiles to ensure our tree is the biggest, most accurate family tree in the world today (See the liv...

  • Geni's Project Plaza

    Welcome to Geni's Project Plaza=pick your table and read through this special menu full of Project ingredients from all over the Big Geni World TreeBon Appetit! = Geni project guidelines This project sets out advice on how to create an effective project, including information on layout, style, and how to make a project clear, precise and relevant to the reader.project manager: Victar

  • Random Acts of GENI Kindness - South Africa

    Random Acts of Kindness - South Africa This project is an experimental exercise inspired by the Random Act of Kindness which was widely publicised by Danny Wallace's book Join Me in 2002. A random act of kindness is a selfless act performed by a person or people wishing to either assist or cheer up an individual person or people. Random Acts of Kindness - South Africa is similar to Genero...

  • CuZZin - Brickwall Club

    The South Africa Brickwall ClubHitting a Brickwall searching for family who were born or died in South Africa? Many hands make light work and 2 know more then one.Basic genealogy 101 teaches us that most Brickwalls are due to human error - enumerator mis-spellings, and then there are those records that just seem non-existent.If you would like some help looking for South African ancestors just s...

  • User Tutorial - Basic Techniques 1. Viewing Preferences

    Viewing Preferences and Options ... explained. This symbol in the Merge tutorial projects links to this project.

  • User Tutorial - Basic Techniques 2. Actions

    Actions Profile and Tree View ... explained. This symbol in the Merge tutorial projects links to this project. In other instances this draws attention to a basic tip which is useful in other Geni activities.

  • User Tutorial - Tree Conflicts

    Guidelines... ... for Resolving Tree Conflicts after merging profiles The purpose of this project is to explain how to safely and correctly resolve tree conflicts which may have arisen as a result of merging profiles on Geni. This is a tutorial project and so please do not link profiles to it. Translations are welcome. If you have any specific questions, comments or suggestions about ...

  • Channel Islands cleanup and help

    Please park profiles that need to be checked in the Channel Islands.Also profiles that need to be updated and entered to projects.Please use the discussion tab should you have problems in this area or message collaborators.Request a profile to be checked and made Master Profile.

  • User Tutorial - Merge Guide

    Merge Guide Step by Step guidelines for merging duplicate profiles The purpose of this project is to help users become better mergers by explaining how to safely and correctly merge duplicate profiles on Geni. With a greater awareness of Tree and Data Conflicts we can improve the quality of the tree. == See also How do I merge duplicate profiles? on Geni help.

  • User Tutorial - Matches

    Matches A guide to working with profile matches on Geni The best approach is Search, Match, Link before building duplicate trees... ... not build, duplicate, merge, resulting in ...Tree conflicts and Data conflicts Because this is a tutorial project please do not link profiles to it. Translations are welcome.